© 21 Colin Melbourne
The Cost of Abortion
Over the years we’ve received many enquiries from women suffering from the severe spiritual, and psychological consequences of abortion, and from pregnant teenagers in a life-defining dilemma.
We answer them privately and scripturally; but as an illustration to help others, here’s the types of questions we receive, with typical answers;
- Can a baby go to Heaven?
- What happens to babies that die?
- My boyfriend wants me to get rid of this pregnancy, he said he’ll drop me if I don’t…
- I’ve had three abortions, will God forgive me?
- Can a Christian have an abortion?
- Why do Christians condemn abortion?
- It’s not a baby until it’s born, isn’t it?
- What about junkies, rape victims, and HIV?
- If I have an abortion will God understand and forgive me?
- We don’t have the money to raise another child…
- Is it okay to use the ‘morning after’ pill if you have unprotected sex?
- Is using contraception a sin?
- Is coitus interruptus a sin?
- Is Vasectomy sin?
- Our contraceptive failed, so is it God’s will we have this baby?
- If a foetus is shown to have a serious inherited or developmental defect, such as Down’s syndrome, or spina-bifida surely it is better to abort it?
Q: Can a baby go to Heaven?
A: Assuredly Praise God!
We know for certain that God does not hold babies accountable for the sins of others, because of David’s testimony in 2 Sam. Chapter 12.
Verses 22 and 23 show us his illegitimate dead baby was taken to Heaven, because David prophesied, I will go to him. King David knew that he was himself Heavenbound, because of God’s mercy and grace, and he spoke those words by the Holy Ghost who does not lie. Therefore we know his illegitimate child was taken to Heaven. God did not count David’s sin against the product of his sin: That is so wonderfully merciful, and perfectly just.
This scriptural fact is a source of great comfort for Christian parents who’ve lost a baby. For more on this please read, What is the Age of Accountability?
Q: What happens to babies that die?
Q: When children who are too young to be born again die, do they go to Hell?
A: No, God’s grace covers them until they reach the Age of Decision. We know because of David’s words concerning the death of his week-old illegitimate baby. Read the story in The Holy Bible (KJV) 2 Samuel Ch. 12 and note verse 23. Ask The LORD Jesus Christ to show you its significance.
Q: My boyfriend wants me to get rid of this pregnancy, he said he’ll drop me if I don’t…
A: Listen to your heart, where you already know it would be wrong to kill your baby for any reason, least of all, to cling to an irresponsible boyfriend, who’s not worth his salt.
Your baby is fifty percent you, half its genes are your genes, killing your baby is half way to suicide: Don’t even think of it. The consequences are appalling and eternal.
It’s time for you to turn onto the highway of Heaven, where you’ll meet The Man who’ll never leave nor forsake you no matter what bad choices you make: His Name is The LORD Jesus Christ. He is the One who created you in your mother’s womb, just as He’s knitting your baby together in your womb. He created you for real love, peace, joy, and eternal satisfaction: He has what you need to solve every problem you ever face. All He requires is your whole heart, and trust.
Will God Forgive Me?
Q: I’ve had three abortions, will God forgive me?
A: You Creator, and Judge has already paid for every sin you have ever committed, in full once and for all.
He gave His Only Son, to die in your place bearing your condemnation and guilt: It was punished in full, to set you free… if you will turn from your own way, and follow The Way: The LORD Jesus Christ.
He succeeded where you failed.
He’s offering you His Victory over every evil thing.
He’s the only Man you can trust, and He said; This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
(Luke 22:20, Mtt. 26:28 KJV)
That proves how much God longs to forgive you of all your sins: Will you now repent and believe the Good News?
Only then can He begin to protect and lead you in the way of righteousness, so that you have fulness of eternal life, instead of continuous torment, and eternal death.
Q: Can a Christian have an abortion?
A: I can think of no situation in which somebody claiming to be a follower of Christ, could honour Him by butchering the baby in her womb.
Godless medics will press urgently to induce abortion for all kinds of unbelieving reasons.
The believer, in contrast, stands firm in faith; For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37, believing that He is in charge, has everything under His control, therefore;… we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 KJV.
Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him (Job 13:15a) and she resolutely proclaims, Micah 7:7-8 KJV; Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.
Q: Why do Christians condemn abortion?
- A: Because it is sin against Almighty God Our Creator, And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:26-27 KJV
- A sin against the written word of God, Thou shalt not kill. Ex. 20:13 KJV.
- A sin against the spoken word of The LORD Jesus Christ, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment. Mtt. 5:21 KJV
- And a sin against the Spirit of Life, the Holy Spirit convicting every person’s conscience. The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:4
Q: It’s not a baby until it’s born, isn’t it?
A: Wrong! From the instant of conception it is a developing human baby.
Using terms like embryo, foetus, or even “blob of jelly” are flimsy euphemisms to disguise the severity of what is plain murder in God’s eyes.
Indeed, in God’s mind, He already knew that child from eternity, and He has planned nothing but good for His creatures. Read what He said to Jeremiah, a reluctant Prophet of God;
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah 1:5 KJV
Nobody, but God alone, has the right to take a baby from your womb, Psalms 22:9-10 KJV;
But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother’s breasts. I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother’s belly.
