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Tongues and Prophecy

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    © 09 Colin Melbourne

    Cart before the Horse

    Q: I have exercised the Gift of prophesying, but I’ve never spoken in tongues. Does that mean that I have not been Baptised in the Holy Spirit? If I’m not been Baptised in the Holy Spirit, then how have I been able to prophesy? Lisa

    A: The New Covenant is emphatic and unequivocal; tongues are the initial proof of having received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

    This Bible truth is a Gospel basic in all truly Spirit-filled fellowships.

    Since you don’t have this Scriptural evidence, you are not yet Baptised in the Holy Spirit.

    So what about your claim to have prophesied in the Name of the LORD?

    Looks like a Duck: Quacks like a Dog

    First, keep in mind that there are counterfeit prophecies as well as genuine prophecies today.

    One of Satan’s tricks is to infiltrate Spirit-filled fellowships and pour out false prophecies. (2 Co. 11:13-15)

    That is why leaders must stay alert and distinguish real from false prophecies. (1 Th. 5:19-22, 1 Jn. 4:1)

    False prophets should be silenced and dealt with firmly. (2 Co. 11:14, 2 Jn. 7-11).

    When Beasts and Butchers Prophesied

    Next, remember when it comes to prophecy, speaking forth the word of God, the LORD is not limited by the vessel He uses.

    Under the Old Covenant we see that the LORD has even prophesied through dumb animals.

    When a foolish prophet called Balaam went astray, he was rebuked and humbled by his own faithful Ass. (Num. Ch. 22).

    Many times the LORD has chosen to prophesy through the unrighteous.

    For example, murderous King Saul prophesied the same day that he attempted to kill David twice. (1 Sam. 18:10-12).

    The High Priest Caiaphas prophesied whilst condemning and plotting to kill the LORD Jesus Christ. (Jn. 11:47-53).

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    However, that said, I respectfully point out that your experience is not in line with New Covenant order.

    It is important to foster the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in a fellowship and not stifle sincere believers who miss the mark once in a while (2 Co. 7:21, 1 Co. 14:1), but I would be very concerned about somebody claiming to prophesy and dispensing “words” to all and sundry, whilst themselves not even being Baptised in the Holy Spirit.

    Why have you not been Baptised with the power that Christ promised to every willing and obedient believer? (Lk. 24:49).

    Here’s a wonderful new compilation of the very best of Ken Hagin’s teaching on speaking in tongues. Scriptural answers to all your questions on this popular subject.

    First, make sure that you are genuinely saved, then get the Baptism together with the Bible proof: Then you will be in line with New Covenant order.

    When you have the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, you will get tongues too. Other Gifts of the Spirit may follow, but remember they are all useless unless you excel in love. 1 Co. 13:1-3.

    Also remember that personal tongues are different from the Gift of Speaking in Tongues.

    © 09 Colin Melbourne

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