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How To Follow Christ

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    © 12 Colin Melbourne

    Walk in the Light as He is In the Light

    Q: What does it mean to follow Jesus, after being born again? How does one follow Jesus completely? Sherry

    A: What a beautiful question; simple yet profound.

    The answer is to continually obey what the word and Spirit of God tell you to do. Jn. 10:27 KJV;

    My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

    We do as we are told because we love Him who first loved us.

    This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in the darkness, we lie, and do not the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanseth us from all sin.

    Holy Bible 1 Jn. 1:5-7 KJV

    The New Covenant of the Holy Bible teaches Christians to Walk With God by following the Inner Witness: God’s Seal of Salvation in believer’s hearts.

    Why God gave us His Word

    God has given us His Word.

    Born again believers have His word revealed by His Spirit, in their hearts, and they listen to Him.

    The Holy Ghost leads us by our spirit (not by our minds), and always agrees with the written word, the Holy Bible. (The KJV in English)

    To discover what we are to do each moment we listen to our hearts, and obey what the Holy Ghost leads us to do.

    That is following Christ.

    It is the direct leading of the Holy Ghost.

    The same Holy Ghost who led Christ on Earth.

    Pause to consider how exciting that is, and what limitless potential a real follower of Christ has.

    Why God gave us His Spirit

    It is paramount that young Christians learn to discern this leading in order to avoid becoming religious, or stagnant, like most denominations have become.

    It is a tragic fact that the Holy Ghost is a stranger to many believers.

    They are an embarrassment to Father. Rejecting the fullness of the Holy Ghost, they are devoid of power to demonstrate the proof of the resurrection of Christ: No miracles, no signs, and no wonders: Just powerless talk, and dead religious works.

    God is real, Christ is alive: The Holy Ghost yearns for us to follow Jesus and get on with the task He gave us.

    Will you?

    Stationary believers wither on the vine, they follow men and religion: Not Jesus.

    Disciples are believers who become like their Lord Jesus Christ by following Him: The True Vine.

    How To Follow Christ Completely

    Give Him full reign in your heart, obey every prompting of His Spirit, and you will grow in leaps and bounds.

    Tip: Now this will help many of you; He doesn’t expect you to do what you don’t know.

    We are only expected to do what He has revealed to us.

    Walking in the light is a wonderful life, a life full of wonder.

    And as you walk in the Light, He gives you more Light, enabling you to grow in; love, faith, experience, and wisdom.

    Start Now!

    1. Make sure you are born again, and not a nominal “Christian”.
    2. Obey Christ’s command to be baptised in water, by full immersion, as He was.
    3. Receive the power baptism in the Holy Ghost, with the Bible evidence of tongues.
    4. Pray in the Spirit (tongues), and learn to discern God’s gentle leading in your heart.
    5. Read and assimilate the New Testament word: Obey it.
    6. Instantly follow the leading of God’s Spirit, validating it with the written word, and you will quickly learn to distinguish flesh from Spirit.
    7. Keep on following Him, always contemplating and basking in His perfect Love for you. Then you will be able to reflect His Love to this doomed generation.

    How You Can Be Led By The Spirit of God Once you’ve received Christ as Lord, and been filled with His Spirit, you must learn to follow His tender leading.

    This wonderful book is packed with practical advice on how to walk in the Spirit of God.

    © 12 Colin Melbourne

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