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Christian Growth

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    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    What God Wants of You

    Once you have been born again, and filled with the Holy Spirit, God wants you to grow rapidly into the likeness of the LORD Jesus Christ.

    He wants you to walk on Earth as He walked; in His Love, mercy, grace, and power, destroying the Devil’s works by faith in God’s word.

    This happens continuously when a believer stays in step with the Holy Spirit.

    There’s no striving or strain; the Spirit of God does the work, not our strength or power.

    The fruit of walking in fellowship with the Almighty grows effortlessly.

    It is spiritual fruit that tastes beautiful to everyone.

    This fruit doesn’t decay, it endures, and transforms; believers, marriages, homes, villages, and countries.

    It is the increase of His Government, and it is on His shoulders not ours. Halleluia!

    How to please God and grow in Christ

    The fruit of the Spirit of God develops from the life of Christ in an obedient believer.

    Notice that Jesus Himself had to learn obedience to Father’s words. Heb. 5:8 KJV;

    Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;

    Every choice He ever made was in perfect submission to the word of God.

    So, in a face-to-face encounter when Satan tempted Him (to use divine powers frivolously, to justify Himself) He withstood the trial by telling the Devil where real Life comes from, Mtt. 4:4 KJV;

    It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

    That’s true for you right now. 1 Jn. 5:12 KJV;

    He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

    Believers have God’s testimony in our hearts: The word of Almighty God. 1 Jn. 5:9-10.

    Contemplate that!

    Jesus’ Secret Food

    What was Jesus’ Food?

    What did the Messiah grow up eating; what nourished and sustained Him?

    Here we have a divine revelation more precious than gold.

    Seek the Lord with all your heart until you comprehend it.

    Please read John’s Gospel, chapter four.

    At this time, His baby disciples were still walking in the flesh, and urging Him to feed His flesh, but Christ stayed in the Spirit, and His reply went right over their heads. Jn. 4:34 KJV;

    My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

    We grow in Christ by nourishing our spirit, not our flesh, and we feed our spirit by doing God’s Will.

    We know God’s will from the inner witness in our hearts, and from the written New Covenant word: They always agree.

    Now, here’s the blessing for hungry believers; Listening to the word is not enough to feed your spirit, only doing the word will satisfy God, and you.

    Then you will grow.

    In fact, you won’t be able to stop growing as long as you continue doing the word.

    Feeding on the word is the same as feeding on Jesus, the Living Word of God, who said in Jn. 6:57 KJV;

    As the Living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.

    Notice, this runs parallel to His teaching in John 15, regarding loving Him by obeying Him. So the vine supplying the life-giving sap to the branch, upon which divine fruit grows.

    You Are What You Eat

    Eat God’s word; Christ’s secret food, you’ll please God, grow in godliness, and become more and more like Christ.

    Father is patient and gentle, but also very practical, in the way He raises His children. Let the marvellous writing of E.W. Kenyon point out some of God’s Signposts on The Road to Success. Brief devotional readings opening God’s word to your heart, helping you to grow to maturity in Christ.

    How to join this ministry

    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    Basic Bible Doctrine: Is “Pappy” Nelson’s proven sound classic written in 1914 and used as the official doctrinal AoG handbook.

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