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4: Understand that Physical Healing is Included in Your Salvation

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    Based upon Receive Miracle Healing by T.L. Osborn
    © 89 OMI Used with the Author’s permission

    Jesus the Healer, is Jesus the Saviour: There’s no separation. The surest way to receive health for your body, is to accept the Healer into your heart.

    Picture of Dr. TL. Osborn

    After you receive Christ as Saviour, you can receive His healing for your body.

    He wants to forgive your sins and heal your body, welcome Him, let him.

    Some people pray for healing, but refuse to accept Christ as Saviour, and get nothing. However, others whilst thanking Christ for saving them, are healed in their bodies before they even ask.

    God’s order for blessing is given in Psalm 103:3 KJV;

    Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases.

    Jesus first forgave the paralytic’s sins, then He healed him.

    You may need healing for your body, but have never had a definite experience of receiving Jesus Christ into your life, of being born again, saved.

    If so, now is the time to be saved.

    To Be Born Again:

    Admit you have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God.

    Be willing to repent, because your sins have come between you and God. Jesus’ Blood was shed for the remission of sins. Receive Him as Saviour, and He will cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

    Jesus said, Ye must be born again. Jn. 3:7 KJV

    This is the miracle of the New Birth. Christ enters your heart and makes you a new creature because He lives within you.

    Accept Him, He is a person, not a religion. He is a reality, not a philosophy or a doctrine. Then you will be certain you are saved.


    Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:30-31 KJV

    Jesus said, He that believeth (the Gospel) and is baptized shall be saved… Mk. 16:16 KJV

    Paul said, That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Ro. 10:9 KJV

    Peter said, Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21 KJV

    Do what these Scriptures say to do, and you will receive their promise.

    You will know that you have received Christ, and been born again.

    Trust that Christ suffered enough to pay for all of your sins. Those you have committed in the past, and all those you may ever commit. Jesus paid it all.

    Trust that He was perfect; that His Blood was sinless.

    Trust that He was innocent, so that He could be your Substitute.

    Trust that nothing else needs to be done, no further price needs to be paid, no further penalty needs to be suffered, no good works, no offerings or sacrifices need to be added to what Christ did for you.

    Trust that God counts you righteous now, because of your faith in what Christ has done for you.

    Trust that He did enough. Right now, make certain you are saved by faith in Christ.

    Pray this prayer to God:

    Lord Jesus,

    I here and now believe in You. I believe You are the Son of God who in Your great mercy and love, died for me as my Substitute.

    I believe You suffered the penalty of my sins, and You paid the full price for my sins.

    You were innocent. You did no wrong. I sinned. I broke God’s Law. The penalty of death was mine. I should have been crucified, not You. But You loved me too much to let me die for my own sins.

    Even though I was separated from You by my sins, You loved me so much, You came to die for me.

    Lord Jesus… Thank you for taking my place, and paying my debt in full. Your precious Blood was shed for the remission of my sins.

    Now that I trust in Your Sacrifice for me, I am free. No sin can condemn me, so I can never be judged or condemned for my sins. You were judged for my sins.

    All of my sins and sinful nature was put on You, and You paid for me.

    Now, Your righteousness is credited to me, so that I’m redeemed, and saved.

    I believe in You Lord Jesus!

    I believe the Good News of what You have done.

    I have now received You into my life.

    I accept You into my heart. I accept Your gift of righteousness, mercy, and love.

    I am a new creature, reborn from above with Your Divine life in me.

    I trust that Your Blood cleanses me of every sin in my life.

    I trust that You did enough for me, and that no further price needs to be paid. You paid it all.

    I will never try to pay for my sins, never claim any merit, or offer any good works to have my past sins forgiven, or to be saved.

    You did enough Lord, 2,000 years ago.

    I am saved, because of what You did for me.

    Nothing can ever improve my salvation.

    By Your Blood, I am clean now.

    I have Your life now.

    I am saved now.

    From this moment, I will follow You, and share the Good News of what You have done, so that others can receive Your life too.

    Thank you Lord for my full salvation.


    Now Take Step Five

    Image of TL. Osborn book on Healing

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