© 00 Colin Melbourne
The AntiChrist’s One World Religion
2021 Note: The prescient warning below was written at the turn of the millennium 2000 AD. It is highlighted now to show how much progress has been made indoctrinating and manipulating people, and nations. The original human personalities involved have faded, but are inconsequential, because the antiChrist spirit of the air (Holy Bible Ephesians 2:2 KJV) is still the driving force, preparing for the unveiling of The final AntiChrist, soon after Christ appears to take those who have believed on Him home. Come LORD, you have made us ready!
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The purpose of this article is to alert Bible believing Christians to Satan’s subtle introduction of One World Government and One World Religion. It will show believers that they cannot endorse the ungodly Earth Charter, and encourages them to stand against the AntiChrist spirit and honour Christ the Lord.

Official UN Logo of Untited Religions Initiative
Aka: Millennium Declaration.
The principles of the Earth Charter were officially endorsed by the UN at the 2000 summit as the Millennium Declaration.
The document was adopted without a vote, merely by consensus agreement of the assembled world leaders.
Buzzwords Announced
Kofi Annan triumphantly proclaimed it to be the UN’s agenda for globalization.

Kofi Annan US Mission in Geneva, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
On June 26th 2000 the United Religions Initiative (URI) was launched by the United Nations New World Order (NWO) people.
Its designed purpose is to be the religious arm of the AntiChrist’s One World Government.
NWO Magna Carta
Another crucial document is being gently ushered onto the world stage. It is called the Earth Charter, and forms the foundation for the NWO’s oath of allegiance.
Satan’s Puppets
God has said in His word, the Holy Bible, that in the final days before Jesus returns the world will be ruled by a political, religious and economic system headed by a man God calls the AntiChrist. (See Dan. 7, Rev. 13, 2 Th. 2)
His ally, the False Prophet will preside over a one world religion and force people to worship the AntiChrist. (See Rev.13:11-12, 19:20)
End Time Events
God forewarns believers that the AntiChrist will make war against Christians (Rev. 13:7), force unbelievers to receive the Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:16-18), set himself up in the Temple at Jerusalem calling himself God, and finally be overthrown by the Lord Jesus Christ when He returns in glory.
The largest assembly of world leaders ever seen on earth (150 plus) gathered to rubber stamp the Earth Charter at the UN Millennium Summit 2000.
The principles of the Earth Charter were officially endorsed by the whole gathering, designating it the “Millennium Declaration”.
A comparison of the two documents shows them to be almost identical. Interestingly, no vote was taken on the matter, it was simply embraced by consensus (much like Stalin conducted the Communist Politburo).
Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the UN, declared it is the UN’s agenda for globalization, ‘the defining moment of the UN’.
This document has been carefully drafted by Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev to form a creed coalescing all nations under one authority. The Earth Charter follows the same precepts and plan as the URI, that aims to do for religion what the UN has done in politics.

Mikhail Gorbachev The Official CTBTO Photostream, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Strong is advisor to Gorbachev and Kofi Annan. Mr. Strong owns a 10,000 acre New Age retreat containing a Zen Buddhist temple. He is also charged with radically reforming the UN.

Maurice Strong Lymantria, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The United Nations is the precursor of the prophesied political power base of the AntiChrist who will finally lead all nations to attack Israel, and be defeated at the battle of Armageddon. (See Rev. 16:12-16, Zech. 12 and 14, Zeph. 3, and Joel 3)
Since his downfall as President of the USSR, Mr. Gorbachev has been quietly engineering his re-emergence as a world leader. He established the environmental NGO, Green Cross International and he participates in dozens of UN affiliated NGO’s at high level.
Somewhat strangely for an avowed atheist, he even forged an alliance with the Roman Catholic Pope. He wrote an article in the New York Times (March 9th. 1992) entitled, “My Friend the Pope”. The Pontiff reciprocated by describing Gorbachev as “An ideal person to be the first leader of a combined Europe.” Gorbachev was instrumental in forming the sister document, the United Religions Initiative.
The Devils In The Details
Superficially the Earth Charter is a noble concept aspiring to end religious and political tensions by uniting people around common environmental and social ideals.
However, deeper scrutiny shows its core principles are in direct conflict with God’s word, the Holy Bible.
Here’s the neonatal ‘oath of allegiance’ that will be ratified and firmed-up in the coming months.
Quoted from the Earth Charter 24.3.00 pg.2
“We urgently need a shared vision of basic values to provide an ethical foundation for the emerging world community. Therefore, together in hope we affirm the following interdependent principles for a sustainable way of life as a common standard by which the conduct of all individuals, organizations, businesses, governments and transnational institutions is to be guided and assessed.”
When a real Christian hears this kind of atheistic humanism, alarm bells should begin to ring loud and clear. Here’s why;
“We urgently need”
No we don’t. God has already provided the only sound foundation for humanity; following the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ.
