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These Signs Shall Follow

    Image of Iranian child cc0

    Christ Commands the Church

    And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

    He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

    And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

    So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.

    And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

    Holy Bible, Mark 16:15-20 KJV

    That Is For You

    Understand this Gospel basic; these signs shall follow them that believe.

    Note: Christ set no condition, or limit, on which believers can do this good stuff.

    Even if you are a new believer, it is for you. You are entitled to use His Name to cast out devils, to receive the Baptism in the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues, bask in divine protection, and heal the sick in Christ’s Name.

    He said it: Just do it!

    It’s not reserved for; elders, overseers, pastors, evangelists, prophets, or apostles, it is for them that believe.

    Do You Believe God’s Word?

    You don’t have to attain an exalted level of spiritual development, or holiness, before God will use you, you just have to believe His words enough to do them with all your heart: He does the rest.

    He Heard and Believed

    There’s a true story of an African who was saved as he listened to the Gospel: The Good News that Jesus is The Resurrection (Jn. 11:25).

    Jesus Raises The Dead

    As the man repented of unbelief, He was immediately conscious that The LORD Jesus had come to dwell in his heart, so he began searching for a dead person to raise up from the dead to prove it.

    I like that attitude, don’t you?

    When you get some new clothes or shoes, you put them on the same day, you don’t leave them in a box, you want to see what they look like on you.

    The brand new believer went around his village looking for mourners, and found a family grieving over their dead child.

    He gate-crashed the funeral, and boldly declared that he was a believer in The LORD Jesus Christ who raises the dead.

    In response the parents welcomed him to demonstrate this God who raises the dead.

    The delighted Christian prayed a simple prayer commanding the child to live in Jesus Name, and straight away God brought the child back to life.

    He surely did, and will do, AMEN!

    Died Twice: Resurrected Twice

    I chatted with a Spirit-filled preacher who was raised from the dead, not once, but twice.

    When he asked God why He let him die the second time, the LORD replied, Because you are not doing what I told you to do.

    He’d been negligent getting this good news out, so had fallen into death’s clutches again because of his disregard for God’s command.

    That fixed him, he began preaching at every opportunity he had!

    Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?

    Acts 26:8 KJV

    God Confirms His Word

    The African Christian had only been saved a few hours, but it didn’t matter to the LORD who raises the dead, what mattered was that he believed God’s written word enough to do the word, so the Holy Ghost endorsed the man’s preaching with signs following, just as it is written.

    And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

    That is how God still works through anyone who really believes.

    When did God change?

    Are you a believer, or a doubter?

    Some Christians think they have to jump through spiritual hoops before they can heal the sick, or cast out devils, but Jesus promised such signs would follow them that believe and share His Gospel.

    It’s wonderful to have Almighty God endorse you, but remember, He’s endorsing His message, not you.

    You are not yet perfect, but you don’t have to be because His word is, and He is. Halleluia!

    For His Name’s Sake

    Another key point to keep in mind is that He does the miracles because of His Name, not because of your righteousness, holiness, or reputation.

    Dare to believe that God will back you when you share His word boldly in love and faith.

    That’s what He saved you for.

    Quit doubting, hoping, and experimenting: Start believing!

    Remember He confirms His Living Word: The LORD Jesus Christ.

    Get that straight, give Him something to work on so sinners turn from dead religion to the Living God.

    Give His living words: Words of life and faith, and He will confirm them as sinners repent and believe.

    Try it, you’ll enjoy it… almost as much as Father does.


    © 21 Colin Melbourne

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    What To Believe

    Man Raised From The Dead

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