Q: What about junkies, rape victims, and HIV?
Q: Surely it is better to abort incest and rape pregnancies, junkie and HIV infected babies?
A: Not at all, there are plenty of Christians willing to adopt and raise such childen as their own.
One young Christian testified, publicly to our ministry, that his mother was raped, but she refused to abort the child, who grew into a wonderful school-teacher whose pupils all sustained honour-roll status. What a wonderful riposte… Take that Satan!
Christ heals HIV just as easily as cancer, colds, and pimples, so why would He prefer death to victory?
Junkies make tremendous Christians, once they have learned how to overcome through the faith of Christ.
An Asian friend had slept on the street for years, addicted to smoking heroin and opium. He told me, one day, two Christians were led to pray over him, as he lay spaced-out as usual. His testimony is; from that moment he has never used drugs since, was soon saved, baptised in the Holy Ghost, and after graduating from Bible School, now pastors a Spirit-filled Baptist church in his hometown. He’s married with two teenage daughters. When he prays: Father answers. I think that is a better junkie outcome than abortion, don’t you? We have a LORD who answers prayers of faith.
Q: If I have an abortion will God understand and forgive me?
A: God understands your situation better than you do, but He never condones killing innocent babies, especially not a mother destroying the fruit of her own womb.
He wants you to turn to Him wholeheartedly right now, so that He can lead you to do the right thing, and raise that child His way.
He has all that you need to overcome your fear.
Killing your baby will merely add to your burden of guilt. You’ve borne it long enough.
Your Maker wants to free you from the snares of sin and death, not watch you sink deeper into hopeless despair.
Now is the perfect moment to get right with the One who knitted you together in your mother’s tummy. Come and meet Him.
Q: We don’t have the money to raise another child…
A: Whatever funds you have right now, you will lose it all if you continue in sin and unbelief. Turn to The LORD your Provider, and He will supply all that you need, starting with His Love and His Peace, followed by His Joy because you have His Life in the core of your being. That is why He said, Holy Bible Matthew 5:3; Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Right now your spirit is destitute, bankrupt before God, a doomed condemned sinner destined for eternal suffering in Hell because of your own sin.
The moment you recognise, and call on The LORD Jesus Christ to forgive you, and wash away your guilt, He will show you what He meant when He said, Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Do that wholeheartedly now, and you’ll never look back to your life of sin.
Q: Is it okay to use the ‘morning after’ pill if you have unprotected sex?
A: No, it is the sin of abortion. Your human baby is created at the instant of fertilisation. Your seed and the father’s seed unite, and develop wonderfully into another beautiful person, whom God creates to experience His eternal good life.
Using a massive dose of female hormone to wash the fertilised ovum from your Fallopian tubes and uterus, then flushing it down the toilet is abortion in God’s eyes: That is the reason for taking the ‘morning after pill’.
Q: Is using contraception a sin?
A: Only according to the Roman Catholic cult, who want its captives to breed so they have more cult-members to control and extort money from.
There’s no scriptural censure of contraception, it is a matter of personal choice between husband and wife.
Those who use Onan’s sin to justify Catholic false-teaching, are wrongly dividing scripture. Onan’s sin was disobeying God (Genesis Ch. 38), by deliberately using coitus interruptus to prevent impregnating his dead brother’s wife. His sin was dishonouring God, his father, and his dead brother.
Q: Is coitus interruptus a sin?
A: Not unless the husband has been instructed by God to sire a child, as Onan had been (See Genesis Ch. 38).
Q: Is Vasectomy sin?
A: Yes, it is self-mutilation, cutting off one’s own seed, which is repeatedly forbidden and condemned in God’s written word, not to be confused with male circumcision, which was a token of the Covenant between God and The Jews, and a shadow of the New Birth experience. Deu. 23:1 KJV;
He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
(See also, Lev. 22:24, Deu. 14:1 etc)
Q: Our contraceptive failed, so is it God’s will we have this baby?
A: Yes, and if you don’t want to raise the child in godliness there are plenty of Christians who do.
Q: If a foetus is shown to have a serious inherited or developmental defect, such as Down’s syndrome, or perhaps spina-bifida, surely it is better to abort it?
A: No, that is fallen human reasoning.
We have a miracle-working God, for whom nothing is impossible or too hard: Have faith in Him.
A missionary friend of mine has a mature son affected by Down’s syndrome, and both parents adore their child, and tell me they have learned much about God through the situation. Give it some thought, and He’ll teach you also.
God has humbled me beautifully, many times, through an Asian friend who was born with; one arm, no legs, and one eye. He lives alone, and runs his own business. Our Heavenly Father dotes over him, yet you would have aborted him before he took his first breath. Shame on you.
Renew your mind in line with God’s, Romans 12:1-2 KJV;
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
The above are example questions we get from past visitors, if you are contemplating abortion you may contact us confidentially here.
If you would like to comment publicly, you can do so here.
Mums and Dads, cover your progeny from the womb with the Word of God, and teach them about Him;

Start them off right, feed young hearts eternal Truth, instead of myths, fairy tales & fantasy. KJV text Matthew 5:3-11 with stimulating gentle imagery to introduce your babes to their Maker.
© 21 Colin Melbourne
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