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The Fall & Adam and Eve

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    © 10 Colin Melbourne

    Naked Rebellion

    Q: In Genesis Ch. 3, Eve is confronted by the serpent as it tempted her to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which she gave to Adam. Why didn’t Eve see they were naked before Adam ate, and why did Adam not chastise Eve, and rebuke her for listening to the serpent, or rebuke the serpent and cast it out of the garden?

    All my life I have heard the teachings that it was all Eve’s fault for the fall of humanity, and that women have no place in holding leadership in the Body of Christ. I don’t know Greek or Hebrew and would love to know what the original scripture has to say about this issue. Darlene

    Revelation Trumps Translation

    A: It’s not a matter of translation, but of divine revelation.

    It’s not essential to understand Bible Greek or Hebrew to properly comprehend God’s word. There are plenty of theologians fluent in those languages, who study the Bible diligently, yet remain lost Hell-bound sinners, because they have not been born again.

    They read the word through man’s wisdom, and so are blind to God’s revelation.

    Recall that Christ said nobody can come to Him unless the Father draws them. He draws them by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit reveals the Living Christ to us. (Jn. 6:44, 14:25-26, 15:26).

    All you require is hunger for The Truth, God’s word in your own language, and revelation by God’s Spirit.

    That is why the Spirit of God in your heart has been warning you that what your teachers have been telling you is flat-wrong.

    Who’s to Blame for The Fall?

    Eve is not solely to blame for The Fall, both are guilty; and through Christ, both men and women are equally redeemed.

    In Christ there’s no male or female. Christian men and women have equal spiritual status, ability, and opportunity, they have the same redemption and Redeemer.

    Innocence, Nudity and Shame

    To answer your question: “Why didn’t Eve see they were naked before Adam ate…”

    They both saw they were naked before they ate the forbidden fruit, nudity is not the point, the key word is shame.

    Before they rebelled; they had no shame to feel because they were sinless. (Gen. 2:25).

    After: They were aware of their sinfulness, had lost their innocence and glory, and were ashamed of that.

    As an illustration: Try to recall your own feelings as a toddler frolicking naked and care-free at the sea-side; now compare that memory with your feelings if you were to do the same as an adult.

    What changed in you?

    I think that gives an inkling of the shift in Adam and Eve’s sensibilities when they forfeited their innocence.

    Sex, Myths, and Original Sin

    The blind seventeenth century English poet, John Milton, wrote an epic poem in which he expands on this thought.

    Milton’s ideas are mixed with demonic Greek mythology, in the poetic tradition, but nevertheless he does raise some interesting ideas concerning The Fall.

    It was this poem which popularised the poetic myth that the “original sin” was sex between Adam and Eve. It’s called, “Paradise Lost” available free at

    You also ask, “why did Adam not chastise Eve, and rebuke her for listening to the serpent, or rebuke the serpent and cast it out of the Garden?

    Adam was charged by God to keep the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:15) and by “keep” He meant more than till and tend it.

    In England, drunks and villains were imprisoned in a thick-walled secure stone “keep” until they sobered up enough to be judged and punished. So the use of the word “keep” includes the aspects of policing and protecting the Garden.

    In Gen. 1:26-28 we read that Adam (and Eve) both had the authority and power to throw the Serpent out of the Garden, but he failed to use his authority, much like many Christians today fail to use the power they have over Satan, and so tolerate his works in their own lives.

    This is why sickness, and sin thrive where they ought not.

    Where was Adam when the Serpent tricked Eve?

    The Bible tells us clearly: Adam was with Eve when she was tempted by the Serpent (Gen. 3:6), he uttered not a word to protect or warn her, nor did he rebuke the lying Serpent and drive it out of Paradise.

    So he is just as much to blame as Eve for The Fall.

    Indeed, several Scriptures mention Adam as the cause of the Fall, not Eve.

    Notice Rom. 5:12; as by one man sin entered into the world… and verse 14; Adam’s transgression… 1 Co. 15:21; since by man death came…

    Books to Inspire Women: Break free of false submission teaching.

    When apportioning blame, start with the first man for allowing the Serpent into Adam’s domain.

    The Bible is silent about the reason why Adam blew it so badly, so we can only speculate.

    John Milton, in Paradise Lost, paints Adam as a noble lover, unable to bear the thought of separation from his beloved Eve.

    So Milton imagines Adam chose to sin along with her in order to accompany her in banishment from Paradise.

    Typical romantic poet’s tosh in my view, but worth mulling over.

    Whilst it is interesting to consider these unknowns, they are not important to you and me, otherwise God would have amplified on them in His written word. So let us not be side-tracked from what God has told us is our number one mission on Earth: Soul-winning.

    © 10 Colin Melbourne

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