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Sex & Marriage faq

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    © 06 Colin Melbourne

    Image of a startled cat cc0All you’d like to ask your Pastor, but are too embarrassed.

    Parents should review this before deciding whether their children are mature enough to read it. There’s nothing smutty or offensive here, but it will prompt some searching questions that you may not want to answer yet. But don’t leave it too long will you? Here’s how to teach your children the Facts of Life. All references are KJV.

    • When Adam and Eve had sex, was that the ‘Original sin’?
      No. The blind 17th. century English poet, John Milton, popularised that myth in his epic poem Paradise Lost. The first sin mankind committed was rebelling against the word of God by believing the Serpent’s lie and eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Gen. Ch. 3. Sex had nothing to do with the Fall.
    • Is sex before marriage a sin?
      Yes, it is fornication or adultery: Sin. The Bible teaches that sexual intercourse should only be within the confines of a God ordained and blessed marriage. Heb. 13:4 Why? Because your Maker knows what is best for you. Trust and obey Him, and you’ll discover He is always right. Always. Ro. 8:28
    • How can something that feels so good be wrong?
      Ungodly sex is wrong irrespective of how it feels. It is wrong because it is ungodly. It is ungodly because God says so. Stolen fruit tastes just as good as your own, but it comes with a serious penalty. Ro. 6:20-21
    • Can a Christian marry an unbeliever?
      No, that is a grievous sin prohibited by many Scriptures. eg. 2 Co. 6:14-18. Equally sinful is one partner pretending to get saved to facilitate marriage. Unless both are genuinely born again, and prompted to marry by the Lord, the marriage does not have God’s blessing.
    • I just got saved, my spouse is an unbeliever, is my marriage sinful?
      No, God can now begin to bless it, and your children. Great things are about to happen as you honour Christ and show your husband, or wife, what He’s like in a believer. God will use you to win them too. See 1 Co. 7:12-17
    • What is a Christian marriage?
      The public legal union of a couple as man and wife. No form of ceremony is specified in God’s word. Gen. 2:24
    • What are marriage vows?
      Solemn and binding legal and spiritual promises, made before witnesses and God, by a couple becoming husband and wife. They are a cultural traditional invention not found in the New Testament. Indeed, the most popular western form of marriage vow puts the couple into immediate bondage. It is a vow broken within days by all who take it. Think carefully about the words of the vow, and you will see that it is, at best; well meant, but irresponsible, sentimental, folly. No wonder so many marriages end in divorce. A vow is made, then promptly broken. So pray about every word of your marriage agreement before you make it. Note: Christians are forbidden from swearing oaths. Mtt. 5:33-37, Jas. 5:12
    • What is fornication?
      Sexual intercourse between unmarried individuals.
    • What is adultery?
      Sexual intercourse by a married person with somebody other than their spouse.
    • What is sexual immorality?
      Transgressing God’s instruction on what is right and wrong in regard to sex.
    • Can’t I decide what is moral and immoral?
      Of course you can, indeed you must. But you will only be right when your standard agrees with God’s written word. Until then, you will call immorality moral, and deceive yourself. God permits you to be wrong, He permits you to deceive yourself, and you bear the consequences of your decisions.
    • Is it okay if we don’t go all the way?
      Jesus said, Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Mtt. 5:27-28 KJV Almighty God in the Flesh said that a lust-filled look is equivalent to the deadly sin of adultery. He’s the Judge.
    • Why must priests be celibate?
      Catholic priests are not Christian, they belong to a counterfeit satanically inspired cult. Enforced celibacy is not in the Bible. There is no biblical injunction for Christian leaders to be single and celibate. It is preferable, but not commanded. See 1 Co. Ch.7.
    • What about homosexuals?
      Homosexuality is a demonic perversion explicitly and repeatedly condemned in God’s word. Lev. 18:22, 20:13, Ro. 1:26-28, 1 Co. 6:9-10, Rev. 21:8, 22:15 Lesbianism and sodomy are detestable abominations to God, and no homosexual will be allowed into Heaven. God blitzed Sodom as an example to us of His opinion of what Satan calls being ‘Gay’. See the Bible on Homosexuality.
    • Why did God make me gay?
