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The Real Easter Message

    Image of a growing lamb cc0

    © 06 Colin Melbourne

    The meaning and message of Easter has nothing to do with religion. It is about sin, judgment, and eternal redemption. At its centre is a Covenant in God’s Blood, the absolute truth of His word… and a Lamb.

    The Lamb of God

    Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world

    Jn. 1:29b, Holy Bible, KJV

    Mothers and fathers, tell your children. Brothers and sisters, tell the world: God has come and put an end to religion.

    We’re sick of ridiculous rituals, and don’t need them anymore because we have the Truth: The LORD Jesus Christ, who said,

    I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me.

    Jn. 14:6 KJV

    Religion, sacraments, rites, and ceremonies can never bring anyone to God. There’s only one way: You must come through Christ alone, or you will not come at all.

    God the Father planned it, God the Holy Spirit foretold it, and God the Son fulfilled it: Perfect redemption for every sinner who does two simple things.

    It costs us nothing, but God paid an infinite price to offer you eternal freedom.

    The Passover Lamb Foretold

    From Genesis to Revelation the Holy Spirit symbolises the Messiah as a lamb. Abel was the first to offer God a sacrifice for his sins, fat portions of lambs from his flock (Ge. 4:4). An act that cost him his life. He was murdered in a fit of jealousy by the first man born of woman (Ge. 4:8).

    Soon we read of Abraham’s finest hour, when, in breathtaking obedience to the word of the LORD, he was willing to sacrifice his own son, believing God would raise him from the dead. (Ge. 22:1-19, Heb. 11:17-19 KJV)

    When young Isaac asked innocently,

    Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?

    His Father replied with the towering prophesy:

    My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering:

    Ge. 22:8a KJV

    You know what happened. God miraculously sent a perfect ram to substitute for Isaac, foreshadowing the Perfect Lamb who came from Heaven for you.

    Slay and Eat The Lamb

    When rebellious Israel was enslaved in Egypt they called upon God for mercy, He sent Moses who led them to liberty. On the night of their national Exodus each Jewish home killed a Passover lamb, painting its blood on their door frames, and eating its flesh before the journey.

    When the Destroying Angel saw the lamb’s blood on the home, he passed over it, leaving them unscathed. But every household in Egypt without the blood lost their firstborn in divine Judgment. (See Ex. Ch. 12)

    God instructed Israel to keep a Passover Feast as an annual reminder of the redemption that was to come in Christ.

    Solomon built The Temple where Levitical flesh and blood offerings were made for centuries. Countless lambs, and cattle, were sacrificed as ‘types’ of the coming Lamb of God who would offer Himself in perfect atonement for sins.

    However, a veil came over the hearts of the Jews, they failed to see the Glory of Christ in those offerings, and killed Him when He came in Person.

    Why a Lamb?

    After practising as a farm vet in the UK, New Zealand, and Arabia, I can assure you there’s no more innocent, delightful creature than a lamb. Even mischievous goat kids are completely enchanting. If you have had the pleasure of hand-rearing a lamb you will understand why God chose it as a symbol of The Messiah.

    I noticed a radical difference between British and NZ sheep-farmers and their counterparts in the Middle-East. Westerners drive their flocks by intimidation and fear using sheepdogs, whereas Mid-Eastern sheep simply follow the shepherd and his voice. No fear, just a simple bond of gentle trust.

    David really cared for his father’s sheep, he slept with the flock, guarding them with his life. When a lion, wolf or bear, attempted to steal his lambs, they first had to get past David, who was not afraid of attacking a lion and pulling a lamb from its jaws. (1 Sam. 17:34-36)

    Picture a young lad running after a lion carrying off one of his lambs in its teeth. Grabbing it by the mane, and plunging his dagger into the marauder’s heart. What a vision of the coming Saviour, and of your mission on Earth.

    Impossible you say? Not at all, just last week it was reported that an Australian man was savaged by a four metre long crocodile, whilst sleeping in his tent. A nearby grandmother was awoken by the screams and ran to the scene.

    Seeing the man helpless in the croc’s jaws the Granny leapt onto the reptile’s head and beat it until the victim was freed. She’s got its skull on her wall as a trophy.

    You see why sharks get nervous when they dare feed on Australians? One bloke spotted a shark heading for his daughter swimming in the shallows. He grabbed a cricket bat, ran into the sea, and clubbed the killer shark to death.

    How much more invincible is an anointed child of God. Lions, bears, wolves, and serpents: Beware of touching the LORD’s property.

    Lamb of The Shepherd

    You see the significance of Christ describing himself as the Good Shepherd laying down his life for the sheep who follow his voice? (Jn. 10)

    No wonder, when His cousin, John the Baptist, saw Him approach, the Holy Ghost burst forth like a geyser the command;

    Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world

    Jn. 1:29b, Holy Bible, KJV

    All Spirit-filled saints echo that heart cry today. Look! Behold! God’s Lamb sacrificed for our sin.

    I thank God my sin debt is paid in full, atoned for, gone. I’m washed spotless in the Blood of the Lamb of God. I am righteous, forever redeemed, and I didn’t do a thing to get it except look to Jesus, my Passover Lamb. No ceremonies, priests or rituals, I just looked and believed.

    Have you done that yet?… continued in Part II

    © 06 Colin Melbourne

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