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Sinful Compulsions

    Image of cigarette smoking man cc0

    © 09 Colin Melbourne

    Smoking in Hell

    Q: Is smoking cigarettes a sin that will send me to Hell?

    A: No, you’re on your way to Hell for rejecting Christ as LORD and Saviour. Jn. 3:18.

    Smoking is sinful, but when you are saved, He will set you free from all sins and compulsions, including smoking. Jn. 8:36, Col. 1:13.

    Smith Wigglesworth was once asked by a sinner if he could still smoke and drink after he became a Christian. With Holy Ghost wisdom Smith replied:

    When you are saved; smoke all you can, if you can, and drink all you can, if you can.

    Because he knew, when anybody was really saved, they could not continue to sin. 1 Jn. 3:9. They would repent of their own volition.

    Swearing and Cursing

    Q: My daughter wants to know if it’s a sin to use the word “hell” as a slang word? Divina

    A: Yes, along with many other common expressions and exclamations I can’t bring myself to write.

    Do you recall the Watergate tapes?

    What was President Nixon’s favourite four-letter swear word? The one deemed so awful by the investigating officials they transcribed it as “expletive deleted” in the legal proceedings.

    It was the word your daughter asked about.

    Do you see how standards have fallen in just a few years.

    These things are spiritually discerned.

    The Spirit of God in believers causes them to stop cursing and swearing because they know and love the Lord. Nobody has to tell them, they recognize in their heart that the urge to use profanity comes from demons and Satan, not from God’s Spirit.

    Christians do not curse or use profane language. Jas. Ch.3, 1 Tim. 1:9, 4:7, 6:20, 2 Tim. 2:16. Nor do they swear oaths. Mtt. 5:34,37.

    It’s an easy way to discern the saved from the lost.

    What issues from the mouths of the unrighteous is sin.

    What comes from the lips of the righteous is righteousness.

    The Bible and Homosexuality

    Q: Does God really condemn homosexuals? Andra

    A: Yes, sinners stand condemned before God, including homosexuals. Jn. 3:18, Ro. 1:26-28, Eph. 5:5, Lev. 20:13.

    All who reject the only Saviour will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

    When lesbians and sodomites turn to Christ and receive Him, they truly repent of their sinful lifestyle. See Does God Hate Homosexuals?

    If they do not repent of sexual immorality and perversion, they are not saved, and remain condemned to Hell, as Christ Himself confirms in the final book of the Holy Bible. Rev. 21:8, also see Deu. 23:17, Lev. 18:22.

    Image of the Destruction of Sodom by J.M.W. Turner
    Joseph M. W. Turner; The Destruction of Sodom

    © Tate (2015) Available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 (Unported) licence

    © 09 Colin Melbourne

    Image of book by E.W.Kenyon on faithWhich is Yours?

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