Everything else, despite its high ideals and fancy prose, is man-made and false.
Notice the phrase, ’emerging world community’. The people behind the plan don’t want to frighten folks, so instead of saying One World Government under the AntiChrist, they talk of ‘International Community, World Community, governance, international law, globalism’
“Together in hope we affirm”
Uniting in an ungodly spiritual pledge. God warns believers not to be unequally yoked. What fellowship is there between light and dark.
Every believer is already pledged to Jesus Christ and not the AntiChrist’s Earth Charter.
“the following interdependent principles”
Notice, you are not allowed to pick and choose, it is all or nothing. You are either in, or you are out. 100% for it or 100% against it. And don’t be fooled, these ‘principles’ will soon become laws, internationally enforced by the nascent International Criminal Court at the Hague.
Count me out, I’m 100% against it.
“sustainable way of life as a common standard”
Sustainable? God says this earth is wearing out like an old garment and that we should be ready waiting for His return, not chasing red-herrings.
“Way of life”
No thank you. Jesus Christ is my life, my way, and my standard.
“common standard”
Everyone must conform… or else.
“by which the conduct of all individuals”
That’s all, every person on earth, not just those who sign up. The Earth Charter is to govern everyone’s conduct. Wow!
“Don’t worry, Big Brother cares for you, and has your best interests at heart. Sign here sucker.”
Not only does it include all individuals, look at the scope of this commitment your nations leaders have agreed to.
“all individuals, organization, businesses, governments, and transnational institutions”
That includes the girl guides, your soft-ball club, grocery store, every organization, business and government on the face of the planet will have to tow this line.
If that’s not hair-raising enough, it ends with this thought;
“to be guided and assessed.”
Gulp. For guided read, led by a ring through your nose.
“Assessed” That means you are going to be monitored, marked, and no doubt re-educated if found wanting.
Who are the assessors? How will they record their assessment? Names can be duplicated. Oh oh… How about a number? Will your social security number do? No, this deal is world-wide, you’ll be given a nice new number, and a special way for you to never lose or forget it.
“Hold still please… ZAP“
You have just received the Mark of the Beast.
Microchip implants have been used to identify pets and livestock since 1990.
Many sociologists and scientists are pressing for their use in humans, starting with criminals and the mentally ill.
Update: The previous paragraph was written in 2000, over a year before 9/11, and the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq facilitated by the frantic fanning of an hysterical wave of ‘patriotism’ by the NWO media. (Almighty God has a different word for it Idolatry.) I’m sure that there are US Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq already implanted with silicon micro-chips, and no doubt anybody they suspect of being a ‘terrorist’ will be tagged.
Refusing the mark will brand you a traitor and land you in hot water. But not nearly as much trouble as receiving it will. Take it, and you deny Christ, and will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. Jesus said so.
Receive Christ now, and stand firm against the AntiChrist’s cunning schemes.
You servicemen and women who claim to be Christian, you need to wake up and realise you are serving the AntiChrist spirit, not God. Even non-Christian veterans can see this, Read what they advise you to do here.
Soon everyone will be forced to take the mark of the Beast, as God has warned.
“Now that we can monitor you, you are free to buy and sell just like it says in the Bible.”
Update: A family of US civilian volunteers each received a silicon micro-chip implant in 2002. It was presented by the media as a jokey health-care stunt, to mask its sinister precedent.
You Servicemen and women reading this. You’ll be amongst the first to be coerced into receiving the Mark of the Beast. It will be put to you by your peers as a patriotic act of loyalty to your country. And refusing it will get you into real trouble.
Update: July 2004 Mark of the Beast in Mexico.
Mexico City police announce that they are the first police force in world to have identity chips inserted in their arms.
The scheme was announced under the guise of facilitating satellite tracking of kidnap victims, and to monitor access to a secret database. The capture and ransom of officials is big business amongst criminal elements in Latin America. Mexico City’s Attorney General, and over 100 officials in his office, already have the implants in their arms. Any Mexican can have this done by buying a $150 micro-chip from local suppliers, and having it implanted via a quick subcutaneous injection by a paramedic. They can then be located by geo-satellite tracking anywhere in the world.
Update: Sept. 2004 BBC Journalist receives Mark of the Beast micro-chip
BBC reporter Simon Morton had an RFID silicon micro-chip inserted in his arm for the World Service ‘Go Digital’ programme. It was presented as a ‘cool way’ for nightclub members to avoid ‘the hassle of using cash or cards’ to gain entry and buy drinks.
