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God’s Database

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    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    What is said in Secret

    Q: Who was there to record Jesus’ words, such as when He told Pontius Pilate that he had no power over Him. Who was there to record Jesus actually saying these private words to Pilate? And who was there to record all the other private things Jesus said to people, such as when He told Nicodemus in the middle of the night that he had to be born again to see the kingdom of God.

    This is really bothering me. Who was there to record all these private conversations of Jesus with other people. Mark

    A: Thank you for your thoughtful question Mark. I know how you feel when an unresolved detail nags and niggles. So here’s the answer.

    Nicodemus couldn’t comprehend Christ words because he was thinking in terms of the physical realm.

    You, like Nick, are forgetting the invisible, but very real, spiritual realm.

    We live and move and have our being in both realms. That’s what the Apostle Paul told those navel-gazing Greek philosophers on Mars Hill. See Acts 17:16-34 KJV, and note particularly verse 28.

    For in him we live, and move, and have our being…

    The answer to your question is simple, and transcendentally beautiful:

    God the Holy Spirit, God the Word, and God the Father

    Even if there were no bystanders with iPads to transcribe the conversations, the LORD Almighty had the whole thing logged in His Database.

    One of His fundamental characteristics is His omniscience. The Almighty knows everything, because He is also omnipresent. De. 4:39, Ps. 139:8, Pr. 15:3, Isa. 66:1, Jer. 23:24, Ac. 17:27. Nothing is hidden from Almighty God to whom we each must give account. Ro. 14:11-12, 2 Co. 5:10, Heb 4:13 KJV declares;

    Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto him with whom we have to do.

    Jesus said in Mtt. 10:26 KJV; There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be made known.

    The Holy Whistle-Blower

    That either thrills you, or terrifies you, according to whether you are saved or lost, and what you have been up to in secret.

    Judgment Day will be the ultimate Wikileaks, full disclosure on a cosmic scale, with eternal Judgment from the Perfect Judge.

    Also recall the Bible passages that tell us what angels are busy doing, for example the delightful Malachi 3:16 KJV;

    Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

    Our words, thoughts and deeds, have been, and are being, recorded all the time.

    Ah yes, now you see!

    Read how God taught a demure young English woman to chase demons out of the oppressed. “Chasing the Dragon” is Chinese junkie slang for smoking heroin or opium.

    Divine Inspiration and Revelation

    You understand how the Holy Bible Scriptures were made.

    The New Testament wasn’t written from human memory, nor penned by mere human thought and desire; it was inspired directly by God, birthed into the spirits, hearts, and minds, of Spirit-filled born-again believers. A divine process worked by Almighty God in men just like us.

    Isn’t that inspiring? The Infallible One, trusting very fallible ones, to relay, transmit, and proclaim His Perfect Word.

    Only God would dare attempt that, and pull it off! We’ve certainly made it difficult for Him, but nevertheless, He’s doing it all around the world as you read this. Praise Him you saints!

    The Best Bible Translation

    This year we celebrate the 400 year anniversary of the publication of the King James Authorised Version, English Holy Bible. It is the best English translation. I love it, and read it daily, but William Tyndale’s 1534 New Testament is wonderful too.

    But you know which translation of His word God says is the perfect version? Yes, The LORD Jesus Christ, God in the Flesh.

    His next favourite translation is you and me, making His Word flesh once again, as we walk in His Love and Spirit. 3 Jn. 4 KJV;

    I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

    A Final Warning…

    To any sinners here, everything you ever said, and thought, has been recorded by God, and will be brought against you at your Judgment. So guard your mouth, rein your tongue, and don’t forget all our words are being recorded. See Mtt. 12:36-37, Rev. 20:12. There’s only one way to wipe your record clean.

    I’m glad all my sins are washed away by the Blood of Christ, and are gone forever.

    Image of This Was Your Life tract
    This Was Your Life

    Are you ready to face God?

    © 11 Colin Melbourne
    Tract image © Chick Publs. Used by permission

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