© 11 Colin Melbourne
The Heart of the Gospel
Romans 8:11 KJV declares a basic Bible truth crucial to your health and well-being.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
The preceding verses, Rom. 8:9-10, have already established the Gospel fact that every real believer has the Spirit of God living in them. So we know the first clause of Rom. 8:11 applies to every true Christian.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you…
The exact same Spirit who raised up Jesus from death, and resurrected His body on the third day, lives in you.
The Spirit of God lives in you. Rom. 8:9, 1 Co. 6:19, 2 Co. 1:22, Eph. 1:13.
Bill and Ben Touched This

Ben Jonson
An unsaved friend of mine was deeply moved when he held original autograph manuscripts of plays by his heroes, Elizabethan playwrights, Ben Jonson and William Shakespeare.
We understand fan’s thoughts as they draw near to celebrities, hoping to; touch them, speak with them, perhaps retain something, an autograph, or a tea-cup they drank from.
Often the adorers dress and behave like their idol, craving to be the object of their adoration.
You and I would react the same if the LORD Jesus Christ walked down our local High Street today. We’d chase after Him, longing for a touch, a word, a prayer, something, anything of His to keep and treasure.
“He touched me, He spoke to me, He healed me! He gave me His autograph!”
That would indeed be wonderful, inspiring, and a true blessing from God to you.
But wait a minute, let’s think about this.
The greatest thing about Ben Jonson was not his handwriting, it was his words, his wit, his style, and the life that still flows through them to readers today. Bill’s not bad either.
What Men and Women Really Want
The most desirable feature of a celebrity, to a true fan, is not; their gorgeous looks, stunning voice, prowess or achievement. It is that which makes them unique, their life: The fan desires the very life of the celebrity.
A fan will mimic, dress, dance, talk, and walk like the star, but they know deep down, they don’t have the essence of their hero, the life.
Contrast this with the bond between Jesus and the believer.
He that Spared Not
What is it that makes and seals the relationship?
Though you haven’t seen Him, though you have not touched Him, or spoken with Him face to face, He gave you what you desired most of all.
As soon as you met Him, in love He offered you His Life, and His Spirit: In love you received them, and you became one with Him, forever. Jn. 1:12, 6:51, 17:20-23.
The fan goes away thrilled to have been touched, clutching an autographed photo of their idol.
Christ imparts His Life to the believer, and promises never to leave or forsake them. Mtt. 28:20b, Jn. 17:26, Heb. 13:5.
Father reassures us in Rom. 8:32 KJV;
He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
Tell me, who has the best deal?
Rev. Hagin quotes Kenyon in a classic series of sermons on what it means to be In Christ Jesus. Please give a copy to everyone you lead to the Lord.

This tiny book is based on Kenneth Hagin preaching from EW Kenyon’s classic book “In Christ Jesus”.
© 11 Colin Melbourne
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