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God’s Morality

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    © 09 Colin Melbourne

    How do we know God is right?

    Q: A question which has bothered me lately is; how are the morals of God justified, what makes His moral values right, and others simply wrong? Philip

    A: That’s very easy to answer in one word: Righteousness.

    You are making the mistake of judging God’s word from your fallible viewpoint.

    It is the same serious error Job made, until the Lord brought him to repentance, first by speaking to him through young Elihu (Job 32-37), then by speaking directly to Job (Job 38-41). This article will help you to understand Job’s trials.

    The question exposes your unsaved spiritual state Philip.

    The instant you are born again you will know inside that Christ is Almighty God in the Flesh, and that He is always right. Always. He is The Truth, the Absolute Truth, and there is no other. Is. 45:19, Jn. 14:6, 15:26.

    When you are saved you will know this eternal fact without any doubt or anxiety.

    I suggest you get a Holy Bible and read the Gospel of John, humble yourself before the Lord, and ask Him to reveal the Truth to you. Then decide if you want to become a Christian, or continue in sin, doubt, and unbelief.

    Classic Kenyon, unfolding the most profound revelation in simple prose, enabling you to see yourself as God does. Righteous and victorious now in Christ. This little book has transformed countless lives: Two Kinds of Righteousness

    A question from a Catholic

    Q: What does Born Again Christian mean, why does one have to be born again? Peggy

    A: That’s fully answered here: How to be born again. By the grace of God, many precious Catholics have become Christian through reading it, and doing what it says. Are you ready to discover the difference between religious tradition and Truth?

    Assurance instead of doubt

    Q: You make it so simple, great web site! I believe, but I always have doubts, how do I stop the doubts, and know for sure that I have been born again? Josh

    A: This is a common problem for believers in lukewarm fellowships, so we have written several articles to help establish doubters on The Rock. Start here: Assurance of Salvation.

    © 09 Colin Melbourne

    Image of EW. Kenyon book on biblical righteousness

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