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St. Patrick and Catholicism

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    © 02 Colin Melbourne

    Saint Patrick wasn’t Irish, was never a Catholic, and he hated all idolatry. What would be his St. Patrick’s Day message?

    The saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.

    Holy Bible Dan. 7:18 KJV

    Can you say, “That’s me, Praise God!”

    The enemy of your souls would have you worship and adore anything and anyone, so long as it is not the Lord Jesus Christ. Men and women, inspired by the evil one, have created all kinds of religions, ceremonies, and special days to keep sinners from the Truth of the simple Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    All such worship is idolatry, and detestable to God.

    Take the Roman Catholics for example. On March 17th. the predominantly Catholic, Irish people celebrate the death of Saint Patrick, the ‘Patron Saint of Ireland’.

    The Roman Catholic Mass is blatant idolatry derived from Ancient Baal worship and blasphemous to God. As is the worship of Mary, Saints and statues, and countless other demonic snares riddling religions of all kinds. (Have you discovered the difference between Salvation and Religion yet?)

    But do you know that Patrick preached against idolatry throughout his Christian life? If he were to visit Ireland, Sydney, Liverpool or Boston today, he would be appalled at the rank Catholic idolatry that Satan tries to convince the world is Christianity.

    Patrick also refused to take any gifts or payment, in order to protect the integrity of his ministry. In stark contrast the ‘pay and we pray’ indulgence-scam, which Rome foisted on Europe after Patrick’s death, has made the Vatican and its Popes the richest men in the world. (Bill Gates couldn’t even afford their tea-money.)

    Perhaps, like many you associate Patrick with Catholicism, but he was never a Catholic. And he had a powerful testimony of genuine salvation, being saved at the age of sixteen, and preached salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, not by works. How different from the Roman Catholic doctrine of incremental ‘salvation’ by works and sacraments.

    Patrick would be revolted by the ridiculous superstitions associated with him, and permeating Catholicism. He spent his Christian life calling Celtic Druids to repent from such occult nonsense.

    He was not Irish, but was born near Dumbarton, Scotland, of Anglo-Roman parents. His father was a church-goer, and instructed Patrick in the way of salvation, but the lad testified that he did not know God until after he was saved. (He was captured and dragged off to Ireland, sold as a slave to a Druid, and herded swine before the Lord opened his eyes to see the glory of Christ in the Gospel.)

    Are you superstitious?

    Do you quote housewives tales, follow little rituals, and believe in ‘luck’? If so, you need to repent, quit it, and give no place to demonic deceptions.

    (I remember once praying with an Irish church-goer who thought he was a Protestant, he was actually still in his sins, and he prayed asking the Lord Jesus to “give him luck in his business”. I was simply stunned.)

    But a more important question, one my dear Brother Patrick would put to you today is;

    “Have you received the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and been genuinely Born of God?”

    Have you obeyed Him, and turned away from sin, and renounced Catholic idolatry in all its forms?

    Are you trusting only in the Lamb of God and His finished work at Calvary to give you peace and eternal life?

    Where are your sins right now?

    Under the Blood and as far from you as the East is from the West, or are they on your back, and eating into your heart with the cancer of guilt and strangling your joy?

    Oh beloved, don’t let religion rob you of the victory over; sin, Satan, sickness, death and demons, that simple heart-faith in Christ will give you when you … Repent and Believe!

    Trust and obey Christ, only then will you know Him, and know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.

    Do it now, don’t delay. Then you too will be called a saint of the Most High God, the only way it is possible for any person to become a saint. Not through the word of men, but through the Word of God. Glory!

    Rejoice you Saints, and get after those dear sinners

    But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.

    Holy Bible, Dan. 7:18 KJV

    © 02 Colin Melbourne

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