Transcribed from The Gospel According to TL and Daisy Osborn pp. 233-239
Copyright 1985 TL and Daisy Osborn. Used by kind permission
San Fernando, Trinidad 10th meeting
The crusade here in San Fernando, Trinidad, has been one of the greatest we have ever seen in our lives. Literally, the entire city has been attracted to hear the Gospel. Upwards of 50,000 to 75,000 people, perhaps even 100,000, have poured onto the great crusade grounds at the edge of the city from all over the island-nation.
Tonight I preached on “What Jesus Did for Every Individual at The Cross”. I emphasized His substitutionary work for each one and stressed Romans 1:16, that the gospel is the power of God to everyone that believes. When I finished the message and gave an invitation to accept Christ, at least 5,000 people raised their hands to believe on Jesus Christ and to receive Him as their Saviour. Then we prayed for the sick, and there was an avalanche of miracles. All over the crowd rejoicing could be heard, and one could see people here and there being healed.
At the edge of the crowd, groups were running after different ones who had received miraculous healing. Before we knew it, the platform was being inundated with people who wanted to testify of what God had done for them. They were shouting and praising God. Some were jumping; others were crying.
Crossed Eyes Straightened
A young man was weeping and rubbing his eyes. His left eye had been badly crossed, and he was nearly blind. Twice he had undergone surgery to straighten the crossed eye, and to restore his sight, but both operations failed. Tonight his blind, crossed eye was completely restored.
Blind and Deaf Healed
Then an old woman touched me on the arm, wanting to testify. For over three years her right eye had been totally blind. She was completely healed.
A thirteen-year-old lad, who had been born deaf, was healed. His ears were perfect.
Crippled Baby Creative Miracle
A little baby, which had been born crippled, was brought in the arms of the mother. There was no sign of knees or knee caps. Both legs were rigid and doubled flat against his chest. Doctors had forced the stiff legs down and bound them in casts. The mother attended the crusade and believed for a miracle. The next morning both legs were normal! Pain was gone, and the child’s knees were perfect. Those who knew the child’s condition were astonished at this creative miracle.
Stroke Victim Made Whole
A dear man was healed of a paralytic stroke which had left him dumb and helpless. His wife had to feed and dress him. But in the meeting tonight he was completely restored! He could walk, jump, run, and talk normally. It was a great miracle! A lad was healed of a totally deaf ear. There was a large scar behind his ear that showed where a radical mastoid operation had been performed in which his hearing faculties had been removed. God performed a creative miracle. Now, he can hear the faintest whisper.

Blind Eye and Snake Bite
A little boy whose left eye was totally blind after being hit in the eye with a stone, was completely healed. He had also been bitten by a serpent, and his right leg was swollen and painful. But it also was made whole.
Deformity & Paralytics Healed
There was a girl who walked very awkwardly because her left leg was curved in, and her foot was twisted. But tonight the bones in her leg and foot became perfectly normal and straight. A dear old woman who was totally blind and deaf was healed. Those around her were delighted that her sight had been miraculously restored.
A man who had come to the crusade hobbling on crutches was made whole. He had prayed to God for his miracle, and had been completely restored.
Another man was carried to the crusade on a bed because he was paralysed and unable to move his legs. He was instantly healed! He got up from his bed and began to walk, swinging his arms and moving his hands. He was perfect. An old woman, who had been totally blind for several years, was led to the great campaign. She listened intently to the message of the gospel and believed on Jesus Christ. During the healing prayer, she placed her hands on her blind eyes, then acted her faith. Her sight was restored, and she was overwhelmed at being able to see clearly again.
Deaf Ears Pop Open
There was a woman who had been totally deaf for 32 years. During the prayer, her ears popped open, she could hear the faintest whisper!
Club-foot Miraculously Remade
A beautiful lad about 12 years-old was healed in his legs. One leg was twisted inward, and the foot was malformed. Some might call it a club-foot. He walked on the side of the foot, and the knee was twisted inward. With childlike faith, this lad asked God to heal him as we prayed for the mass of people; and he received a creative miracle. The club-foot was straightened out, and his leg that had been twisted was also made perfectly whole.
The Harold Khan Miracle
Perhaps the greatest miracle of all was the healing of Harold Khan, who was a Moslem lad, reared in a Moslem home. When he was only 12 years-old, he was injured playing football. His right leg was damaged so that all growth stopped abruptly. An incurable bone disease resulted, affecting his left leg too.
Shortened Diseased Leg Made Perfect
Since the accident, his body has grown as any robust youth, except for his right leg which never developed after the injury. It had already become five inches shorter than the left one and was much smaller. Harold walked with the aid of a special shoe for his dwarfed leg, elevated on a five inch platform. His left leg was bound in a steel hip-to-heel brace because of the bone disease affecting it.
Muslim Parents Repent and Believe on Christ
News reached the Khan home of the crusade. Mrs. Khan wanted to take Harold, but was forbidden by the staunch Moslem father. But while he was away, she took her son at the risk of family disfavour and attended the great meeting. Both she and herv son believed on the LORD Jesus Christ tonight as we expounded the simple dynamic message on the meaning of the gospel.
Before we prayed for the sick, Harold believed that God was healing him, and he wept before the Lord as he listened to the message. As we were praying, he took off the elevated shoe from his right leg, and the steel hip-to-toe brace from his left leg and accepted Jesus Christ into his heart. The this awesome miracle came to pass. His short leg became normal as the Lord passed His way!
Harold and his mother came weeping to the platform, carrying the steel brace and elevated shoe. When Harold mounted the stairs with this strange elevated shoe in hand, holding the big leg brace above his head, he was weeping. I presumed that he had come to tell us about someone else who had been healed. I looked at him, and his legs were perfectly normal. I could see no reason for him to have needed this elevated shoe and big leg brace, so I asked him: “Who has been healed?”
He was sobbing convulsively. He finally said, “It’s me! I have been healed! These are the things I have taken off my legs!” It was incredible to behold!
Pondering that pair of perfectly equal legs, one could but wonder at the awesome power of God to do the utterly impossible! He walked back and forth on the platform and both of his legs were perfectly equal. It absolutely astounded the multitude of people!
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