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Part 3

    Image of Smith Wigglesworth

    © 19 Colin Melbourne, Transcribed and annotated from The Pentecostal Evangel 1923

    God save us from becoming stationary!

    God would have us to understand concerning spiritual Gifts, and to covet earnestly the best gifts, and also to enter into the more excellent way of the fruit of the Spirit.

    We must beseech God for these Gifts. It is a serious thing to have the Baptism, and yet be stationary; to live two days in succession on the same spiritual plane is a tragedy.

    We must be willing to deny ourselves everything to receive the revelation of God’s truth, and to receive the fullness of the Spirit.

    Only that will satisfy God, and nothing less must satisfy us

    A young Russian received the Holy Spirit, and was mightily endued with power from on High.

    Some sisters were anxious to know the secret of his power.

    The secret of his power was continuous waiting upon God.

    As the Holy Ghost filled him it seemed as though every breath became a prayer, and so all his ministry was on an increasing line.

    Filled and Overflowing

    I knew a man who was full of the Holy Ghost, and would only preach when he knew that he was mightily unctionized [ie. anointed. Ed.] by the power of God.

    He was asked to preach at a Methodist church.

    He was staying at the Minister’s house, and he said, “You go on to church, and I will follow.”

    The place was packed with people, but this man did not turn up, and the Methodist Minister, becoming anxious, sent his little girl to enquire why he did not come.

    As she came to the bedroom door, she heard him crying out three times, “I will not go.”

    She went back and reported that she heard the man say three times that he would not go.

    The Minister was troubled about it, but almost immediately after this the man came in, and, as he preached that night, the power of God was tremendously manifested.

    The preacher asked him. “Why did you tell my daughter that you were not coming?”

    He answered, “I know when I am filled. I am an ordinary man, and I told the Lord that I dared not go, and would not go until He gave me a fresh filling of the Spirit. The moment the glory filled me, and overflowed, I came to the meeting.”

    Yes, there is a power, a blessing, an assurance, a rest in the Presence of the Holy Ghost.

    The Tangible Anointing

    You can feel His Presence and know that He is with you.

    You need not spend an hour without this inner knowledge of His Holy Presence.

    With His power upon you there can be no failure.

    You are above par all the time. 1 Cor. 12:2 KJV;

    Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.

    This is the Gentile Day

    When the Jews refused the blessings of God, He scattered them, and He has grafted the Gen- tiles into the Olive tree where the Jews were broken off.

    Image of Olive Trees

    An Olive tree plantation

    There never has been a time when God has been so favorable to a people who were not a people.

    He has brought in the Gentiles to carry out His purpose of preaching the Gospel to all nations, and to receive the power of the Holy Ghost to accomplish this task.

    It is of the mercy of God that He has turned to the Gentiles, and made us partakers of all the blessings that belong to the Jews; and here under this canopy of glory, because we believe, we get all the blessings of faithful Abraham!

    Deceiving Spirits of Cults

    Continue reading… Smith Wigglesworth: Concerning Spiritual Gifts

    Preached at Springfield Assembly of God in 1922

    © 19 Colin Melbourne, Transcribed and annotated from The Pentecostal Evangel 1923

    Image of Smith Wigglesworth book

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