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How to Walk in Constant Victory

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    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    Yo-Yo Christians

    Q: I’m a teen, and during my church worship I don’t always feel ‘on fire’. Please help. Drew

    A: By the grace of God, I can help you Drew.

    Gospel Facts: Not Feelings

    Firstly, our worship of Christ has nothing to do with how we feel. Feelings are a fickle mistress. Feelings are soulish; of the mind, will, and emotions.

    Christians worship in spirit and in truth, Jn. 4:23-24, that means from our hearts (our spirit), by His Spirit in us.

    This has nothing to do with how we feel.

    We worship Him because of who He is, what He has done for us, and what He is to us personally.

    Jesus is Almighty God in the Flesh, Holy, Merciful, and Righteous. He is our Lord and Saviour, our Co-heir, Brother, Best Friend, and Kinsman Redeemer. He has saved us; from the wrath of God, Judgment for sin, Hell, death, disease, and delivered us from all of Satan’s power.

    He has made us new creations in Him, given us His righteousness, His holiness, and redeemed us eternally. 2 Co. 5:17,21, 1 Co. 1:30, Heb. 9:12.

    I don’t know about you, but to me, That Bloke deserves all my worship, anytime, regardless of how I feel.

    So forget your feelings and worship Him because He is LORD of your life.

    This book is excellent for young Christians, How to be led by the Spirit of God: Get it, do it, and you won’t look back.

    Rejoice in the Trial

    Secondly, I can assure you that the praise and worship Father values most is from those who are undergoing a trial of their faith in Him. Jas. 1:2, 1 Pe. 1:3-9, 4:12-13.

    All Christians find it easy to worship the Lord on the mountain top “on fire” following a personal victory. That is good and thrills God’s heart to see.

    God’s plan is for you to walk on the mountain tops shouting His Victory all your life, He leads us in constant triumph, not failure. 2 Co. 2:14.

    Failure means we didn’t stick close enough to Jesus.

    It’s a faith relationship; so trust and obey Him, and you will not fail.

    He has already given you His total trust and commitment. He died for you when you were still a sinner. Now He wants your total commitment to Him. Let Him have His way in your life. He knows what is best for you.

    We do this by following His word in everything. By embracing and believing His Promises, we partake of His Nature, and escape the “Yo-yo Christian syndrome”. Up or down according to our feelings and moods.

    In Christ we are up all the time, spiritually seated in Him in Heavenly places.

    God says this is a faith and love walk, not a sight and feelings walk. 2 Pe. 1:3-4, 2 Co. 1:19-22, 2 Co. 5:7, Eph. Chs 1-2, Heb. Ch. 11.

    Understand, and never forget, that Love is NOT a feeling, it is a commitment.

    But even those children who miss the mark, and stumble along down in the Valley of the shadow of Death, can still give Him pleasure and glory; by fearing no evil, walking by faith, with no visible means of support or deliverance, placing their whole trust in the Promise of God.

    Confident in Christ, they choose to worship Him in the trial knowing He cannot fail, and that He’s already answered their prayers. Their deliverance is assured, they wait not in vain. They praise Him for the answer before they see it, and He is glorified in their praises.

    You can see that this is faith that Father loves to develop in His children.

    It is Bible faith, Jesus’ kind of faith, saving faith.

    How to Grow in Faith and Love

    You will develop victorious faith simply by focussing on your Lord Jesus Christ, and letting Him show His love for you, on the inside; in your heart, your spirit.

    Meditate constantly on His love.

    What did He give for you, Drew? What is your value to God?

    Embrace what His word says you are in Him, a new creation in Christ, and your faith and love will grow rapidly.

    Because you love Him, you will obey him more and more.

    As you obey Him, He reveals Himself to you more and more. Jn. 14:15,21,23.

    You will then find yourself worshipping Him wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whether you are “on fire” or not.

    In return, His hand will be upon you, blessing and guiding you to victory regardless of your feelings.

    Try it and you will see.

    In 1990 I was working as a vet in Northumberland, UK.

    One day, as I drove out of the surgery driveway to go on a farm visit, I had to wait while a lone teenage girl walked past.

    She was in school uniform, about thirteen, but what got my attention was the glory on her face, it was radiant, she was oblivious of her surroundings, lost in wonder, worshipping Jesus on her way to school.

    I didn’t need to ask her: He told me.

    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    Image of book on Holy SpiritHow To Be Led By The Spirit of God

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