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I am with you alway

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    © 16 Colin Melbourne

    Go and Teach!

    Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

    Mtt. 28:19-20 KJV

    This is God’s promise to those who obey and fulfil His will;

    I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.

    Meat for the journey: A belly-full of the Lamb of God. (Ex. 12:5-10)

    God provided the Lamb. (Gen. 22:8)

    In response to His command, we venture with holy boldness, rejoicing in His victory.

    We teach everyone His word: We declare, manifest, demonstrate, and embody, His word to all the world.

    What an honour!

    We share the message of God’s Love with; the loveless, destitute, and vagabonds of this corrupted perishing world.

    Believers have the exact same Holy Spirit as Jesus, as Peter, John, Paul, and Stephen had.

    We have the same righteousness, peace, power, and wisdom in which Christ abided.

    The same Holy Spirit who led them leads us.

    Do you believe that? I do.

    Isn’t that exciting?

    One Spirit: Many Lives

    As with the variety of Spiritual Gifts (See 1 Co. Ch 12), so the Spirit leads along a different path for each life.

    For example; Christ was led to be the Messiah-Saviour-Lamb of God, Peter; the Apostle to the Jews, Paul; Apostle to the Gentiles, Stephen; the first Spirit-filled martyr, but it is the same Holy Spirit leading each.

    And today He is leading you!

    Ready When You Are

    Nothing takes Jesus by surprise, He knows all about you, and is ready to assist, no matter what difficulties you face.

    The fact a trial has been allowed to occur; shows He has confidence in you, to trust in Him, to put you over.

    He is with you; for you, assisting, endorsing, helping, encouraging, cheering, and blessing, as you fulfil His word… alway, even unto the end of the world.

    Alway, always; that’s reassuring, comforting, isn’t it?


    The believer in Christ overcomes every enemy of God by putting faith into action.

    As Christians obey Jesus’ word: He is with them always to ensure it is fulfilled.

    But taste the honey from the comb: As you fulfil His word, God is with you NOW.

    That is more than reassuring, better than comfort, that’s inspirational!

    • It makes you dare, whilst doubters dither.
    • It makes you bold, whilst wimps wonder.
    • It makes you strong, and your enemies to scatter:

    Why? Because…

    I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.

    Perfect health is included in everybody’s salvation.

    Smith Wigglesworth knew that, proclaimed it, and overcame many trials to prove it in his own life.

    He was never satisfied with a healing testimony if the medics were involved.

    God does not use doctors to heal, He heals by His word and His Spirit through faith in Christ’s finished work at Calvary.

    Listen to Smith proclaim healing through Christ, and enjoy years of healthy living: Smith Wigglesworth On Healing.

    How to join this ministry

    © 16 Colin Melbourne

    Image of Smith Wigglesworth sermons on Healing

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