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Bible Worship

    Image of idolatry cc0

    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    When the Bible becomes an idol

    Q: People in our church are saying that we are treating our Bible as an idol; I don’t understand. Isn’t this God’s Word, and so should be worshipped? Mary Ann

    A: Some people claiming to be Christian do in-fact worship the Holy Bible.

    This is plain idolatry.

    The Holy Bible is the word of God in written form, but we are not called to worship a book, but rather the Living Word: The LORD Jesus Christ. (Jn. 1:1,14)

    When Christ came He rebuked the Pharisees, the religious Jews who studied the written word of God endlessly, and knew it by heart.

    He called them vipers and hypocrites because they claimed to love and know God, but rejected Him when He appeared in their midst in Person.

    They said they loved the Word, but did not obey it, instead they turned it into a legalistic false religion: Pharisee-ism and Judaism.

    Many false believers do this today, studying God’s word the Bible, idolising the letter, but rejecting Him in Person; appearing to honour the word of God whilst turning it into another dead religion.

    The letter kills: It is the Spirit that gives life; 2 Co. 3:6 KJV;

    Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

    Real Christians love the written word of God, the Holy Bible, but they don’t worship the Bible, they embrace, trust in, and follow its teaching, by the power of the Spirit of God.

    Christians worship the Living God and Him alone: The LORD Jesus Christ.

    Got it? If not, humble yourself before God, and ask Him to show you the difference between religion and Life.

    The KJV is the best, and most accurate, English Bible version to use, but don’t idolize it. Please read some of the Dean John Burgon books for information about the basic problem with all modern Bibles, and why the Traditional Text is the most accurate. They are wonderfully comprehensive, and detailed.

    Image of a Bible Idol. CC0 Image Used by permission

    The hideous wooden bible idol pictured here, is in fact a KJV idol sold in Jerusalem as the “Olive wood Millennium Jerusalem 2000 Bible”.

    You will find many such idols being hawked by Jews preying on gullible tourists to Israel.

    They even have one encrusted with Jerusalem stones!

    What would Gideon say about such folly? (See Judges 8:24-27)

    What did Christ do between the Cross and His Resurrection?

    Q: When Jesus died, what did He do in the three days He was dead? Donna

    A: A marvelous question Donna.

    He redeemed us from sin, He bought believers back by giving His Life for us. Eph. 1:7, Col. 1:14, Heb. 9:12. He redeemed us from the curses of the Law. Gal. 3:13. He suffered the full punishment for the sins of the world. Gal. 1:4, 1 Co. 15:3, He bore the consequences of the guilt of mankind to set believers free from sickness, fear, loneliness, and death. Heb. Chs.7-10.

    He crushed and defeated our enemy the Devil and satisfied all the claims of Justice against anybody who truly believes in Him and receives Him as their Lord. Ro. Ch.5, Col. 1:13, 2:15, Jn. 3:16-18.

    That is merely a brief over-view, please study what redemption means, and your love for Him and wisdom will grow.

    When you really understand the meaning of redemption, you will have perfect peace always. I recommend every Christian read E.W. Kenyon’s little book called Identification, where he elaborates beautifully on what this means.

    Apparitions and Satanic Black-holes

    Q: Can you explain more about Bernadette’s vision of “Mary”? Christine

    A: That’s covered here Christine: The occult apparitions at Fatima, Lourdes, Medjugorje, etc., are all Catholic snares and demonic deceptions.

    Discover why Catholics are not Christian.

    Q: Is Pope Benedict The AntiChrist?

    A: An antiChrist, like all popes, but not The AntiChrist who will rule the world in the Last Days.

    My own view is that the final pope will be the False Prophet (Rev. 19:20) who assists the AntiChrist. The Roman Catholic leader will represent the religious arm of the AntiChrist’s world government. The AntiChrist will be a non-religious Jew claiming to be God, according to my understanding of Daniel and Paul’s descriptions of him.

    Are You a Sinner or a Saint?

    Q: How can we be righteous in God’s eyes; when we do things that are unrighteous? Lisa

    A: This is the core of the Gospel, the very essence of redemption, and the Glory of the LORD Jesus Christ.

    When a person grasps it, they become enraptured in loving awe of God’s Grace.

    I’m not going to spoon-feed, and thereby deprive you of the finest way to comprehend the answer, which is to discover what Christ has already done for you, why He did it, and how He wants you to respond. (You’ll find a clue here; Are You Guilty or Not?)

    You won’t get the revelation listening to withered figs grinding through dry denominational sermons, nor skimming through the Bible, nor “Bing-ing” the internet: It comes when you realise He’s calling you to put your sin-stained hand in God’s.

    If you are interested in Truth; simply get a Holy Bible, preferably the KJV, and pray to God asking Him to open your spiritual eyes to understand His word. Then carefully read the Gospel of John, and Jesus will be revealed to you like never before.

    Image of Book for Roman Catholics

    © 11 Colin Melbourne

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