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Test the Spirits

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    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    Please read Part I first

    How to Test Spirits

    The LORD’s angels can, and do, appear to Christians today; and a true angel of God will not object to you verifying its credentials before accepting anything as genuine.

    Why? Because the Bible instructs us to. Read 1 Jn. 4:1-6 carefully.

    Today many Christians are spiritually dense like Nicodemus, Israel’s teacher, whom Christ rebuked for being ignorant about spiritual matters. (Jn. Ch.3) Read how the Lord opened the eyes of one such minister, in this excellent book: Deliver Us From Evil

    A reminder about some basics of prayer

    • Christians never pray to angels, because there’s only one mediator between God and man, the LORD Jesus Christ. 1 Tim. 2:5.
    • Christians pray to God the Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, because that’s how He taught believers to pray. Jn. 14:13-14, 16:23-28. Not to Him, but to Father in His Name.
    • Christians never pray to saints, deceased relatives, the Virgin Mary, or anyone, or anything other than God the Father in Jesus’ Name.
    • People who do pray to angels, saints, Mary, etc., are indulging in spiritism and the occult, sins that are expressly forbidden and condemned in the Bible. De. 18:10-11, Lev. 20:6,27, Gal. 5:19-21, Rev. 21:8, 22:15.That is one of the many reasons Why Catholics are not Christian.
    • Christians do not use objects to facilitate prayer or worship, that is idolatry, and God detests idolatry. 1 Co. 5:10, 6:9, Gal. 5:20, 1 Pe. 4:3. We don’t need; crosses, beads, icons, pictures, altars, incense, medallions, talismans, charms, relics, bones, “holy water”, or any other religious paraphernalia, to contact God. We have faith in the Name of Jesus, and His authority to use that Name, and it is all we ever need. Jn. 16:23-28, Acts 3:16. 4:9-12.(Note: The biblical use of anointing oil, and Paul using aprons, handkerchiefs, and prayer cloths are not to facilitate prayer or worship, they are a means of transferring the anointing and stimulating faith in the recipient. Acts 19:11-12.)

    Okay, that covers praying; but what about when a spirit manifests, or delivers a message during the operation of the Spiritual Gifts in accordance with 1 Co. 12?

    We are to prove (or test) all things, because God tells us to prove everything, holding onto the good and rejecting the bad. 1 Th. 5:19-22, 1 Jn. 4:1.

    How do you verify a spirit?

    Easily; pay attention to the witness of the Holy Spirit in your heart, and compare what the manifesting spirit says, and does, with the written word of God. 1 Co. 14:29, 1 Jn. 4:1.

    Keep in mind that some people try to operate the Spiritual Gifts in their flesh, without genuine anointing, especially when learning to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

    In such cases, it is better to gently point out to them where they are going wrong; correcting them in love, so they are not discouraged from seeking the Gifts. The Bible says we must have the Gifts operating, so we want to encourage their correct use in Bible order: Not frighten believers away from using them. 1 Co. Chs. 12-14.

    How to distinguish if a spirit is from God or the Devil

    If you get a “check” in your spirit, or something doesn’t fit with the Bible, then immediately dismiss it with, “The LORD Rebuke you Satan!” and it will go where the LORD sends it.

    Evil spirits always resolutely refuse to accept that Christ came in the flesh, so challenge them as instructed in the Bible. 1 Jn. 4:1.

    Even if a true angel of God comes to me, but brings a different Gospel from the one Paul preached, I’d rebuke it immediately in the Name of Jesus, and it would have to flee. Gal. 1:8.

    You see, God’s angels still have a free-will, and could rebel like the third of angels who rebelled along with the Archangel Lucifer.

    So we must allow freedom for supernatural encounters in our fellowships, but test everything against Scripture, and use the inner witness of God to discern if it is genuine or not.

    Christians follow Christ: Not angels

    Finally, let me make clear; we believe in the LORD Jesus Christ, not in any-old supernatural manifestation that comes along. We seek Him: Not experiences or angels.

    And all God’s Angels shout Amen!

    © 11 Colin Melbourne

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