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How to Worship God

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    © 19 Colin Melbourne

    True Worshippers

    A sinner-woman asked God in The Flesh how He should be worshipped, she mistakenly assumed the location was important, Jn. 4:19-24 KJV;

    The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.

    Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

    Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

    God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

    Where the Heart is

    That dear Samaritan woman was typical of how the lost think.

    They imagine worship of Our Creator is through a religious routine, ceremony, or ritual.

    Especially for You Lord!

    So they seek to satisfy and please the One who made all things, by making something to offer Him.

    Where I live, this is usually in the form of a sacrifice such as; chickens, pigs, cattle, candles, incense sticks, building shrines, and ornate temples of various designs.

    My Beliefs: My Way

    In the West; sinners specialise in pocket-religions of every description, rather than spend their hard-earned cash.

    Participating in weekly religious entertainments is sufficient for many to retain a sense of self-respect, often combined with contributing to some “worthy cause” of their choice.

    Dead Works

    They see these as acts of worship.

    Many Christians perceive attending Church services as an act of worship, singing hymns, and songs, and listening to a sermon based on the Holy Bible.

    Is that what God calls worship?

    Not at all!

    The Top of His Staff

    To get a sense of true worship, meditate on this precious scripture, Heb. 11:21 KJV;

    By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.

    Ever since I was saved on 16th. January 1988, that phrase has been seared on my spirit, Jacob… worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.

    It encapsulates the heart of the Gospel.

    Can you see it?

    You Died With Christ

    Jacob was a rogue, and he knew it.

    He’d colluded with his Mum, and tricked his twin brother Esau, out of his rightful inheritance.

    You would not want to buy a used car from Jacob, nor let him baby-sit your children.

    Yet Almighty God had honoured His word of promise to Jacob, and showed grace after grace towards him, finally witnessing to his spirit that He would indeed confirm the blessing he’d just pronounced on Joseph’s two sons. Jacob knew God was going to make good what he just uttered. So Jacob’s heart melted before God in adoration.

    We know the feeling, don’t we?

    If you don’t, you’ve not yet met The LORD Jesus Christ, and need to be saved.

    But every born again believer is familiar with what Jacob experienced as he lay a dying, and with the earnest heart-felt worship that bubbled up in his spirit.

    In Spirit and Truth

    Notice; no superb organ music, no sweet choral singing, no offerings, no uplifting sermon, no carefully arranged order of ceremonies, and best of all… no intermediary required.

    By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.

    Oh what a tender scene; Where we see Jacob on his death-bed blessing Joseph’s two sons in Genesis 48. Think how Jacob’s 147 year-old heart was thrilled by the realisation that; not only was his supposed-dead and favourite son, Joseph, still alive, but God had also now enabled him to hug and bless his precious grandchildren too!

    Immediately, Jacob received the heart witness of God’s overwhelming grace and mercy to the old rascal, and the Patriarch worshipped in spirit and in truth.

    God’s Infinite Grace

    Weak and dying, he elbowed himself up to bless the two toddlers, and the Holy Ghost adds in Heb. 11:21 that he leaned on the top of his staff for support.

    It had been with him all through his earthly pilgrimage.

    Your Rod and Staff

    Just as yours has been with you too, hasn’t it?

    Image of Welsh mountains cc0

    Mount Snowdon in Wales

    In my veterinary student days, I was given a willow staff by a Welsh shepherd, for assisting him through the lambing season of 1976.

    It’s freezing cold in the mountains of Snowdonia during lambing time. The shepherd was as hard as nails, and I respected him, so was honoured to have his staff as a memento.

    However, it is as nothing compared to the Staff which Father has given His children to lean upon and worship.

    Throughout the Old Testament, the rod and staff of God, support, and empower His prophets and messengers.

    They represent the only support New Covenant believers dare rely upon; Gods Living Word, and God’s Spirit.

    His Word and Spirit are our Rod and Staff, we depend on nothing else.

    We do not look to the aid of flesh, neither our own, nor any person: We rely on God alone.

    It is He who has brought us from sin and darkness into this glorious redemption in Christ Jesus.

    Whatever we are that is good, is God’s doing.

    All that we have done that is good, and eternal, is by the power of God’s Spirit.

    Our flesh counts for nothing.

    We stand dying, and dead, leaning upon our Staff, and worship because Father is pleased to work through His redeemed vessels of clay.

    By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.

    That is worship.

    Praise Him you Saints!

    © 19 Colin Melbourne

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