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First Tongues

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    © 10 Colin Melbourne

    Tongues not like the first time

    Q: Thirty years ago I received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost. It was a great desire fulfilled, a supernatural experience that I will always treasure. However, since that day, in meetings, or in private, it has never seemed supernatural like that first time.

    I feel frustrated because I know the difference between that first time, effortless beautiful tongues, and since then, sounding made up. Can you help me? Jane

    A: Yes I can help you Jane.

    Follow this thoughtfully, and prayerfully asking the Lord for insight, and you’ll see what you’re missing.

    Do you recall when you were baptised in water soon after you were saved?

    I do, for me it was almost as powerful as when I received Christ the day before. A wonderful supernatural blessing came upon me, and Christ was glorified in a man who, only a week earlier was using His Name as a curse word.

    Now, let’s imagine I just decided to get baptised in water again today. Would I experience the same feelings, and supernatural blessing?

    Of course not, it would be utterly pointless, because I’ve already obeyed my Lord and been properly baptised in water since I was saved.

    So if I was re-baptised expecting the same experience I’d be disappointed and feel frustrated. A bit like you do.

    Now, by your own testimony you have declared:

    “Thirty years ago I received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost.”

    That was a special Baptism in the Holy Spirit for you, because it was your first time, and you got tongues in line with the Holy Bible.

    You had wonderful supernatural feelings, emotions and experiences. Some people do not, they feel nothing, but what you feel and experience may be different each time.

    That is not relevant, what matters is that what you get is in line with the written word of God.

    Look at the verses confirming that the Bible proof of having received the Baptism is tongues.

    None of them says you will feel wonderful, tingle, fall over, do somersaults, or get goose-bumps; each cites audible tongues as the proof.

    If a saved person seeking the Holy Ghost Baptism gets tongues, then they got the Baptism according to God’s word irrespective of the emotions and feelings.

    Tongues: All You Need to Know: A wonderful new compilation of the very best of Ken Hagin’s teaching on speaking in tongues. Scriptural answers to your questions on this popular subject.

    Each of us can only experience one first time, can’t we?

    Your first time was spectacular, for others it isn’t. It makes no difference: The spectacular and the bland received tongues, so both are okay according to God’s Word. The recipient’s subjective feelings are not even mentioned, they are so insignificant in comparison with receiving The Promise of The Spirit.

    Your expectation is just as unreasonable as being baptised in water again and expecting it to be like the first time.

    We are only commanded to be water baptised one time, but we are commanded to be filled with the Holy Ghost continually. Eph. 5:18.

    You have already had your first filling, will your topping-ups be as spectacular? Will your repeated use of the gift be as thrilling?

    Almost certainly not, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you stay filled, grow in Christ, and let Him use you.

    Understand that God gave you the gift to edify yourself, not to give you spiritual thrills.

    Edify means built up in the Lord, to gain wisdom, understanding, and be charged up. It is a spiritual edification, not a fleshly one. Your flesh, including your soul (mind, will, and emotions) are not edified: Your spirit is edified. 1 Co. 14:4 KJV.

    He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself;

    So, use the tongues God has given you, and be built up by Him. It all works by faith, not by sense knowledge.

    In short Jane; you have been judging the validity of your current tongues experiences by your senses, not walking by faith in God’s word of Promise.

    Q: Being slain in the spirit, is it biblical?

    A: That’s answered here: Falling in the Spirit.

    © 10 Colin Melbourne

    Image of K.E. Hagen book on Tongues

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