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How to Start Burning Churches!

    Image of flames burning cc0

    © 20 Colin Melbourne

    Is Your Church on Fire?

    If not, get out quick, and find real believers to fellowship with before it is too late.

    The only fellowships that will survive these Final Days before Christ returns are those which are on fire, burning with zeal for The LORD Jesus Christ.

    Moribund, lukewarm, and dead, denominational “places of worship” will be swallowed up in the antiChrist spirit’s push for One World Religion. Compromisers will think it odd that genuine believers refuse to kow-tow to the spirit of the world, and mere church-ianity.

    Father’s children have no place for the token rites and formalism of man’s worship and lip-service: They follow the Living Christ, and do exploits in His Name. Halleluia!

    No flesh can glory in His Presence, and Almighty God lives inside born again spirits, His Spirit leading, prompting, nudging in the way of life, and for Christ’s Glory.

    When you are truly filled with God’s Spirit He burns to ashes every lingering flesh-work in you.

    Nothing less than doing the Spirit’s bidding satisfies a genuine child of God, because nothing else nourishes Heaven’s children. And all the saints shout, Amen!

    If there are no burning churches in your town: Ask Father to melt your heart in His crucible so you burst into flame and start one!

    “How?” you ask.

    Simply discard your own plans, follow the Living God, and do what He says. Walk in His love, in His light, holding out living words to all around you, and He will do the rest.

    Jesus said He would build His church: Not Peter and not you! Matt. 16:18 KJV;

    And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

    We merely have to be obedient to His words, not man’s words.

    Palaces of Worship

    You’ve noticed that men spend fortunes building “palaces of worship”, raising funds to realise their ambitions: That’s not God’s way of building His church!

    Lord help us to comprehend how infinitely more glorious is your way.

    One Woman and God

    An example from my recent experience.

    A Spirit-filled believer living amidst a stronghold of catholicism and false religion, sought the Lord for how He wanted to use her.

    Is that what you seek Him for?

    She had little funding of her own, but He told her He’d supply all she needed to start a Spirit-filled fellowship, and childlike, she believed Him.

    Doubled in a Week

    That week He sent another like-minded believer across her path, and the two women earnestly sought the Lord together.

    Have you noticed how the Lord likes to use us in pairs?

    Godly Covetousness

    One of them had a relative who owned a dusty old warehouse in the poorest part of town, and the Lord nudged her to ask the owner if he had any plans to use it.

    Yes, of course he had; he wanted to rent it out as an engineering workshop, so the two women continued praying. It wasn’t long, until the relative changed his mind, and gave the two believers permission to use the warehouse for their ministry.

    Divine Planning Permission

    Word soon got around, local government officials became interested in their plans to build a church on an industrial site.

    “We haven’t got any plans, we are just doing what the Lord tells us to do.” was their response to officialdom.

    Remember that answer, you’ll also need it.

    Only Doers of The Word Get Results

    They continued seeking the Lord in prayer, and basic things they required began to trickle in; Some surplus carpeting was donated, electric wiring was installed by a volunteer, a few plastic chairs, a used sofa, and a wooden table.

    In the space of a few weeks the two women had made the run down warehouse into a usable centre for Christian worship.

    I’d heard about the women, but had never met them, they didn’t know me, nor had I ever been to the warehouse.

    An Errand for The LORD

    One night, the Lord woke me around 3 am., and told me to go to a certain street in their town, and to take a hundred Gospel booklets with me. So, bleary eyed, I dressed, grabbed a plastic bag of Gospel material, and walked through the darkness to town. Following the Lord’s leading, four miles later I arrived in the street He had mentioned.

    “Right Lord, I’m here, now what do I do?”

    Remember that question, you’ll need to ask it too.

    It was dark, a featureless street of industrial brick buildings with wire-grilled windows and steel-shuttered doors adorned with graffiti. No trace of a new fellowship anywhere. A rusty sign advertised rat poison.

    “Go and sit by that door across the street.”

    So at about 4:30 am. I sat on the bag I’d brought, and waited for the Lord to tell me what to do next.

    He told me to to pray for the new fellowship whilst I waited.

    As I prayed, I became excited in my spirit, a sure sign the Lord’s Sap is flowing.

    I thought police or security guards might arrive and ask me what I was doing there. I would appear like a vagrant, or junkie, dossing in a doorway. I decided I’d just tell them the truth, and let the Lord sort it out.

    A couple of hours later, I stretched my legs looking around the street wondering if I’d missed a notice in the twilight, but only spotted a tyre and exhaust repair place, however, when I returned I found the shuttered door was now open, so I went inside.

    There I found a solitary woman sweeping the floor. She looked up surprised and asked me what I wanted.

    “The LORD woke me this morning, and told me to bring these to a new fellowship in this street, but I can’t find it.”

    She smiled, took the bag of Gospel booklets, her face lit up, she praised the Lord, and told me the booklets were yet another answer to her prayers.

    She was a Rhema Bible school graduate and I’d just handed her 100 copies of The New Birth by Kenneth E. Hagin.

    This was the first day she’d opened the door of her new fellowship to all visitors, and I was the very first!

    Who sent me?

    Soon others began to arrive, we sat on donated chairs, and sofa, and enjoyed a wonderful time of Spirit-filled prayer and joyful fellowship as the two women shared how the Lord had supplied everything we were using, free of charge.

    That is how the Lord works.

    Do you think He will continue to grow that baby fellowship after a start like that?

    I know He will, simply because two women caught fire, and began wholeheartedly to seek and obey Him.

    That’s all it takes, and you can do likewise where you live.


    Let’s Get More Churches Burning!

    © 20 Colin Melbourne

    Image of K. Hagin book The New Birth

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