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When was Christ Crucified?

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    © 13 Colin Melbourne

    Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday Crucifixion?

    Q: What is your opinion of the theory that Christ was crucified on a Wednesday (or Thursday), and not on a Friday.

    A: Man’s opinion is irrelevant, what counts is God’s witness.

    God’s Living Word, the written word, and God’s Spirit, each confirm the theory is a demonic false-teaching propagated by those who have listened to Satan instead of to Almighty God.

    Even sincere Christians have fallen into this error, because they have not paid attention to the Holy Ghost whilst studying the written word.

    Doctrines of the Devil

    The Devil introduces false-teachings, such as this, in order to cause; doubt, division, confusion, and hesitancy in believing God’s word.

    God has no use for the half-hearted and double-minded. (Jas. 1:5-8) But everyone whose heart is perfect towards Him, knows without question that His written word is Absolute Truth from Genesis to Revelation.

    Without error, or contradiction, when understood properly in the Holy Ghost.

    There are no scriptures supporting, let alone proving, a Wednesday crucifixion: None.

    In order to give credence to their hobby-horse theories, false-teachers must contort passages, ignore conflicting scriptures, reject the witness of the Holy Ghost, and invent peculiar interpretations of the word.

    You won’t do such things will you?

    God’s Infallible Witnesses

    Instead, true believers wisely consult the witness of the Holy Ghost in their heart, and God’s written word, the Holy Bible.

    Every foundation of doctrine must be established by God’s written word; the King James Version, for English readers.

    Relying on any modern English Bible version is building on sand.

    Here’s a selection of Anointed Christian films to use in your evangelism, Bible studies, and Sunday schools.

    There are numerous scriptures proving Christ was crucified on a Friday, and rose from the dead on a Sunday.

    One of the most unequivocal is found in Luke chapter 24.

    The risen Christ graciously joins two dense-and-disheartened believers, walking to Emmaus, and asks why they are so sad.

    They explained to Him about Jesus being betrayed and crucified in Jerusalem, and whined, Lk. 24:21 KJV;

    But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done.

    Isn’t it delightful, how Christ lovingly revealed who this puzzled pair were chatting with, whilst they sat down to supper after their journey?

    If you too are mixed up inside, and going the wrong way, remember Jesus has not changed (Heb. 13:8). Open your heart to Him now; He will come and replace the darkness in your eyes with His glory.

    Upon what day did this divine conversation occur?
    Luke 24:1 confirms that day was a Sunday (the first day of the week), because it begins by recounting how the women discovered Christ’s tomb was empty;

    Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.

    Luke continues by recounting how Mary, and the other women, hurried back to inform the disciples of their discovery.

    Peter and John then sped to check the tomb for themselves, and the Emmaus pair began their (7.5 mile) walk that same day, a Sunday. Lk. 24:13 KJV;

    And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.

    Later that day, the risen Christ, appeared to the distraught and confused group of disciples.

    He confirmed that He was physically risen from the dead, and unveiled scripture to them, Lk. 24:45-47 KJV;

    Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

    On a Sunday, God in the Flesh confirmed He’d risen the third day since He was crucified.

    Christ was Crucified on a Friday

    Count back: Sunday, Saturday, Friday.

    The LORD Jesus Christ personally confirmed He was crucified on a Friday.

    That is sufficient proof for any genuine Bible believer.

    There are many further scriptural proofs if you demand them, but if you humbly check the witness of the Holy Ghost in your heart right now, you will readily perceive this Gospel fact.

    Consider also; because Christ arose on a Sunday, if He had been crucified on a Wednesday, He’d have been dead in the tomb for four days and four nights. Which inevitably sends the false-teachers scurrying to erect elaborate and unfounded excuses.

    Please do not waste your time endlessly arguing doctrine with false-teachers, and confused believers. Instead let us be occupied with Christ’s command to get the plain old Gospel out to the billions of lost sheep perishing by the wayside.

    Will you go to the people who have never heard of Jesus Christ?

    Despite ubiquitous television, radio, and the internet, there are precious millions of them.

    Ask the Lord to lead you to hungry souls today.

    He will.

    Don’t feed them cock-eyed ideas, and corkscrewed doctrines like the cults do.

    Lovingly tell them that God loves them so much, the innocent Blood of His Only Begotten Son, was shed for the remission of their sins.

    That He longs to forgive them, heal their sicknesses, and give them His eternal Life.

    All He asks is that they come to the Living Christ, and believe in Him with all their heart.

    Let T.L. Osborn’s mentor, F.F. Bosworth, show you what Bible faith for healing really is: Christ the Healer

    Image of FF. Bosworth book Christ The Healer

    © 13 Colin Melbourne

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