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Part 3

    Image of Smith Wigglesworth preaching cc0

    © 19 Colin Melbourne

    The Real Presence

    I find that the world is becoming worse and worse on these lines, because she is full of mixtures. When you go to shop, you never know whether you will get the pure article, or adulteration.

    The Spirit of God is No Mixture

    If, after you have received the Holy Ghost, you go back into carnal lines, the people will know it.

    The man who is going on with God can tell it in a minute.

    You cannot deceive him.

    Language is not Spirit, and noise is not Spirit, and you cannot get it that way: The power of God is Presence.

    Moses said, Except Thy presence go with me, I will go not hence. (Ex. 33:15 KJV)

    If the gifts of the Spirit are not in the church, you can call it what you like, it is a back-letter church. [Going in reverse with the dead-letter instead of advancing in The Spirit. See 2 Co. 3:6-11 KJV. Ed.]

    You can be baptized in water a thousand times, it will not make the Spirit move. You will have to have something better than water baptism: You will have to have fire! You will have to have the inward Presence of God.

    Life: Not Dead Formalism and Religion

    Where the Holy Ghost comes, the gifts are manifest, unless the church has backslidden, and Ichabod is over the door. [ Ichabod: The glory is departed from Israel. 1 Sam. 4:21 Ed.]

    Oh you can backslide, and there is not a grace that you cannot forfeit! 1 Co. 10:12 KJV;

    Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

    There is only one way for every one of us to keep faithful, and that is, down in humiliation, brokenness of spirit, living victorious over the natural, and having the light of life in our being.

    I have had people say to me, “You know I once had the gifts of healings, and I haven’t them now.

    I never believed it whatever they say, for the simple reason that when the gift is manifested, that is the permanent gift, it is always there. [For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Ro. 11:29 KJV]

    But I would go so far as to say, you may be so filled with the Holy Ghost that a gift may be manifested because of the fulness of the Presence of God in your body.

    If you lived in the place where the power of God was upon you, that the virtue of Christ passed through you, and if you haven’t that fulness now, it is because you have passed out of the depths of God.

    Do not say you do not know how it happened.

    You always know.

    A stranger can never enter into your heart. The heart knoweth his own bitterness; Prov. 14:10a KJV but a stranger can never enter its recesses.

    I warn you that if you want to continue to have the power of God manifested through you, you have to live in the Spirit continually: Not occasionally, not once a day, but always. [Smith lived what he preached, and refused to come out of the Spirit. There was no ‘small-talk’ with Wigglesworth. Ed.]

    Oh beloved, at any cost, pay any price to live in it, for it is worth the world! I would rather speak five minutes under the unction of the Holy Ghost, than to have a thousand dollars given to me.

    Walking in The Spirit

    I thank God, we may live in the Spirit, and walk in the Spirit, and be continually filled with the Spirit: Then the gifts of healings will be manifested on these lines, and you will find that when God gets you to that place, He will make you definite.

    For instance; I was speaking in a place, and as I sat in that meeting, I saw a man there in a state of terrible pain. I said, “Brethren, you must allow me to deliver this man so he can enjoy the services.

    He came on the platform. It is a wonderful thing when the Spirit of God comes upon you, and you are not touching a person in fear, not experimenting, but are in a place where you know.

    I told the people this man would be healed the moment I laid my hands upon him, and upon the pledge of God’s truth to me, I rebuked the thing, and he was perfectly free, to all the people’s amazement.

    Here is another instance; I just received a letter from Springfield, Mo., about a man for whom I prayed.

    His mouth was filled with cancer, and he was in pain all the time. I said to the people, “This man will be delivered of this cancer, and be made free within a few days. From the moment I put my hand upon his mouth, he will have no more pain.

    The moment I did that, instantly the pain lifted.

    Now I have this letter; “You will be interested to know about the man with the cancer. One day he spat out half of the cancer, and the next day the balance. He lost about a quart of blood, and is weakened as a result, but God has surely undertaken.”

    Dare to Believe!

    Now gifts of healings, miracles, are identical with what God’s word says.

    It is not what we think, it is not how we feel, it is what God’s word says.

    Dare you believe it?

    Jesus speaking expressly to the seventy who went out, and came back saying, what wonderful things had happened, said, Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. [Lk. 10:19]

    Stay Humble

    But let me say this; no man will go forward with God if he gets proud.

    Continue Reading: Wigglesworth On The Gift of Prophecy

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    © 19 Colin Melbourne

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