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Part 4

    Image of Smith Wigglesworth preaching cc0

    © 19 Colin Melbourne

    Jesus speaking expressly to the seventy who went out, and came back saying, what wonderful things had happened, said, Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. [Lk. 10:19]

    Stay Humble

    But let me say this; no man will go forward with God if he gets proud.

    To keep in touch with God, he must continue humble.

    You will never find that God can use a man who is proud.

    His word says, Show me thy salvation; the humble shall hear thereof and be glad, [Ps. 34:2 Smith’s paraphrase of Ps. 34:2 KJV;
    My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. Ed.] and you will find that God is preparing the hearts of the humble to receive the word.

    The rich are sent away empty. The people who feel they can manage without God.

    But the hungry He fills with good things. Lk. 1:53 KJV;

    He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.

    And so God would not have us under any circumstances to think that we are in the place of blessing, when we are not in the place of humiliation and humbleness: It cannot be!

    Jesus, our blessed Lord, was the most meek, the most lovely, and the most beautiful in character.

    You never find Him like this, “Stand aside now. I am a man who has The Gifts!

    You never find that in Jesus, but He was so moved with compassion that He could raise the widow’s son.

    We will not have had compassion except by the inward power of God moving us.

    Everybody Can Be Humble

    It costs nothing except your pride, and ugly-self to be put out of the way.

    Now What is a Miracle?

    It is where the power of the Spirit of God comes to absolute helplessness, where no human aid can reach, but where God alone comes and performs the supernatural; when God comes, and the body is made whole in a minute: Not in an hour, or a week, but in a minute: That is a miracle.

    I was going into a big meeting in London one day, and a man who stood in the doorway said to me, “Don’t you know me?
    I said, “No, I do not recognize you just at this moment.
    Don’t you know my daughter?” he said.
    Nor my wife?

    They all stood there.

    No I seem to have lost recollection of you.
    Well,” he said, “I am Smith from Brighton.

    Then I recognized them.

    Now,” he said, “look at her,” turning to his daughter, a beautiful young woman. They brought her to me stretched out in a carriage, where she had been for years and years, helpless, had to be lifted about, and in a moment, as soon as God’s touch came upon her, from the crown of her head to the sole of her foot, there wasn’t a weakness.

    She was perfect, and had been walking ever since.

    No man can do those things.

    There never has been a man living who could do it, only the Man, Christ Jesus, and if we wish to be used in that way, we shall have to have Him, know Him, and understand Him, for He is the Holy One.

    The ministry of healing became so mighty in Australia that in some places I had to give up a day to minister to the sick, beginning at nine, and continuing until four o’clock in order to get though, praying with nearly seven hundred people.

    There is a chance for a lifetime!

    You talk about opportunity, I would not take the world’s worth for the opportunity, and we ought to buy up our opportunities.

    You will never know what you have until you experiment upon what you have in faith.

    Every man that has ever done anything for God was amazed to find God respond the first time he ventured out in faith.

    The Fire Inside

    I say all these things to you, to move you into a living faith in God, for what will it profit me without some of you are turned into flames of fire?

    What will it profit me if I turn from these meetings, and you have only heard my voice, and seen me?

    God would never have John and Peter and James to move up and down the world, and leave people where they found them.

    They were to make disciples of all nations, and in the Name of Jesus, I am here, as it were, to make disciples, to create within you a deeper thirst, and a longing for deeper things of God.

    If this is not my object, I ought not to be here.

    We have a higher calling, a nobler calling, than to be fascinated with things of ourselves.

    It is not the fascination of ourselves, it is the inward fire that burns by the power of God, that attracts. [eg. Moses and the burning bush. Ex. 3:1-5. Ed.]

    A very important gift is the gift of prophecy. I reckon no man works miracles unless he has gentleness, and no man can ever be a prophetic utterance for God without he is good.

    You will find that these gifts are in perfect conjunction with the graces.

    First, the word of wisdom, you will find love controls the word of wisdom, and you will find the word of knowledge is controlled by joy. Faith coincides exactly with peace, and you will never have faith if you have not peace.

    Peace comes from an unmovable, established position on the word of God.

    Now, you could not have gifts of healings without you knew something about long-suffering, and you could not have the gift of miracles without you knew something about gentleness: Nor prophecy without you knew something about goodness.

    We must never despise prophecy, but I will tell you what you must do. You must always judge it, and you will find that a person who refuses to have his prophecy judged is wrong inwardly, and his expressions are wrong outwardly.

    I know people think discernment is a wonderful gift, and this is striking the people who have discernment. I will tell you what would be a fine thing: If those who think they have discerning of spirits would display it upon themselves, they would get such a revelation of themselves, in twelve months, they would not be harsh, or critical of others.

    He means us to be filled with the Spirit.

    Misuse of Prophecy

    Prophecy causes more trouble than anything else in the world.

    Continue Reading: Wigglesworth On The Gift of Prophecy

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    © 19 Colin Melbourne

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