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Why Did it Happen?

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    © 09 Colin Melbourne

    Why do Christians die of cancer?

    Q: My Mom was a wonderful Christian lady who served the Lord through a Gospel singing ministry. When she found out she had lung cancer, she wasn’t worried because she believed that she would be healed. Everyone in our family believed it, but she passed away. So, what happened?

    A: Sincerest condolences; the death of a loved one is an awful experience to endure, and can sometimes challenge our faith. But take heart, the LORD is with you, and if you look to Him, He will strengthen your faith so that you can grow through the trial.

    In time you will understand completely what happened, meanwhile be assured that neither the LORD, nor His Word, have failed you.

    Many Christians are slow to embrace their perfect redemption, especially if they sit in fellowships that do not preach or practice the healing part of the Gospel.

    When leaders fail to teach, and exercise, believer’s authority over our defeated enemy, it is easy to see why their flocks are ravaged.

    Faith is of the heart, not just the lips, and Bible faith always has corresponding actions. (Ro. Ch.10, Jas. Ch.2)

    Understand that it is possible to nullify the word of God by actions which contradict what people say they believe. (Mtt. 15:3-9)

    You write, she believed that she would be healed.

    The Bible states that we have been healed. 1 Pe. 2:24 KJV;

    Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

    “Will be”, or “would be” are statements of hope for the future, Bible faith is for here and now. They are poles apart.

    Hope is good and godly, but it is not faith. (Ro. 5:4, 1 Co. 13:7, Ro. 8:24-25,).

    Faith is very different from hope. (See Heb. 11:1 KJV and learn what real faith is.)

    Hebrews 11:6 reminds us;

    And without faith it is impossible to please God.

    Many professing Christians walk in hope, and deceive themselves by calling it faith.

    Then there’s the subtle temptation to walk in mental assent.

    I thank God for the way He taught me the huge difference between faith and mental assent.
    Image of TL. Osborn book on overcoming personal tragedy
    Why: Tragedy, Trauma, Triumph: Your family will be helped enormously by T.L. Osborn’s wonderful book on this subject.

    Comprehend the huge difference between faith and hope, so that you can claim your redemption from all of Satan’s works, and live in God’s blessings.

    Satan encourages you to doubt The word of God.

    God trusts you will believe His Word.

    Who will you please?

    Image of book by E.W.Kenyon on faith
    One Works: The Other Doesn’t

    © 09 Colin Melbourne

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