No mention was made of the fact that this method of identification is described in the Holy Bible as a requirement of the AntiChrist in the Last Days. Nor was it mentioned that those who receive the Mark of the Beast are damned, and cast into the Lake of Fire at the Final Judgment.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Holy Bible, Rev. 13:16-17 KJV
The owner of the Barcelona club decided to dispense with membership ID cards, and has implemented a voluntary silicon micro-chip implant for members. Once the RFID micro-chip is implanted, the clubber simply passes near a scanner to be allowed entry, purchases are recorded in the same way.
A Spanish nurse injected a local anaesthetic, and implanted the 1mm radio frequency micro-chip, whilst on air. A wide bore hypodermic needle injects the sterile micro-chip in the fat between muscles of the arm. In the vicinity of a scanner the micro-chip is activated to reflect the identity number of the bearer to the reading device.
The BBC guinea pig gushed as his face appeared on a screen next to the readout, and he immediately began to use the micro-chip to spend the night in revelry, oblivious of the significance of what he’d been suckered into. Over forty other club members have been ‘chipped’ since the scheme began.
First it was ‘tattoos are cool’, and then the body piercing fashion, and now having an ID micro-chip is being pushed onto the gullible. You have been warned.
Update 2006: A US security company in Cincinnati has implanted its Staff with sub-cutaneous silicon Rfid chips containing bar-code number ‘security keys’. They replace ‘easily misplaced’ swipe cards. To gain access to high security areas they merely have to walk past a chip scanner.
The Asian ‘experimental laboratory’ of the NWO is the city state of Singapore. Inhabitants have long been stringently controlled in all aspects of life, and conditioned to use credit cards, and smart cards. To drive anywhere in Singapore you must use a smart card, and violators are tracked by Big Brother cameras, and prosecuted. It won’t be long before the Singapore Government introduces the Mark of the Beast for all of its citizens. Without it they will not be able to buy or sell, just as prophesied in God’s word. Communist China has invited Singapore to teach it how to create similar cities in Mainland China. The western NWO ‘guinea-pig’ is New Zealand with its small submissive population. Keep an eye on NZ to see what’s coming soon where you live.
Only those who are genuinely born again and following Christ will be able to refuse the Beast’s mark. ‘Nominal Christians’ will receive it without batting an eyelid. You know who they are don’t you? They call themselves Christians but have never been truly born again. If that’s you, make sure that you are a child of God the only way He says you can become one. Ye must be born again. Are you?
Please don’t leave this site today still in your sins, repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ now, or this will happen to you.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Rev. 13:16-18 KJV
The Earth Charter holds core principles that it insists humanity must pledge to uphold. They are; to respect and care for the environment and uphold human rights, to institute and propagate socialism (= Communism) and democracy, and to promote tolerance and peace.
Okay so far?
Let’s see if there’s any stones in this marshmallow.
The basic premiss is that humanity is one family with a common destiny.
But this is not true at all. There are two families on earth, God’s and Satan’s. (See 1 Jn.5:19, 12, 3:10 and John 8:42-47) Jesus taught that the only way to become a child of God is to be born of God through faith in Him (Jesus Christ). He taught that you are either a child of God or a child of the devil. God says so.
There is no common destiny for mankind.
The world’s destiny is destruction, death and Hell. God’s children, in contrast, know that their destiny is to be with Jesus in glory forever. The earth is only a temporary dwelling place, not a Christian’s home. A believer’s citizenship is Heaven, not earth.
Assent to the Earth Charter hinges on this basic premiss. The premiss is 100% wrong. Therefore, I as a believer cannot assent to the Earth Charter. To do so would compromise my allegiance to Christ and God’s word.
The Charter sees its precepts as a solution to population increase that it says is ‘overburdening ecological and social systems threatening the foundation of global security’.
This is not so. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only answer to the world’s ills. He is able to provide for every person who trusts in Him. The Lord fed a million Jews directly every day in the desert for forty years without fail. He’s not forgotten how to provide for His children.
“Our environmental, economic, political, social and spiritual challenges are interconnected and together we can forge inclusive solutions.”
Not so. The only salvation is through Christ. Not through grand plans, charters and schemes.
“The spirit of human solidarity and kinship with all life is strengthened when we live with reverence for the mystery of being, gratitude for the gift of life, and humility regarding the human place in nature.”
Pseudo-intellectual humanist pap.
He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
1 Jn. 5:12 KJV
Through Christ we overcome the world, and we are not its subjects, or pawns of nature. Christians do not share any kinship with life. We are children of God, not the offspring of apes.
“Reverence for the mystery of being.”
Our origin, purpose and destiny is not a mystery, God has plainly revealed it in His Word. We are to serve Him, not creation.
All the high-minded noble-sounding principles that are outlined in the Earth Charter are based on these ungodly foundations.
They involve dedication to environmentalism and socialism instead of to God.
They espouse socialism (= Communism) and democracy (including a global tax) as substitutes for the rule of Christ in people’s hearts.
Socialism and democracy are doomed, dead ducks in the water. Only individual surrender of our hearts to Christ’s Lordship will bring success, restore human dignity, and lead to genuine peace.
