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Spirit Conscious

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    © 13 Colin Melbourne

    Conscious of the Inner Man

    Q: What does it mean to be spirit-conscious?

    A: Marvellous question! It’s a phrase of modern Christian jargon, not in the Bible, however it can be a useful term when understood properly.

    To be spirit-conscious, means to be conscious of your own spirit.

    Man is made in the image of God; we are tri-partite beings consisting of a spirit, a soul, and a body. Gen. 1:26-27, 1 Th. 5:23 KJV;

    And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

    And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    You are a spirit living in a body.

    Your spirit is the real you, the inner man (Eph. 3:16, 1 Pe. 3:4 calls it the hidden man of the heart), your soul comprises your mind, will, and emotions; and your body is the tabernacle (tent) you live in temporarily. 2 Pe. 1:13-14.

    Corrupted Image

    Man was originally created in God’s image, but that image was shattered when Adam and Eve chose to sin.

    Since we are each born sinners, separated from God, we have no relationship, or fellowship with Him, and we grow up soul-conscious, primarily aware of what we think, want, and feel.

    Recall when you were in your sins, it seemed like your mind (thoughts) was the centre of your being, didn’t it?

    Whereas in the beginning, God made us to be spirit-conscious like Adam and Eve before they fell into sin, and forfeited their spiritual relationship with God. (Gen. Ch. 3)

    God judged them in several ways, and one was preventing mankind from eating of the Tree of Life. (Gen. 3:22-24)

    Therefore, spiritual death came upon the first pair, and all their progeny, including you and me.

    We are born spiritually dead, without the eternal Life of God.

    The Void Inside

    That is why unsaved people crave God, they are hungry for truth, meaning, and purpose.

    Satan concocted religions, to snare the unwary, with counterfeits of the reality of knowing God.

    The Devil also traps those seeking “spiritual experiences” using occult phenomena and mysticism.

    Shamanism is the main snare he uses where I serve (in Asia), and I assure you demonic power is real, seductive, and very active today.

    Avoid fascination with the occult; the only safety is walking in close fellowship with The LORD Jesus Christ.

    God Provides Redemption

    Praise God for Jesus! He was cursed for us, and by faith in Him we have free access to Almighty God, and full redemption from all the consequences of Adam’s sin.

    When we receive Christ as Saviour, He seals us with the Holy Ghost in our spirits. That restores our relationship with God, as though it’d never been broken. (Eph. 1:13, 1 Co. 6:11, Rom. 5:8-10)

    Our spirits become alive to God, no longer dead in sin, but conscious of the Life of God in us, our hope of Glory. (Eph. 2:1, Col. 1:27, 1 Jn. 5:11-13)

    It is vital for new Christians to learn to listen to the Lord in their daily walk. He guides us by His Spirit in our spirits: How you can be led by the Spirit of God:

    Alive to God: In Christ

    So when Christians become spirit-conscious, they become aware of the leading of the Holy Ghost in their spirits.

    The experience of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost increases this spiritual perception. So be sure you receive the fullness of God’s Spirit that He offers you.

    How to Be Spirit Conscious

    The primary way God leads Christians is not by their minds and thoughts, but by the Holy Ghost leading them through their spirit. (Rom. 8:14)

    Learn to Listen to God’s Voice, and to Sense God’s leading in your heart, and how to be certain it is God.

    © 13 Colin Melbourne

    (C) CUP Used by permission

    The Inerrant Holy Bible: Get it, read it, do it! (C) CUP

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