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Speaking & Praying in Tongues FAQ

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    © 06 Colin Melbourne

    Tongues: Glossolalia Q&A

    All you need know about speaking, praying, and worshipping, in tongues

      • Where are tongues in the Bible?
        Tongues are specifically prophesied in Is. 28:11, (and the Pentecostal Baptism in Joel 2:28-32). The prophesies were first fulfilled on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, among Gentiles in Ac. 10, and Ac. 19. Tongues are a sign of a believer Mk. 16:17. Instructions for their use and purpose are given in 1 Co. Chs. 12, 13, 14.
    • What are tongues?
      A born again Spirit-filled believer speaking or praying by the Holy Spirit in the language of angels to God. 1 Co. 13:1, 14:2
    • Isn’t it just gibberish?
      Not at all, God and angels don’t communicate in ‘gibberish’. (1 Co. 13:1, 1 Co. 14:2) If a language is unintelligible to you it is an insult to label it as ‘gibberish’, particularly when it is given by God as a Gift to glorify Him. Ac. 2:38-39
    • Did Jesus speak in tongues?
      Not in His earthly ministry because He lived under the Old Covenant. After fulfilling it perfectly, He sealed the New Covenant in His Blood, and poured out the Holy Spirit to receptive believers at Pentecost. That is when tongues came to Earth. It’s a New Covenant blessing.
    • Many great Christians never spoke in tongues, does that mean they were not filled with the Holy Spirit?
      Yes, the Bible is absolutely clear, tongues are the initial evidence of being Spirit filled, without the Bible proof of tongues, a Christian is not filled with God’s Spirit.
    • I don’t have tongues, does that mean I don’t have the Holy Spirit?
      No, every genuinely born again believer has the sealing of the Holy Spirit as in Eph. 4:30 and 1 Jn. 2:27. This is the anointing within; you still need to be filled, or baptised in, the Holy Spirit, and continue being filled, otherwise you will fall short of God’s purpose for your life.
    • Some people said if you don’t have tongues you are not even saved, is that true?
      No, that’s another false doctrine, stay away from such teaching. Acts 8:14-17 and Ac. 19:1-6 kill that error.
    • Why can’t I just use my mother tongue?
      God’s word declares that He wants all believers to use tongues. I would that ye all spake with tongues, 1 Co. 14:5 KJV. We are instructed to be Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit… Eph. 6:18 KJV. You cannot obey this without being Spirit-filled with the Bible proof: Tongues.
    • What do tongues sound like?
      Go to a believer’s meeting at a genuine Christian fellowship, and you will find out. There’s nothing to be afraid of. God is supernatural, but not spooky.
    • Isn’t it simply fanaticism and exhibitionism?
      Such slurs are used to try to stop you embracing God’s blessings. Are you going to let Satan rob you of what Christ died to give you?
    • What are tongues for?
      Three main purposes: To allow the Holy Spirit in you to communicate with God in the language of Heaven. (1 Co. 14:2) This edifies, or charges up the believer (1 Co. 14:4), and also allows you to be used by the Holy Spirit to pray for things your mind may not be conscious of. He intercedes for, by, and through you, as in Ro. 8:26. It is also a way of praising God, worshipping and giving thanks. (1 Co. 14:16-17) To bring a message from God that strengthens an assembly during worship. The tongues must be interpreted in line with 1 Co.14:26-28. Note: God the Holy Spirit says the operation of the gift of tongues must be done, to forbid it is sin. (1 Co. 14:26,39)
    • Is ‘speaking in tongues’ different from ‘praying in tongues’?
      Yes, this is where many people get confused over the three Corinthian chapters. They will make sense when you understand the following: Every Spirit-filled believer can, and should, pray, and be able to speak in tongues, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit in personal devotions and prayer. (Eph. 6:18) But grasp this point: The section 1 Co. 12:1-11 refers to the operation of the nine Spiritual Gifts in the assembly. The Gift of speaking in tongues, as in verse 10b, is distinct from the tongues used in personal prayer and worship. It is a message from God that, when interpreted (by another Spiritual Gift), encourages the worshippers. The Holy Spirit gives these Gifts as He determines (v. 11) at the time, so not all believers have this Gift of tongues. Smith Wigglesworth often had it. He would be preaching in English, and the Holy Spirit would give him a message in tongues. Smith would speak it out boldly, then the Holy Spirit would interpret it through him into English. You can read many of them here. They are powerfully anointed to this day. Here’s a more detailed explanation of the difference between speaking in tongues and praying in tongues.
