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Listen to God’s Voice

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    © 09 Colin Melbourne

    Hearing The Voice of God

    Q: Jesus said that those who belong to God hear what God says, does that mean when we are born again we hear God speaking to us?

    A: If you mean in an audible voice, you remind me of a minister’s daughter who was struggling with her salvation.

    She asked me about Isaiah 30:19-21 speaking of hearing a voice behind us saying, “this is the way; walk ye in it“. She expected to hear a voice, and was deeply troubled because she couldn’t.

    God can indeed speak to us in an audible voice (Mtt. 17:5, Lk. 3:22, Rev. 1:10-12) but this is not what Isaiah was talking about.

    People who crave to hear audible voices are in great danger of being deceived by demons.

    At His final Passover, Christ pointed out how exceptional it was to hear God’s Voice audibly. Jn. 12:27-30 KJV, notice verse 30;

    Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.

    That was a very special event to make a point. (Ask the Lord to show you what the point was.)

    Yes, believers do hear what God says, but through their spiritual ears not their physical auditory ears.

    Spiritual Revelation

    Christ also said that He only did what He saw His Father do (Jn. 5:19-20) and that His Father showed Him all He does.

    Jesus was talking not about His physical eyes, but the eyes of His Spirit.

    The Holy Spirit wrote about this in 1 Co. 2:8-16 KJV; notice;

    Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard… but God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit.

    In verse 14 we see that unbelievers cannot understand the things of the Spirit because they are spiritually discerned.

    Discerned not through the physical senses, but through our spirit.

    This is such a precious position we have through the Blood of Christ.

    How you can be led by the Spirit of God: It is vital for new Christians to learn to listen to the Lord in their daily walk. He guides us by His Spirit in our spirits.

    God Switches on the Bible

    When a sinner repents and receives Christ as Lord, he is born again, and becomes a new creation in Christ, instantly.

    His previously blind spiritual eyes and deaf spiritual ears are opened. He can see, hear and understand the things of God, as revealed by the Holy Spirit, both through the written word, the Holy Bible, and directly through the Spirit in his heart.

    God Switches on Believers

    That is why new believers are amazed how the Bible comes alive, and after receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, why they suddenly become sensitive to God’s leading. Their spiritual eyes and ears are open, and they hear God speaking to them in their spirits, and perceive what He’s showing them.

    That is what Jesus and Isaiah were talking about, and it’s great fun.

    Infinitely Better than an iPod

    Recall how crowds literally chased after Christ to hear Him, He nipped across a lake to find some space to be alone with His Father, but the crowds whizzed round to find Him there too.

    Today under this New Covenant, we don’t have to run anywhere to listen to God teaching and leading us, because believers have Him in their hearts ready to direct our every step by His Spirit, if we just take the time to listen and obey.

    No wonder the Bible calls this a better Covenant. (Heb. 8:6).

    © 09 Colin Melbourne

    Image of book on Holy Spirit

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