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How Do I Become a Christian?

    Image of a lady seeking the salvation of God

    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    The Holy Bible Way To Be a Christian

    Q: What do I have to do to become a Christian?

    A: Marvellous question!

    To become a Christian does not involve any ceremony, ritual, rites, or religious rigmarole whatsoever.

    Nor is it essential for any other person to be involved.

    You can settle the matter right where you are sitting, and become a real Christian today, simply by doing what the Holy Bible says you must do to be a Christian.

    Here’s a brief seven point outline; follow the links and study the articles carefully for the details, and the relevant Holy Bible scriptures.

    1) What is a Christian? Understand what being a Christian means

    A Christian is a follower of the LORD Jesus Christ. A person who trusts in Him as Almighty God in the Flesh, who believes in Him as their LORD, and only Saviour, and who obeys His teachings.
    Christianity is not a religion, it is the life of God in a believer in Christ. His life comes into you when you are Spiritually Born Again.

    Being a Christian is far more than church attendance, and mental assent to the teaching of Christ. Many people go to church, and read the Holy Bible, who are not Christian in truth, but only in name, nominal Christians, unsaved and Hell-bound.

    A genuine Christian follows the teachings of Christ from their heart because they truly believe in Him, love Him, and want to please God. They have discovered that Christ is alive in them by His Spirit, and follow His leading in all things.

    2) To become a Christian you must first hear the Gospel and understand the message

    The Gospel is the Good News of what the LORD Jesus Christ has done for each one of us, by His life, death, and resurrection from the dead.

    A sinner must hear the Gospel proclaimed, or read it for themselves, and comprehend what it means.

    3) To become a Christian you must understand who Jesus Christ really is

    Almighty God in the Flesh. The Holy Spirit makes this plain to those who hear the Gospel message. Unless you believe that Jesus is Almighty God in the Flesh, you will perish in your sins.

    4) To become a Christian you must believe in your heart that Christ is LORD

    And believe that He rose from the dead according to the Holy Bible scriptures, then receive Him into your heart as Saviour. This is a conscious deliberate act of your will, your personal choice, nobody can fake it. The Lord will not come into your heart unless you sincerely believe in Him according to His true teachings in the Holy Bible.

    5) To become a Christian you must confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord of Heaven and Earth

    He is Almighty God made Flesh. You don’t have to know the Bible verses right away, or the doctrinal details, you just have to take it on faith, and tell people.

    6) To become a Christian you must be willing to turn away from all sin: To repent

    Unless you are willing to repent and change your lifestyle, it is no use trying to receive Christ as your Lord. He simply will not come into you until you voluntarily yield your whole heart to Him, for His glory.

    Don’t be afraid, and thereby hold onto some pet-sin that is dragging you to Hell, just be willing to give it up, then receive Christ as Lord. He’ll give you His New Life with power to conquer every temptation. You’ll be so happy after you have let go of all your invisible burden of sins.

    7) To become a Christian you must follow Christ as your LORD

    This means He is your God, and you prove your faith in Him is real by obeying His teachings, walking in His love, power and grace. Many fudge this, and so fall back into sin because of their disobedience. When you walk in fellowship with Jesus you get continuous blessing, which feeds your faith in Him. The more you obey, the more you want to please Him.

    Okay, that’s a brief summary, now study the linked articles, do what they say, and you will become a real Christian.

    © 11 Colin Melbourne

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