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Step 1: Know That Jesus Heals Today

    Image of a Holy Bible open cc0

    Based upon Receive Miracle Healing by T.L. Osborn
    © 89 OMI Used with the Author’s permission

    During Bible times, Christ healed the sick. Every sick person who asked Him to heal them was healed by God’s power.

    Picture of Dr.TL.Osborn

    Jesus’ power is available to you now just as it was in Bible days. Here’s why; God said,
    I am the LORD that healeth thee.

    Holy Bible Ex. 15:26 KJV

    God is a Healer, and He has never changed.

    I am the LORD, I change not;  Mal. 3:6

    Jesus Christ healed sick people, and He’s never changed.

    Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.  Heb. 13:8

    Jesus sent his disciples to heal, and a true disciple of Christ follows His command today just as in New Testament times.

    If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;  Jn. 8:31

    Healing miracles occurred in the early Church, and the true Church has never changed. Jesus commanded the twelve to instruct all believers to do what they did…

    Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:

    Mtt. 28:20

    Jesus authorised all believers in all countries to lay hands on the sick, promising that they will get well Mk. 16:18. True believers have never changed

    The same Holy Spirit who worked through Christ, worked through His disciples, and still works miracles through real believers today.

    Healing the sick is as much for today as it ever was.

    What Jesus did before, He will do for you now.

    Now Take Step Two

    Image of TL. Osborn book on Healing the Sick

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