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Part 5

    Image of Smith Wiggleworth

    © 19 Colin Melbourne, Transcribed and annotated from The Pentecostal Evangel 1923

    God Gave His Only Begotten Son for You

    If only you will see Him as God’s Lamb, as God’s Beloved Son, who had laid upon Him the iniquity of us all, if only you will see that Jesus paid the whole price for our redemption that we might be free, you can enter into your purchased inheritance of salvation, of life and of power.

    No Silver and No Gold

    Poor Peter, and poor John!

    They had no money!

    I don’t think there is a person in this building as poor as Peter and John.

    But they had faith, they had the power of the Holy Ghost, they had God.

    You can have God even though you have nothing else.

    Even though you have lost your character, you can have God.

    I have seen the worst men saved by the power of God.

    On His Way to Kill

    I was one day preaching about the Name of Jesus, and there was a man leaning against a lamp-post, listening.

    It took a lamp-post to enable him to keep on his feet.

    We had finished our open air meeting, and the man was still leaning against the post.

    I asked him, “Are you sick?” He showed me his hand. and I saw that beneath his coat, he had a silver-handled dagger.

    He told me that he was on his way to kill his unfaithful wife, but that he heard me speaking about the power of the Name of Jesus, and could not get away.

    He said that he just felt helpless.

    I said, “Get you down.”

    And there on the square, with people passing up and down, he got saved.

    A New Creature in Christ

    I took him to my home, and put on him a new suit. I saw that there was something in that man that God could use.

    He said to me the next morning, “God has revealed Jesus to me; I see that all has been laid upon Jesus.”

    I lent him some money, and he soon got together a wonderful little home.

    His faithless wife was living with another man, but he invited her back to the home that he had prepared for her.

    All Things Are Become New

    She came; and where enmity and hatred had been before, the whole situation was transformed by love.

    God made that man a minister wherever he went.

    There is power in the Name of Jesus everywhere.

    God can save to the uttermost.

    Paralysis and Tremors

    There comes before me a meeting we had in Stockholm that I shall ever bear in my mind. There was a home for incurables there, and one of the inmates was brought to the meeting.

    He had palsy [nervous tremors and paralysis. Ed.], and was shaking all over. He stood up before 3,000 people and came to the platform, [using a crutch. Ed] supported by two others.

    The power of God fell on him as I anointed him in the Name of Jesus.

    The moment I touched him, he dropped his crutch and began to walk in the Name of Jesus. He walked down the steps and around that great building in view of all the people.

    There is nothing that God cannot do.

    Swedish Incurables

    He will do everything if you will dare to believe.

    Someone said to me, “Will you go to this Home for Incurables?”

    They took me there on my rest day.

    They brought out the sick people into a great corridor, and in one hour the Lord set about twenty of them free!

    The Name of Jesus is so marvellous. Peter and John had no conception of all that was in that Name; neither had the man, lame from his mother’s womb, who was laid daily at the Gate Beautiful; but they had faith to say, “In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”

    And as Peter took him by the right hand, and lifted him up, immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength, and he went into the Temple with them, walking and leaping, and praising God.

    God wants to see more of this sort of thing done.

    How can it be done?

    Through His Name, through faith in His Name, through faith which is by Him

    Smith Wigglesworth

    Preached at Springfield Assembly of God, 1923


    © 19 Colin Melbourne, Transcribed and annotated from The Pentecostal Evangel 1923

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