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New Age Therapy

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    © 09 Colin Melbourne

    Nursing Wizard of Oz

    Q: I am a registered nurse and a healer. I have recently been joined in one of my programmes, in a small country hospital, by a born again Christian physiotherapist. My programme entails relaxation therapy and meditation for my groups, and every three months, teaching our clients Tai Chi.

    However, my colleague has stated that these practices are against her faith, and she will not participate in either. Are relaxation therapy and Tai Chi against Christian beliefs? Helen (Australia)

    A: Your Christian colleague is correct and following the true wisdom of God.

    You however, have been deceived.

    Your relaxation therapy, meditation, and Tai Chi exercises lead your patients only to Hell, not to God.

    They, like all New Age “therapies” such as aromatherapy, acupuncture, reiki, reflexology, homeopathy, colonic irrigation, muscle testing, etc, are occult snares repeatedly condemned in the Holy Bible. De. 18:10-13, Lev. 20:27, Lev. 20:6, Gal. 5:19-21, Rev. 21:8, Rev. 22:15.

    Almighty God does not use trickery or occult deception.

    He heals by His Living Word and the power of His Spirit. Ps. 107:17-21, Ps. 103:3, Lk. 4:18, 1 Pe. 2:24.

    The spirits you are unwittingly following are entirely demonic, and the Lord is trying to get your attention before it is too late for both you and your patients.

    You are not reading this by chance.

    I respectfully suggest you get a Holy Bible, and read John’s Gospel; asking God to show you the Truth, then ask your colleague what you need to do to be saved.

    Related discussion topic: Should Christian medical staff be allowed to pray for patients?

    Smith Wigglesworth was arrested in Sweden for healing people without medical qualifications. The police authorities didn’t question the veracity of the miraculous healings because of the many obviously genuine cases and testimonies. Here’s how Smith did it, Smith Wigglesworth on Healing.

    Smith was allowed to continue preaching the Gospel only after the personal intervention of the King of Sweden, and the miracles continued. The only medicine Smith knew was the word and the Spirit of the LORD. They are all you really need too.

    Martial Arts

    Q: Please could you let me know if a Christian can take part in Jujitsu. If not, why not? Michelle

    A: No, because all the martial arts stem from demonic occult beliefs. (Lev. Chs. 19 and 20, 1 Co. 10:20-22). Practitioners may object and claim Judo, Tae kwon do, Aikido, Karate, and Jujitsu etc., are purely physical exercises, with no spiritual connection, but they are deceived, and seriously wrong.

    Ask the Lord to show you some other exercise that is safe for you to do.

    Drug-taking is sorcery

    Q: I believe that drugs are a way for humans to find God and expand the mind. Is partaking in such things considered a sin by born again Christians? John

    “Chasing the Dragon”: Is Chinese junkie slang for smoking heroin or opium. Read Chasing the Dragon… how God taught a demure English woman to chase demons out of the oppressed.

    A: Drug-taking is the sin of sorcery, and only leads to occult deception, not salvation.

    You are in error John, God doesn’t use drugs to lead people to Him, the Devil uses drugs to trick the gullible.

    Drug-taking does not “expand the mind”, it deludes and opens the person up to demonic activity, facilitating their journey to Hell. That is why so many drug-takers suffer depression and commit suicide.

    © 09 Colin Melbourne

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