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When We Were In The Flesh

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    © 18 Colin Melbourne

    In Christ Jesus

    There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit

    Romans 8:1 KJV

    This glorious word succinctly declares the reason God came to Earth: To set believers free from condemnation, by delivering us from living in the flesh, and giving us the life of His Spirit, by which genuine believers now walk through this valley of the shadow of death: Our sin-captivated world. (If you are still in your sins, please first visit to discover how to be born of God.)

    Now No Condemnation

    Reading Romans Eight in the Holy Ghost never brings condemnation on believers. How can it? It is the divine heart of the Gospel, which the Holy Spirit reveals to us like a sunrise viewed from within a foetid cave.

    Take for example the first verse, and the second clause; who walk not after the flesh, how do you comprehend that?

    Please stop and think about it before reading further; who walk not after the flesh.

    What have you always believed it meant?

    Do you take it to be a condition, a prerequisite to obtaining the blessing of no divine condemnation?

    When such believers err, missing the leading of God’s Spirit, they say to themselves, “Whoops… I walked after the flesh there, not after the Spirit.

    Many believers harbour this misunderstanding.

    No doubt they have indeed sinned in some way, and will certainly sense the conviction of the Holy Spirit in their heart, but that is nothing to do with this scripture.

    Conviction by the Spirit is not the same as the condemnation mentioned here.

    Good News is Always Good

    This precious clause is unconditional; who walk not after the flesh, is not setting a requirement of believers in order to receive the blessing. No! It is an absolute statement of fact about every born again believer in Christ.

    It is true of them all the time, not just when they walk in perfect obedience.

    That is how it is correctly understood, setting the believer free from bondage to sin, legalism, and straining.

    How to Be Sure

    How can we be certain that is the correct way to comprehend it?

    Because God tells believers in the preceding chapter, and God’s word takes precedence over every other voice. (Psalm 138:2 KJV)

    Here it is, Rom. 7:5 KJV;

    For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.

    Notice especially; the word of God does not say, “when we are in the flesh”, but He writes, “when we were in the flesh“.

    That’s an absolute statement, isn’t it?

    Before you were born of God, you were in the flesh, but since you became a new creature in Christ, by the miracle of the new birth, you have always been in the Spirit, in Christ Jesus… not in the flesh.

    Grasp that, settle it once and for all, let its truth sit in your heart, and you will walk in peace and joy in the Spirit evermore.

    Keep Your Flesh Under You

    You still have the ability, and choice, to err and sin, but when you do, you are not after, or living in, the flesh. You didn’t suddenly pop-out of Christ, and become the old creature! You remain a new creature empowered by the life of God’s Spirit, you carelessly submitted to the flesh instead of keeping it under the control of your spirit. 1 Co. 9:27 KJV;

    But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

    So what happened?

    You momentarily missed the mark and disobeyed God; therefore, simply repent, ask Father to forgive you, and it’s gone: It only takes a second to do that, there’s no need to grovel, His shed Blood is more than enough for you.

    Father Has Put You In Christ

    You were put in Christ when you repented from unbelief in Him, and wholeheartedly received Him as LORD. God placed you there and He keeps you there… all the time!

    Get that ineluctable Gospel fact grounded in your heart now. It is vital to embrace this truth.

    Until you do, you will be missing the mark of your high calling, which is; to continue the ministry of Christ on Earth.

    You will be swayed by doubt and sin whenever you face trials and tests.

    I Walk After The Spirit Always!

    Instead; believe God’s word rightly, say it, tell it, live it, then the word and Spirit will put you over whatever obstacle you face.

    Now, let’s declare this glorious Gospel fact out loud, and with right understanding…

    There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

    Image of Booklet by Kenneth agin called In Him
    What the Holy Bible says believers are in Christ Jesus. Goes through the Bible listing what the New Covenant scriptures say we are In Him. It transforms make-believers into real believers and disciples.

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    © 18 Colin Melbourne
    Tract image © Chick Publns. Used by permission.

    Image of The Word Became Flesh Chick tract. Copyright Chick publns. Used by permission << Read The Word Became Flesh Chick tract: Almost all scripture, those with no Bible training will understand who Jesus is.

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