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Good Enough For God?

    Image of a Cygnet CC0

    © 24 Colin Melbourne

    How to Be Confident and Secure

    But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
    Much more then, being NOW justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

    Romans 5:8-10 KJV

    Justified By His Blood

    When believers take their eyes off what Christ has accomplished for us, they lose their peace and joy, then become insecure concerning their salvation.

    You find them arguing about eternal security, and works-based salvation.

    Why So Many Churches?

    This is the primary cause of splits in churches, and why there are so many fragmented fellowships.

    If you fret if you are still saved or not, or think you’re “not doing enough”, keep reading and the LORD will meet you today, and set you right with Him.

    Pastor’s Daughter : Was Not Good Enough

    A Baptist pastor’s daughter gave testimony, as she was about to be baptised in water by her father.

    In her teenage years, instead of doing what God directs in the Holy Bible since receiving Christ as LORD, she’d put off water baptism.

    For a decade she’d; limped along with Christ, got married, given birth to a child, until finally realising her hypocrisy needed to be rectified.

    Asked why she’d neglected the second-most-basic-command of the One she claimed as “her LORD”, she replied,

    “Because I never felt I was good enough to be a Christian.”

    Is that you too?

    Are you good enough for God?

    A teenage prostitute was led to the LORD by a gutsy lady believer, and brought to a worship service I also attended. One of her eyes had been punched out recently by her pimp.

    What future does a one-eyed prostitute have?

    As the praise and worship began she became restless, and slipped into the foyer. When she didn’t return, I encouraged the lady believer to bring her back.

    As the fellowship worshipped around us, I asked, “What’s the matter, why did you leave?”

    “I feel too dirty to be here.” she replied.

    “We all do Sister, that’s why we worship Him for His Precious Blood that has made us clean.”

    Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.

    John 15:3 KJV

    She didn’t feel worthy to be in the Presence of God amidst such “holy people”.

    If she knew the saints in the congregation as Jesus knows us, she’d have felt at home.

    Nonetheless, soon she sat listening to the message of Christ, and His anointing worked within her.

    There is a Fountain

    That takes away our guilty stains.
    The Precious Blood that flows from Emmanuel’s veins.

    Praise God for the Lamb whose Blood takes away the sin of the world.

    Your sins, my sins, and the young prostitute’s sins : All gone forever, never to condemn us again.

    You Have Been Redeemed

    Perhaps, like her, you’d not realised that; sinner or saint, your sins have already been redeemed, paid for in full once and for ever.

    And that happened long before you were born, before you sinned, or ever heard the Name of Jesus.

    She was redeemed whilst she was selling herself, but nobody had told her, until the brave Christian woman dared to venture, and risk being rebuffed.

    Perhaps you don’t feel good enough for God to be interested in saving you?

    Maybe you think you’re not worthy to be forgiven, saved, and healed.

    Bought and Paid For

    But you are worth the Price that has been paid for you. Jn. 3:14-18 KJV;

    And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

    He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    Praise God I have more good news for you.

    What Good News?

    The good news that even while we were yet sinners, God came in Christ, and died for our sins, bore the guilt of us all, and went to Hell in our place.


    Because God had said the one who sins must die, and be banished forever from His Presence.

    So what?

    So by taking our place, enduring the punishment we deserve, Our Creator can legally acquit us from every accusation, providing we repent from unbelief, and believe on Christ The LORD.

    The good news that Christ rose from His tomb on the third day, just as He promised, and Holy Scripture foretold.


    To prove that He is Almighty God in The Flesh, that He had no sin of His own, therefore all our sin has been dealt with once and for all.

    So what?

    So turn from religion, repent of your sin, and trust that The LORD Jesus Christ has paid for your guilt before Father God.

    The good news that The Holy One thought you were good enough for Him to lay down His sinless life to bring you back into God’s ever-loving arms forever.


    Because He created you, you are His idea, God loves you with the perfect love He designed you for, and wants the very best for you; God’s Peace, God’s Love, Righteousness and Eternal life.

    So what?

    So turn to God and thank Him that He thinks you are worth the life of His Only Begotten Son, and Receive Christ as your LORD and Saviour with all your heart.

    © 24 Colin Melbourne

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