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Instant and Gradual Miracles

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    © 15 Colin Melbourne

    Read Part 1 Why Am I Not Healed?

    I don’t feel any better yet

    Q: How long do I have to wait for God to heal me?

    A: As long as it takes for you to believe in the LORD Jesus Christ, and accept what the Bible says He has done for you, confess it, and put your faith into action.

    There is only one way to come to God, and that is through the LORD Jesus Christ, so get saved the Bible way.

    Understand that salvation includes total healing for spirit, soul, and body, and they are received through faith in Christ by the grace of God.

    No brownie points required.

    Isn’t that good news?

    Prove your Faith is Real

    Once you have prayed to receive Him as your Lord and been born again, act on what the Holy Bible says, and put your faith into action: Walk with Him, and turn away from all sin.

    Because the word declares that you have been healed (1 Pe. 2:24) you stop acting sick or infirm, you will thank and praise Him for healing you before you see the healing, and you will do what you couldn’t do before: This is Bible faith.

    Then He makes it good. 1 Pe. 2:24 KJV;

    Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

    God’s word doesn’t say; going to be, might be, but … were healed. It broadly encompasses every aspect of healing; spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.

    Understand God’s Healing Covenant with all who accept Christ as LORD.

    Embrace it as Gospel fact, boldly declare that you have been healed and praise God for healing you spiritually and physically.

    It’s a Faith Walk: Not a Symptom, Feeling, or Sight walk

    Christians frequently beg and bawl for healing, then look at their symptoms to see if God has answered them, and conclude they are still sick.

    That’s not bible faith, it’s useless dead-faith, as James 2:14-26 KJV tells us plainly.

    Real living faith praises God for the answer when the prayer is made, and then the believer’s actions line up with what they believe.

    Faith is an action, not mere mental assent or talk.

    When we act on the word, fulfilling our faith: God completes His part.

    We observe this principle all through the Bible, particularly during Christ’s ministry.

    Bible Faith leaps into Action

    For example; Jesus told a blind man to go and wash his eyes in the Pool of Siloam. The man acted on the word of God, and went to wash the mud off. Notice; he was still blind after he heard, understood, and believed the word, not until he acted on the word did he receive his sight.

    The ten lepers were told to go and show themselves to the temple priests.

    When were they healed?

    When Christ spoke the word?

    No, not until they began to obey the word, so that their actions corresponded with their faith.

    Now check up; do all your actions correspond with what the Bible says about your condition?

    When you really believe God’s word in your heart your actions will line up with what you say, and God will make it good as you comply.

    Christ’s Gradual Healing Miracles

    Praise God, most miracles are instant, but sometimes they are not: The following revelation is to encourage your faith.

    Famously, the first miracle that Jesus performed in His Ministry was turning water into wine.

    The Bible says His second miracle was healing the nobleman’s dying son. Jn. 4:46-54 KJV. Verse 54;

    This is again the second miracle that Jesus did, when he was come out of Judaea into Galilee.

    God the Holy Spirit calls it a miracle doesn’t He?

    It wasn’t normal natural healing it was a miracle healing.

    By reading the whole passage, you discover that it was not an instant miracle, but a gradual healing miracle. Verse 52;

    Then inquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.

    The fever departed from the dying son because Jesus spoke the word, which the nobleman believed, and at that point the son began to amend.

    He started to get better, convalesce, recovering from his illness whilst the father travelled home believing the word Jesus had spoken.

    This miracle is a lesson to us today

    Here’s why Jesus wanted it this way, instead of an instant miracle healing. Verses 47-48;

    When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death.

    Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

    Christ’s heart groaned when he perceived the nobleman didn’t have faith in Him. The man was simply acting in desperation and hope.

    Are you hoping instead of believing?

    Hope is not Bible faith.

    Jesus knew the man would only really believe in Him when he saw his son healed, that’s precisely why He said;

    Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

    Therefore, instead of going with the man and healing the son by an instant miracle, He sent him home learning what faith is, verse 50;

    Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.

    It was more than a day’s journey back to his son, and all the way home the man believed the word of Jesus in his heart, Go thy way; thy son liveth.

    Do you think the Devil tried to make the father doubt: Of course he did. He comes to steal, kill and destroy faith in Christ. (Jn. 10:10)

    The nobleman chose to believe the word, and ignored doubts, fears, medics, and circumstances.

    His servants met him on the way and delivered a good report, as a result we read;

    So the father knew that it was at the same hour, in the which Jesus said unto him, Thy son liveth: and himself believed, and his whole house.

    He’d believed the word Christ spoke, but only now did he believe in Christ as LORD, as he ought to have done from the start.

    The sign was confirmed to him by the good report, and then he believed on Christ.

    The LORD Jesus Christ wants you to believe in Him, as God in the Flesh, before you see any signs and wonders.

    Signs and miracles always thrill us, but first believe in The One they point to.

    That’s the faith lesson we need to learn.

    Walk by faith in Christ, not by what you see, feel, think, or experience.

    Sense faith evaporates and disappoints: Bible faith believes steadfastly, because Christ, the Living Word of God, cannot fail His word.

    This is the most life-changing of all Kenyon’s wonderful books. Once you comprehend what Bible faith is, and what it isn’t, you will begin to pray effectively, and get Bible results: Two Kinds of Faith.

    © 15 Colin Melbourne

    Image of TL. Osborn boson Healing

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