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Biblical Use of Tongues

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    © 10 Colin Melbourne

    When to Use Tongues

    Q: Can I, as a lay member, speak in tongues while in church services, or should I remain silent in that area? Andrea

    A: First, understand the difference between speaking in tongues, and simply using personal tongues in prayer and worship. They are not the same, and are used for completely different purposes.

    Study the links in the Tongues FAQ and ask the LORD to show you.

    Secondly, should you use tongues in services?

    Of course, all the Spiritual Gifts are to be exercised according to the leading of the Holy Spirit, for the edification of His Body.

    There are distinctions, and qualifications according to which tongues are used, and all must be orderly.

    Tongues: All You Need to Know: The best of Kenneth Hagin’s teaching on tongues.

    Thirdly, your use of the term “lay member” is revealing.

    There’s no distinction; “clergy” and “laity” in Bible Christianity. It is a spurious religious division. So any supposedly “Christian group or denomination” using such terminology is not following the Bible or the LORD Jesus Christ, but their own rules.

    If your current “church” uses such unbiblical religious jargon, leave and find a Bible believing fellowship.

    The Lord appoints believers to the five-fold ministry.

    The Lord ordains them, not men!

    Therefore, some believers carry an extra anointing to be an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher, but every believer is called to be a minister of Christ.

    Each of us is Christ’s representative on Earth, with responsibility to do what He told us to.

    Isn’t that thrilling!

    The Bible teaches that each believer is a vital member of His Body, a child of God, a saint of God, a priest of God, and each believer is called to proclaim, preach, and minister the Gospel of Christ to every creature.

    Tongues without Interpretation

    Q: If one begins to speak in tongues in a church setting, and there’s no interpreter, is that person edifying him or herself?

    A: Verse 1 Co. 14:4 confirms that the one who speaks in a tongue is edified, but notice that the tongues message must be interpreted so that all may be edified. (1 Co. 14:27-28) The speaker should pray for the interpretation (1 Co. 14:13), but if no interpretation is given he should realise he missed the mark, and shut up. It’s important not to scold a young believer who’s learning how to use the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, so foster an atmosphere of loving correction.

    Note: Do not make the common mistake of confusing speaking a message from the Holy Spirit in tongues, with the use of personal tongues in praise and worship. The two uses of tongues are very different in scope and purpose.

    Study the links in the Tongues FAQ and ask the LORD to show you.

    Praying with your spirit and with your mind

    Q: When praying must I start in my understanding first, or can I just begin to pray in tongues? Diane

    A: Either way is fine, as the Lord leads you Diane. When you pray in tongues, your spirit prays, when you pray with your understanding, your mind prays. We are to pray with all kinds of prayers all the time. Thessalonians instructs us to pray continually. Eph. 6:18, 1 Th. 5:17.

    However, in the presence of unbelievers it may be wise to tone-down the tongues, since they don’t understand what is happening. They will think you weird.

    But let the Spirit of the Lord direct you, remembering He may want to use tongues as a sign to unbelievers. Acts 2, 1 Co. 14:22.

    Q: Can you pray using tongues at any time? I am concerned that some believe they can ‘speak’ at any moment with tongues; when driving a car, etc. The Holy Ghost must desire to speak for tongues to be real, right? Karen

    A: You can pray and worship in tongues any time, but use wisdom and do it quietly in the supermarket queue to avoid strange looks.

    Speaking in tongues, is very different though, that is under the unction of the Holy Ghost. See the links on the right, and the answers above, for more detail and references.

    © 10 Colin Melbourne

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