© 19 Colin Melbourne, Transcribed and annotated from The Pentecostal Evangel 1923
Attend to My Word
None of you can be strong in God unless you are diligently and constantly hearkening to what God has to say to you through His word.
You cannot know the power, and the nature of God unless you partake of His inbreathed word.
Read it at morn, and at night, and at every opportunity you get.
After every meal, instead of indulging in unprofitable conversation around the table, read a chapter from the word, and then have a season of prayer.
Hide God’s Word in Your Heart
I endeavour to make a point of doing this no matter where, or with whom, I am staying.
The Psalmist said that he had hid God’s word in his heart, that he might not sin against Him; and you will find that the more of God’s word you hide in your heart, the easier it is to live a holy life.
He also testified that God’s word had quickened him; and, as you receive God’s word into your being, your whole physical being will be made strong.
The Meek Shall Inherit
As you receive with meekness the word, you will have faith up-springing within; and you will have life through the word.
The Twelve told the rest to look out seven men to look after the business end of things.
They were to be men of honest report, and filled with the Holy Ghost.
These were just ordinary men who were chosen, but they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and this infilling always lifts a man to a plane above the ordinary.
It does not take a cultured, or learned man to fill a position in God’s church; what God requires is a yielded, consecrated, holy life, and He can make of such a flame of fire.
Baptised with the Holy Ghost and Fire!
The multitude chose out seven men to serve tables. They were doubtless faithful in their appointed tasks, but we see that God soon had a better choice for two of them.
Philip was so full of the Holy Ghost that he could have a revival wherever God put him down.
Waiter Promoted by God
Man chose him to serve tables: But God chose him to win souls.
Oh, if I could only stir you up to see that, as you are faithful in performing the humblest office, God can fill you with His Spirit and make you a chosen vessel for Himself, and promote you to a place of mighty ministry in the salvation of souls, and in the healing of the sick.
Filled With God’s Power
There is nothing impossible to a man filled with the Holy Ghost.
It is beyond all human comprehension. When you are filled with the power of the Holy Ghost, God will wonderfully work wherever you go.
Hearing God
When you are filled with the Spirit you will know the Voice of God.
I want to give you one illustration of this.
When I was going out to Australia recently, our boat stopped at Aden and Bombay.

Port Aden where Smith’s ship berthed in 1922
In the first place the people came around the ship selling their wares; beautiful carpets and all sorts of oriental things. There was one man selling some Ostrich feathers.
As I was looking over the side of the ship watching the trading, a gentleman said to me, “Would you go shares with me in buying that bunch of feathers?”
What did I want with feathers? I had no use for such things, and no room for them either.
But the gentleman put the question to me again, “Will you go shares with me in buying that bunch?”
The Spirit of God said to me, “Do it.”
Continue reading… Smith Wigglesworth on: What it Means to be Full of The Holy Ghost
© 19 Colin Melbourne, Transcribed and annotated from The Pentecostal Evangel 1923
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