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Personal Idolatry

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    © 09 Colin Melbourne

    Wearing Cross Idols

    Q: I was reading about the deaf woman and idolatry, when she was asked to remove the cross on a chain around her neck. Is it wrong to wear a cross? What about T-shirts displaying belief in Jesus? Is it not the same as wearing a cross around your neck? Pamilla

    A: Anything that a person regards between themselves and God can become an idol. The Lord certainly insisted that the deaf woman repent of idolatry by removing the cross and chain around her neck. After she complied, He healed her instantly right in front of me. When she replaced the cross the next day, her deafness returned. Read the full account to find out what happened next.

    We cannot forget lessons like that. God hates idolatry, and so do real believers. Behind every idol is demon power. 1 Co. 10:19-20.

    Saints Don’t Need Symbols

    That is why the Bible has many warnings to flee from idolatry in all its forms. (1 Jn. 5:21, 1 Co. 10:7,14) Believers do not need idols, altars, shrines, “holy water”, icons, crosses, medals and charms; we have the Spirit of the Living God in our hearts. We worship in Spirit and in Truth.

    He is enough!

    The reality of Christ in you trumps all symbolic trappings. Halleluia!

    Smith Wigglesworth: There are two kinds of Christians, those who have the power, and those who don’t. Discover Wigglesworth, you’ll get it, and won’t look back.

    Wearing a T-shirt as an evangelistic witnessing tool is clearly different from carrying religious jewellery, talismans and charms. Nevertheless, if the T-shirt wearer veers towards holding idolatrous thoughts about their shirt, or cap, or whatever, then it too could become an idol.

    You see it is not just the object itself, but what it means to the believer. It is an area that requires true personal integrity before the Lord.

    Image of Chick Tract, What's Wrong With This? Copyright Chick Publns. Used by permission<< Read What’s Wrong With This? Chick tract: Billions worship some kind of idol. But there’s only one way to Heaven, and that is through The LORD JESUS CHRIST.

    Tract image © Chick Publns. Used by permission.

    I find when an object does indeed become idolatrous, the confronted person objects strongly, and makes all sorts of disingenuous excuses. You just know they are deceiving themselves. But those who admit it, and truly repent, are blessed, and often healed instantly. I’ve seen it many times.

    Most of the sinners I minister to have idolatrous charms; Chinese Foo, wristbands, strings, jade jewellery, fetishes and talismans of all kinds, and I usually insist on them discarding such idols before I will pray with them to receive their healing.

    Since idolatry is insidious and seductive, the wise lean on the side of caution in this matter.

    We rejoice in proclaiming the Cross, and what Christ did for us upon it, but there are no crosses in my home, and certainly none on my body.

    You must decide for yourself.

    © 09 Colin Melbourne

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