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Dake’s Bible

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    © 10 Colin Melbourne

    Q: Do you recommend the Dake Bible?

    A: Certainly not, Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible is packed with erroneous teaching in its notes and commentary.

    It teaches heresy by;

    • Denying the eternal Son-ship of Christ.
    • Denying that Jesus was the Christ before His water baptism.
    • Denying the deity of Christ.
    • Denying the Trinity.
    • Teaching tritheism, not monotheism.
    • Plus many more errors and heresies.

    The Christ of Dake’s Bible is far from the Lord Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible. It teaches a false Christ, and a false Gospel.

    Recall the words of the Lord warning us that there would be many false Christs in the last days. Mtt. Ch. 24, Mk. Ch. 13.

    It was written by a dodgy American preacher whilst he was in a US prison during the 1930s.

    Being an imprisoned preacher is no indictment.

    Chinese and Asian prisons today contain many persecuted Christians. This is becoming common around the world as the antiChrist spirit attempts to throttle the proclamation of the Gospel.

    Prisoners for God have been mightily used to glorify Christ down the centuries; we don’t forget the Holy Spirit used the Apostle Paul to write most of the New Covenant Scriptures whilst he was in jail.

    However, Paul was imprisoned for preaching Christ, and the true message of God.

    In stark contrast; the minister responsible for producing the Dake Bible, Finis Dake, was serving a jail sentence for immorality with a sixteen year-old child hitch-hiker he had picked up: He pleaded guilty.

    Dake’s imprisonment had nothing to do with ministry, he was quite rightly imprisoned for sexual immorality, which was at that time, a very serious crime under United States Law.

    Be assured the Lord has nothing to do with Dake’s corrupted “Bible”, and the wise consign it to a bonfire.

    Wake up Christian women, you and Jesus are enough: Sufficient to meet every human need: Inspiration for women: Read about this little woman becoming mighty in God’s Hand.

    © 10 Colin Melbourne

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