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Step 2: Know God’s Promises to heal you

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    Based upon Receive Miracle Healing by T.L. Osborn
    © 89 OMI Used with the Author’s permission

    Often religious theologians do much harm by making a doctrine of Scripture, when it is meant to be read as though Christ was talking to us.

    Picture of Dr.TL. Osborn

    The Holy Bible is God’s word, His voice to us.

    To treat the word as though it were just a book is a serious mistake. Read it as though God was physically present, and speaking to you. Give it the attention you would give Christ, and trust in it.

    The only sound basis for solid faith is to trust in the absolute integrity of God’s written word.

    The Holy Bible is the will, and voice of God to you. Bank on it.

    Accept that healing is part of Christ’s work today, and know that His promises to heal in the Scriptures are for you.

    Do you think God would keep His word?

    If He promised to heal you personally, do you believe He would do it?

    Of course, God declares;

    I am the LORD that healeth thee. … who healeth all thy diseases.

    Holy Bible Ex. 15:26, Ps. 103:3 KJV

    by whose stripes ye were healed.

    1 Pe. 2:24 KJV

    God’s Promises are for you as much as for anyone, accept that.

    Jesus said, If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

    Jn. 14:14 KJV

    Do not doubt; Believe God’s word, claim His promises in sincere prayer.

    Now Take Step Three

    Image of TL. Osborn book Healing the Sick

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