      He didn’t, rebellion and sin by our first parents opened the human race to Satan’s oppression: That is what made you homosexual, but you can be made perfectly free today, if you choose righteousness over your sin. For more on this see: Why did God make me Gay? And this response to the question: Can homosexuals love each other?
    • Can homosexuals, prostitutes, and adulterers become Christians?
      Of course, God wants all men and women to come to repentance and faith in Christ, and when they do they will forsake sin. Those who continue in homosexuality, prostitution, or adultery, are unsaved and deceiving themselves. Good news for prostitutes.
    • Isn’t contraception a sin?
      Catholicism puts people into bondage by falsely claiming contraception is a sin. The reason is plain; more babies means more Catholic cult members. Contraception is a method of birth-control for those who lack self-control. Post-conception birth control is the sin of murder.
    • Is it a sin for a married Christian couple to use condoms?
      No, unless the Lord has specifically instructed a husband and wife to conceive a child. Physical, hormonal, and chemical contraception methods are acceptable, there are no Scriptures forbidding contraception. Catholics like to point to Onan’s sin as justification for their ban on contraception. See Gen. 38:8-9. Onan’s sin was not the act of contraception (by spilling his seed onto the ground) it was deliberately disobeying his father’s command, and the Lord’s wishes, to impregnate his wife (his brother’s widow). Onan’s sin was dishonouring both his father and his brother, so the Lord slew him.
    • So the ‘day after pill’ is abortion?
      Yes, and Abortion is Murder.
    • What is lasciviousness that we are repeatedly warned to avoid; Mk. 7:22, 2 Co. 12:21, Gal. 5:19, Eph. 4:19, 1 Pe. 4:3 and Jude 4?
      See Beware The Winker
    • Are masturbation and pornography sinful?
      Clearly, see Mtt. 5:27-28, Eph. 5:3. Lev. 15:16-18. Mic. 2:1.
    • Is oral sex wrong too?
      It is an obvious demonic perversion. Job 6:30, Lev. 10:10, Psalms 119:13, Gal. 5:19, Eph. 4:19, 2 Tim. 3, Jas. 3 KJV
    • Surely practising safe sex is better than catching HIV Aids?
      Sex that sends you to Hell is not safe. All the sexually immoral are thrown into Hell whether they use condoms or not, whether they die from Aids or not. 1 Co. 6:9-10, Rev. 21:8, 22:15
    • Is HIV Aids the judgment of God on the sexually immoral?
      No, it is Satan’s ‘gift’ to his disciples, and their victims. God’s judgment is far worse… and eternal.
    • Can Jesus heal Aids?
      Of course, nothing is impossible for those who believe in Him. Cancer or a cold, acne or aids: Jesus heals them all. Everyone who comes to Him believing is healed completely.
    • Does God approve of sex?
      Naturally, it is His idea. Gen. 1:28. He designed it originally, but it was corrupted by sinful humanity encouraged by Satan. Now it is light years from what was intended.
    • Will believers be married in Heaven?
      Not to each other. See Lk. 20:27-39.
      The church is the Bride of Christ. Glory!
    • Is polygamy acceptable? Many godly men had several wives or concubines in the Bible
      No. God’s design for marriage is between man and wife, not wiveS or husbandS. Gen. 2:24. Godly men such as Abraham, Jacob, David, and Solomon were far from perfect. They were sinners. Just because they lied, and committed adultery, does not mean God approved of it. Christ redeemed them at Calvary: He was faithful despite their sinfulness. Man’s folly: God’s grace. There’s more on the Christian view of polygamy here.
    • What about divorce?
      God hates divorce, it is never in His perfect plan. Mal. 2:16 (KJV here, “putting away” means divorce), Mtt. Ch.19. But there is hope for those of you who have missed the mark. See Rev. Hagin’s excellent book on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage.
    • What about same-sex marriage?
      Daft question: There’s no such thing. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Gen. 2:24. Everything else is invalid, a Devil-inspired delusion. Much of what may be legal in your nation is condemned by God, that is why it is accursed and in such a mess.
    • How can I resist sexual temptation?
      That’s answered comprehensively here: How to keep your virginity.
    • What is a Holy Kiss?
      That’s answered here: Greet one another with a holy kiss.
    • Can trans-sexuals be Christian?
      There are no trans-sexuals, the concept is a demonic invention. God creates only male or female. He brings conviction of sin, not confusion of gender. Satan creates confusion, and lures delusional sinners into self-mutilation. Salvation brings a sound mind. A person’s sex is determined by Almighty God at fertilisation and conception, and is set in their genes: Not by a surgeon’s scalpel, hormone injections, and pills.

    © 06 Colin Melbourne

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