    • I was taught that tongues in the Bible are always known languages like in Acts 2:6
      That is a common false teaching Satan uses to hobble Christians. The tongues can be in a language known to some hearers, as a sign and wonder to them, like in Ac. 2:6 and 1 Co. 14:21-22. However, that is an exception. The rule according to 1 Co. 14:2 KJV is; For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. If the tongue were a known language, this verse could not say, no man understandeth him, nor would it be a mystery. For more read: Are biblical tongues always known languages? Tongues are therefore normally only intelligible to God and His angels. Until He then gives the interpretation to a believer by another Gift of the Holy Spirit.
    • Are there counterfeit tongues?
      Yes, Satan tries to counterfeit all the nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit. 2 Th. 2:9. Many of the cults use false ‘tongues’ in their services, such as ‘Charismatic’ Catholics, and most of the wacky Asian cults mimic tongues.
    • When I speak, or pray, in tongues will I be ‘taken over’ by the Holy Spirit?
      No, you remain in control of your spirit and voice, but what you speak will be from the Holy Spirit. (1 Co. 14:32-33)
    • What must I do to speak in tongues?
      Simply receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, when you are baptised in God’s Spirit, you will speak in tongues.
    • I’m not a Christian yet, can I get tongues? Not from God. It is very dangerous to seek tongues if you are not genuinely saved. Get saved, and then it is safe to seek the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
    • Is there a danger I will receive a false tongue?
      If you are born again, none whatsoever. Jesus Himself promises you’ll get the genuine article. (Mtt. 7:10) However, if you are unsaved you will be deceived, and risk receiving a demonic tongue.
    • How often should I pray in tongues?
      Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the SpiritPray without ceasing. Eph. 6:18, 1 Th. 5:17 KJV
    • But I don’t know what I’m praying!
      Of course not, God said your mind is unfruitful, look…For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful. Then He tells you what to do, What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. 1 Co. 14:14-15 KJV You can also simply ask God to give you the interpretation so your mind will be edified by what your spirit is praying.
    • I’ve been trying to receive tongues for years…
      You can have tongues today. It all works by simple faith, the Kenneth Hagin booklets will help you enormously.
    • Do I have to ‘tarry’?
      No! Tarrying ended on the day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit has been here ever since. Simply believe, ask, and receive.
    • Do I have to have hands laid on me to receive as in Acts 19?
      It is not essential, 120 received without being touched by man in Acts 2, likewise Cornelius’ household in Acts 10.
    • How can I be sure it is real, and not just me?
      Because Jesus Himself promised you’d get the Real Thing (Mtt. 7:10). Your confidence must rest in His integrity. And don’t forget it is you doing the speaking, the supernatural part is what is said.
    • Public tongues and private tongues
      Speaking in tongues in the church setting is to build up and edify the Body, and must be interpreted. Tongues are also to be used in private devotion and worship to build up yourself. See Eph. 6:18, and 1 Co. 14:18-19 where Paul makes clear the difference between public, ‘in the church’ tongues, and private use, ‘I speak in tongues more than all of you.‘. This must have been in his private prayer life.
    • Are Tongues to be used for Spiritual Warfare That depends on what the Spirit of God says for the particular situation. Discover How to use the Sword of The Spirit.

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    Image of a Kenneth Hagin book on Tongues


    © 06 Colin Melbourne

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