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Occult Messages in Rock Music

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    © 07 Colin Melbourne

    The Devil’s Music

    Q: I heard long ago about subliminal messages in Rock and Roll, especially in “Guns n’Roses”, and heavy-metal music. Can you comment on this, and about “Christian rock”? Osvaldo

    A: Since the Sixties, several groups have admitted deliberately inserting subliminal sinful messages in their recordings; others did it tongue-in-cheek, or to gain notoriety.

    People have also claimed to have found ungodly messages when some songs are played backwards. It’s called “back-masking”. Most of these “back-masked messages” are probably coincidence; like Muslims getting excited when they cut open a marrow, and perceive a pattern of seeds spelling out Allah, or Mohammed. That’s regular front-page news in Muslim nations. In China they prefer photographs of two-headed newts, and six-legged piglets.

    My opinion is that unsaved groups do not have to insert subliminal, or back-masked, messages in their songs to warrant condemnation, all of them are ungodly when heard forwards, normally, and consciously.

    There are many artistes who have a demonic anointing on their music, and they are unaware of it, others invoke one during recording. I would mention their names, but I know that would cause some people reading this to seek out their work, and be snared. The artistes I have in mind are very popular, talented, and not heavy metal.

    Music is an integral part of worship, God encourages us to use musical instruments in worship of Him, as well as to sing, shout, and make a joyful noise. We love to obey, and stay in the Spirit for long periods during free praise and worship.

    Godly music seems to help open our spirits to God’s Spirit, doesn’t it? Notice the effect when young David, the Prophetic Psalmist, played for King Saul. (1 Sam. 16:23)

    So, conversely, it is no surprise that the Devil enjoys using his children to make music that opens them up to his demonic spirits.

    There’s a very old Satanist “church” in my hometown, in the North of England, where they even use Christian hymns, and worship songs, but direct them to Satan instead of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Similarly, Roman Catholic worship is directed towards a counterfeit Christ and demons. The Mormon cult are well known for their choir’s talent in praising demons.

    I used to listen to pop and rock music constantly before I was a Christian, couldn’t be without it. It is powerful mood changing stuff isn’t it? Remember how essential music was to “create the right atmosphere” at one of those worldly parties?

    Ask any DJ which is the most effective song to get people sinning on the dance floor. Yeah that one! It never fails.

    As soon as I was saved though, the Lord took the desire for ungodly music away from me, and I threw out all my records. I don’t listen to any music that comes from sinner’s hearts, though it is often unavoidable when out evangelising (get after those sinners!), and forced on us in buses, airports, and shopping centres.

    I share your suspicion and disdain of “Christian rock”, I am unconvinced, and do not have any. There’s more on Evil Rock music, and “Christian rock music” here. But I keep in mind that God can use anyone He chooses for His Glory, and raise up praise and worship even from stones. (Lk. 19:40)

    But not the “Rolling Stones”… so far. Can you imagine Keith Richards getting saved? Now that would be beautiful!

    Tip: Listen to the original Staple Singer’s version of “This may be the last time”, it’ll make your spirit tingle.

    The KJV-only chestnut

    Q: Why use any version other than the Geneva 1599, or the KJV 1611? Leonard

    A: Firstly, because most of the world does not speak English, let alone Sixteenth century English. This Good News is for every creature, not just a parochial English-speaking clique.

    Jesus has provided perfect redemption for Bhutanese and Mongolians too. Must these precious souls learn middle English to discover what He’s done for them?

    His message should be given to people in their own language translated from the Greek Textus Receptus, or failing that, from the KJV.

    Secondly, I have made clear my view on the KJV-only standpoint. Here’s how Jesus showed me what He thinks is The Best Bible translation. I go with God on this one.

    Finally, remember that even The Perfect Word of God was helpless to minister without The Holy Spirit empowering Him. The letter kills, the Spirit gives life.

    Only when you have both The Living Word and the Holy Spirit’s anointing, will you be a balanced Bible believer whom God can use anywhere.

    Come on you Saints!

    © 07 Colin Melbourne

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