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God’s Law

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    © 07 Colin Melbourne

    The 10 Commandments

    Q: I would like to know am I governed by, or am I supposed to live by, the Ten Commandments? Gertrude

    A: Wonderful question Gertrude. Many Christians claim to live by them, thus utterly deceiving themselves, they completely miss the point of God giving them to us.

    The truth is that nobody has ever kept the Ten Commandments, except Christ.

    He fulfilled the Law for you, and made a new, living way to approach God, that is far better than the Old Covenant. (Ac. 13:39, Ro. 6:14, Heb. 10:19-20.)

    The purpose of the Law is beautifully summarised here by John Bradford.

    Read it, and ask Jesus to help you understand.

    Then praise God that He has instituted a New Covenant of Grace, through the Blood of the only Man to have kept the Law perfectly. Rejoice you Saints!

    Born God’s child?

    Q: Are we all God’s children, is everyone a child of God?

    A: Certainly not! That’s an heretical false teaching promoted by Catholics and the Ecumenical Movement, it flatly contradicts the word of God.

    Only Christ was born on Earth a child of God, everyone else was born a child of the Devil, with the sinful nature inherited from our ancestors, Adam and Eve. Jn. 8:23,44, Ro. 3:9-18, 1 Jn. 3:8-10. (Remember, the first couple were created, not born, and quickly forfeited their divine sonship.)

    That is why each of us must be born again.

    We instantly switch fathers, and natures, receiving the righteousness of God by faith in Christ. Jn. Ch.3, Ro. 3:21-24.

    Your naughty child is still your child

    Q: It really helped to read your answer regarding saltiness, and backsliding. How does this affect you as a Christian? Some would say you would lose your salvation. I don’t believe that, but it seems something is lost. Cee

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    A: A backslider tragically loses fellowship with Father, but not their relationship with Him.

    This is clear in my comments about lost salt.

    I hope you understand the difference between fellowship and relationship. (See also my response to the Losing your Salvation old chestnut, and Heb. 6 and 10.)

    Does God Forgive Homosexuals?

    Q: I’m trying to fight this problem, I don’t know if God will forgive me, will I ever see Heaven? What can I do? Tim

    A: Of course God forgives homosexuals, as long as they are willing to repent and follow the LORD Jesus Christ. He came to save sinners, and He does, 1 Co. 6:9-11 is perfectly clear about this.

    Sodomites and lesbians who refuse to repent and be saved can expect the same Judgment God poured out on Sodom, as a warning to all homosexuals and perverts. See Does God Hate Homosexuals?

    When you are born again you will receive power to overcome every sin, including homosexuality, through simple heart faith in Christ.

    Read John’s Gospel; understand the message, and when you are willing to repent and follow Christ, do what the Bible says you must do to Become a Christian. Then get into a good Spirit-filled fellowship, and be sure to receive the Power Baptism after you are saved.

    Should I take the Alpha course?

    Q: Can you tell me if the Alpha courses are a good thing to do or not, I read some criticisms on the internet, and now I’m not sure. Jeff

    A: The Alpha (‘discipleship’) course was created in the 90s by a handful of lukewarm Anglicans in London. Anglicans, (aka. Church of England, Church of Scotland, and Episcopalian in America) are firmly entrenched in Satan’s Ecumenical Movement.

    Anglicanism developed from Catholicism.

    We thank God for the stout-hearted Reformers who exposed the heresies of Rome, but after a good start, Anglicans soon slipped back into bed with Catholics, nominalism, and religion.

    Very few are genuinely saved.

    Anglicans still delight in false-doctrine, and idolatry, and are best avoided for that reason.

    When one noted Anglican actually got saved, he was thrown out, his name is John Wesley. They haven’t changed Jeff.

    When a C of E vicar got Baptised in the Holy Spirit early in the Charismatic Revival, he too was cold-shouldered. But God raised him up to be the UK’s foremost revivalist.

    The Alpha course is like putting a racing saddle on a mule, or go-faster stripes onto a Ford Prefect. That’s fine if you enjoy looking silly at the races, but if you want to follow the LORD Jesus Christ, get out and find a real Christian Spirit-filled fellowship.

    © 07 Colin Melbourne

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