The Charter proposes national demilitarisation (so UN forces can more easily exercise control over nations). But there will be no peace on earth until Christ returns to establish His reign.
For a Christian to affirm this Earth Charter / Millennium declaration, to endorse these flawed principles, to support its implementation, is tantamount to denying Christ as Lord and only Saviour.
I as a Christian, cannot pledge allegiance to an atheistic humanist philosophy or organization, and nor should anyone who claims to be a follower of Christ.
The Earth Charter website states clearly, whilst unconsciously revealing more than they are probably aware of; “Endorsement of the Earth Charter by individuals or organizations signifies a commitment to the spirit and aims of the document.”
There’s only One Spirit a Christian can be committed to, the Spirit of God.
Now look how the Charter ends. Its final paragraph reveals a chilling consequence of accepting it.
“In order to build a sustainable global community, the nations of the world must renew their commitment to the United Nations, fulfil their obligations under existing international agreements and support the implementation of Earth Charter principles with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development.”
So anyone who will not submit, will be classed as a criminal, and prosecuted by the International Criminal Court that they are setting up this year (2000).
Bible believing, God honouring Christians will be called fanatics, extremists, religious zealots, intolerant, hate-mongers, prosecuted and punished.
Praise God! I’m ready, are you?
If you are born of God, resolve right now to firmly resist the AntiChrist spirit, and take whatever comes for the glory of God. Compromise, and you’ll be disgraced and fail. Stand firm looking to Jesus and He will protect you. You won’t have a care in the world. He will meet all your needs when you follow Him.
If you’re not trusting in Christ, now is the time to get right with God, to become His child, and ensure that you are saved.
Without Christ, you will be forced to take the mark of the Beast, and you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire at God’s Final Judgment. (See Rev. 13, Rev. 20:15, 21:8)
Settle it now!
Repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and follow Him.
The text of the current draft of the Earth Charter (Sept. 2000) is available for download at the official website
Satan’s Ark: In 2001, the AnitChrist spirit inspired a group of witches (Wiccans and Pagans, who worship the pantheistic principles of the Earth Charter) to make a copy of the Biblical Ark of the Covenant to house the Earth Charter, hand-written on papyrus. Satan’s Ark is painted with demonic symbols, and also contains other Pagan writings. It was exhibited at the United Nations in New York, the Inter-Faith headquarters, also in New York, and at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in Sept. 2002. (Rio II). They call it the ‘Ark of Hope’, and you can be sure the AntiChrist spirit will be promoting the vile idol for all it’s worth in the months ahead. Christian parents be warned, Government schools worldwide are becoming ‘seminaries of the AntiChrist’. Make sure your children are Blood-washed, not brain-washed by the devil’s propaganda.
Update Sept 2002: : Not only have your leaders already endorsed the principles of the Earth Charter in the Millennium Declaration, on your behalf. But many organizations have officially endorsed the Earth Charter too. Not surprisingly, they include ‘Greenies’ of all varieties, and swathes of New Agers in America and Canada. Also Zen Buddhists, SGI (a get-rich-quick Buddhist cult), Taoists, and Humanists. More revealing is the endorsement of the AntiChrist’s charter by numerous Roman Catholic ‘churches’ and organizations across the Americas, and Spain. Similarly Quaker groups have ‘signed-up’, Quakers are not Christian, they believe the New Age lie that ‘every person has some light’. And already a few backslidden and apostate ‘Christian’ groups have been duped to support the Earth Charter.
Update Oct 2007:: A group calling itself “Earth Charter International” is promoting the Earth Charter to the youth of the world.
Their call to action includes disturbing statements such as:
“Focus on Root Causes. Focus thought and action on the root causes of the major problems and challenges facing humanity, and do not let the pressures of existing unsustainable systems and practices deter you from action.”
Comment: The root cause of all the problems of mankind is sin, and the only solution is faith in the Blood of Christ.
“Strive to be a living example of the spirit of the Earth Charter in your day-to-day life; at home, in the work place, and in your community. Make Earth Charter values part of your daily life… to ensure that more and more people become inspired to live the spirit of the Earth Charter in their daily lives; as a major source of personal inspiration and guidance, in everything they do in their personal lives, as workers, as leaders, as artists, etc.”
Comment: Notice the words and spirit of the Earth Charter are to replace the word and Spirit of God in a person’s daily life.
You cannot follow both the AntiChrist and Christ, you must choose. Who will you follow? The LORD Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God, who is the actual and only Ark and refuge, (of which Moses’ Ark of the Covenant was a ‘type’.)
Or will you join the multitudes on the broad path to destruction following the words of men and the Deceiver of nations?
Don’t be tricked by counterfeits:
Repent and Believe in Christ now.
© 00 Colin Melbourne
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