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Life Through The Spirit

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    © 11 Colin Melbourne

    Divine Health Insurance

    In Jesus Christ: Super-Star we read that every born again believer has the Spirit of God living in them. Next we discover what God says this means for the health of your body. Rom. 8:11 KJV;

    But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

    Now here we have a statement from Almighty God, upon which you can stake your life. Indeed you must, in order to walk in the perfect health He died to give you.

    Father longs for you to put your whole trust in His Living Word.

    When you do, you will want for nothing.

    Inoculated with The Word

    Many Christians have skated over this passage, failed to comprehend it, and died prematurely of disease simply because of ignorance of what God has declared.

    Don’t let that happen to you.

    Be inoculated with God’s vaccine, His Spirit-adjuvanated word, and live the full, healthy, productive life God planned for you.

    Read out loud Rom. 8:11b KJV;

    …he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

    Disease and Death Defeated Forever

    On the third day, having paid your sin debt once and for all, Father raised up Jesus by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit.

    Christ was perfectly healed despite having borne the sins, diseases, and infirmities of mankind just a few hours beforehand. Is. 53:4, Mtt. 8:17, 2 Co. 5:21, 1 Pe. 2:24.

    Not a token selection of sins, diseases and infirmities, but all the sins, and sicknesses of everyone who ever lived, or ever will live, including yours. Is. 53:4-5, 1 Pe. 2:24.

    Christ bore them, so a child of God doesn’t ever have to bear them, and the same Holy Spirit who healed Him, and raised Him from the dead, is living in you right now.

    Believe, Receive, Confess

    Receive this Bible truth like a little child, and your diseases and infirmities will disappear forever.

    Once you have come to Christ and been born of God, there’s only one life in you, the life of Christ, the Holy Spirit bringing eternal life to your mortal flesh. Rom. 8:11.

    This scripture is not talking about the resurrection when Christ returns; it refers to believers with mortal bodies, you and I, now.

    It cannot be about the resurrection of the dead, because in the grave your body is no longer mortal. It is already dead. This verse says He gives life to your mortal body, meaning while it is alive, and still subject to death.

    Now you see it. Praise God!

    The Devil is Disarmed

    Therefore, when Satan comes along with his weapons of disease, dysfunction, toxins, viruses, bacteria, and parasites; agents that bring death and destruction to God’s creatures, they attempt to gain a hold in your body.

    But they are overcome immediately by the Spirit of Life who is empowering every cell of your mortal body.

    The Life of Christ, the Spirit of God is in you, in your spirit; healing, fixing, and maintaining your body in perfect working order all the time, because you are a believer in Jesus.

    If you don’t know this truth, you cannot believe it, and if you do not believe it, Satan can trick you out of your new-birth right to perfect health, just as he tricked Adam out of his divine-rights.

    Now that you know the truth, declare it boldly, and stand firm when the enemy tries to attack your body.

    Resist the Devil and His Symptoms

    How does a Christian resist sickness and disease?

    Faithfully use the word of God just as Jesus did.

    When you are alerted to an attack, or symptom of disease, rebuke it in Jesus’ Name, and command it to leave you.

    Disease and infirmity have no right to lodge in your body, because Jesus bore your diseases and infirmities in His body, to set you free.

    You tell Satan, the bringer of disease, and death;

    “It is written: Since the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in me, He who raised Christ from the dead gives life to my mortal body through His Spirit, who lives in me now! So GO from me Satan, and take all your sickness and symptoms with you now in Jesus’ Name!”

    The Spirit of God will confirm the word as you steadfastly believe and put your faith into action; all trace of sickness will leave you.

    Now that you’ve begun to understand the basic principle of Divine healing, read these anointed sermons of Smith Wigglesworth on Healing building your faith to receive perfect health from God, all the time.

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    © 11 Colin Melbourne

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