© 23 Colin Melbourne
The Principal Thing
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.
Holy Bible, Proverbs 4:7, James 3:13 KJV
Now here we have a beautiful trait of true Christians that each believer needs to cultivate.
Fresh revelation of wisdom and understanding from Father, makes us eager to share our new knowledge with those around us.
But not everyone is disposed to receive the things of God.
A Wise Maori in McDonalds
Here’s a personal example from 1987 when I was still in my sins, and the LORD was gently drawing me to Himself.
Enjoying a snack at a New Zealand McDonalds, I noticed a Maori youth sitting alone writing earnestly in a notebook; curious [read, nosey. Ed], I went to see what he was writing.
It was Holy Bible verses copied from a pocket New Testament open before him.
I sneered with incredulity, “Why are you copying that?
He looked up, and amazed at my unbelief replied, These are the words of God!
With that, he brushed off my interruption, and continued carefully copying eternal truths.
That’s wisdom: Where Adam and Eve missed it.
Halleluia! Father bless that dear Brother right now wherever he is, and thank you for his simple powerful witness to me when I was lost and ignorant.

Tawhiao The second Maori king
Cannibals for Christ
The first Maori settlers of Aotearoa were fearsome cannibal warriors*, yet their hearts melted when they heard the Gospel, and many Maori today are stalwart Christians.
I thank God for the bold Maori Christians He used to open my spiritual eyes.
A Maori Baker Sent From Heaven
The LORD stayed on my case, and next sent a Maori baker who picked us up as we continued hitch-hiking around scenic New Zealand (“Land of the long white cloud”).
“I used to be a pimp and a fighter, but in prison Jesus saved me, now I’m a new man. Come home and meet my family tonight.” Was his opening statement.
I thought, blimey, no chance, but my mouth said; “No thank you, please let us out here!”
But Praise God the Holy Ghost in that precious Maori’s heart nudged him to respond graciously;
“Alright, but first I’m going to pray for you.”
And without waiting for my consent, he clamped his huge hand on my right shoulder, and out loud asked Jesus to bless us, and protect us, and “all that stuff Christians pray”.
Still squirming I jumped out of his van in relief and embarrassment.
<< Read The Sissy? Chick tract: Duke thought Jesus was a sissy, until a trucker explained to him the horrible price Jesus paid so his sins could be forgiven. Then Duke saw that Jesus had more guts than anyone who ever lived.
Tract image © Chick Publns. Used by permission.
The Meekness of Wisdom
I relate those two events to illustrate that these Maori Christians displayed remarkable meekness and wisdom in dealing with a sinner man.
This sinner wasn’t the least bit interested in God, Jesus, or the Bible, In fact, I derided Christians, and mocked them for their love of the LORD, yet they both brushed off my folly like lambs, instead of responding as resentful wolves.
We see the source of their meekness perfected in Father, Christ, and The Holy Ghost, and their dealings with us today.
There’s nobody wiser, the Godhead has all knowledge and comprehension of everything, yet look how sweetly they treat us, how gently they teach, and patiently lead you.
Contemplate how meek Our Creator is.
Almighty God is Meek
It is nothing short of breath-taking: Humility in all-mightiness.
Do you want that?
The Holy Ghost writes, through James, exhorting believers to display our wisdom and faith by what we do, and how we behave.
Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. Holy Bible, James 3:13 KJV
I recall one famous Pentecostal preacher, with an unprecedented miracle-packed ministry, trying to rein-in believers who enjoy parading “their spiritual gifts” to everyone.
The genuine Gifts are wonderful, and must be exercised in fellowships, or they’ll wither on the vine, but as the Spirit leads, not as the flesh leads, you understand?
So, rather than dispensing “words” and “prophecies” to all and sundry, to prove they were Spirit-filled, he suggested they, “Just let it show.”
Which is the same point made in this scripture. James 3:13 KJV;
Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.
MEEK: Quiet, gentle, patient, easily imposed upon, submissive, soft, long-suffering, unpretentious, humble.
The LORD is permissive towards you, He permits you to doubt, and allows you to disbelieve and rebel.
It’s your choice: Be wise, submit to Him and choose wisdom.
His Name is The LORD Jesus Christ
He’s redeemed your life back to God once and for all.
His Precious Blood was poured out at Jerusalem for you; your sins, your peace, your victory, your diseases and infirmities, for your healing, salvation, and resurrection.
Nothing more can be added to what The LORD has done to raise you to Glory to be with Him forever.
But the price of your redemption will be void, wasted, if you do not acknowledge and believe that Gospel truth with all your heart and soul.
Father proved your guilt and sin were paid for in full by raising Christ from the dead on the third day.
The moment you repent from unbelief, declare Jesus as your LORD, and begin to follow Him, you will be born of God, and become a brand new righteous creature in Christ Jesus.
That’s what Wisdom desires: Do you want that too?
© 23 Colin Melbourne
* Maori Cannibals: The top image is of the Maori Haka ceremonial ritual.
Rub noses or we eat you! Is my interpretation of the Haka performed in front of new visitors to Aotearoa, ostensibly to discover if they are friend or foe.
In 1769, Yorkshire-born Captain Cook anchored offshore, and sent a rowing boat to make the first landing of Englishmen in New Zealand.
The crew never returned to the ship.
A second dinghy of brave sailors ventured, found blood and the cooked body parts of their ship-mates, and narrowly escaped the same fate.
Here’s an engraving of Captain Cook witnessing human sacrifice in Tahiti.