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Fear the Lord!

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    © 10 Colin Melbourne

    No Fear

    Q: The Bible tells us that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but what about when a Christian loses fear of the Lord, how do they get it back?

    A: You refer to Prov. 9:10 KJV;

    The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

    The same phrase is used in Ps. 111:10;

    The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.

    To fear the Lord means to reverence Him, to follow His ways and obey His commands.

    Do His Commandments

    Notice it is an action, not passive adoration, or mere mental assent.

    Father does not impose reverence for Him on His children, He wants us to honour Him because we love Him. So He always leaves us the choice to either trust and obey, or to go our own way.

    We know from His Word, The Holy Bible, what God’s Will is in all the important matters of life, and from His Spirit’s prompting in our hearts. Therefore a Christian always knows what he should do in any situation, because he’s led by the Spirit of God, the inner witness. Rom. 8:14.

    Isn’t it such a beautiful, and wise, way of raising and guiding children?

    No Choice?

    Now you can see that the fear of the Lord is not something you can lose, like a door-key.

    “Where is my fear of the Lord, it was here yesterday, where did I leave it?”

    Respecting and honouring His word and His Spirit is a perpetual choice for all Christians.

    It’s not a matter of losing it, it’s a case of choosing to love and revere Him, and anybody can do that at any time can’t they?

    You have a choice right now, use it the way God wants you to.

    If you feel you have “lost the fear of the Lord”, you haven’t, you’ve simply been walking in darkness, and the cure is to repent from sin and walk in obedience.

    Do it now, and be at peace

    No sin is so pleasurable that it is worth losing fellowship with God for.

    The instant you choose to forsake your sin, and confess it to Him, God forgives you; it is gone, forever, washed in His Blood.

    Then walk in reverence of Him in the Light of His word and Spirit. 1 Jn. 1:1-10.

    Smith Wigglesworth discovered the difference between head-faith and Bible faith. One produces cosy, but dead, religion, the other dynamic miracle results. Read The Power of Faith: And discover how to really believe, and you will begin to thrill God’s Heart like Smith did.

    © 10 Colin Melbourne

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