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Fellowship With God

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    © 04 Colin Melbourne

    In The Carpenter’s Arms

    Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him, that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake. He then lying on Jesus’ breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it?

    Holy Bible Jn. 13:23-25 KJV

    There is a place of perfect tranquility for the troubled soul; a place where the burdened and guilty, the oppressed and anxious, will find complete rest.

    The Word of the Lord has come, and calls to the unloved, to every outcast, and sinner:

    Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

    Mtt. 11:28 KJV

    Christ calls us to come to Him for rest. Not to temples, idols, or the vaulted grandeur of religious buildings. But to Him. Not to; priests, Mary, vicars, pastors, or gurus: To Him.

    Idols or Grace: Religion or Truth?

    Throw away those candles, beads, and useless sacrifices; destroy those idols, which stand between you and God. They neither appease His wrath, nor take away your guilt; they are an offence to Him.

    He has made a way, the only way, for even the vilest sinner to be washed clean, and stand holy in His sight. Not through the water of baptism, rituals, sacraments and rites, but through the water of His Word: The LORD Jesus Christ. Almighty God in the Flesh. His perfect redemption, promised of old, and completed at Calvary, once and for all.

    Do you want it sinner?

    Do you want that, you religious people?

    Then come to Jesus now.

    There was a time when solace and sanctuary were found in obeying the Law and Temple sacrifices. In fear of his life, David clung to the horns of the altar, and drew strength, and peace from God. That way has now gone. It was only a shadow of what was to come.

    For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

    Ro. 10:4 KJV

    David and Abraham could only glimpse from afar what we have today in the LORD Jesus Christ. By grace, we have righteousness and full redemption, we are free from the law of sin and death: Ours is perfect victory, and peace that passes understanding.

    The religious and idolaters know nothing of this.

    They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy. Jo. 2:8 KJV

    “Lying vanities” refers to idols of any kind. “Forsake their own mercy” means they forfeit the grace that could be theirs. Choose now: Idols or grace, you can’t have both.

    Once you’ve sampled the true grace of God, and have fellowship with Him, you will detest idolatry of all kinds.

    Grace means it’s free. You cannot pay for your salvation, so don’t even try.

    Take it freely from the Hand of God, or carry on chewing nails of religion and pedalling your treadmill.

    Hearing God’s Heartbeat

    The Apostle John lay on Christ’s bosom, a sinner in the arms of God. John was not yet born again; he couldn’t be until after the resurrection. He was clean through the word he had received (Jn. 15:3), but still a sinner in nature. (Which are you: a sinner or a saint?)

    Bosom; means the front of the chest, between the arms. In Bible days, people wore loose garments, with a belt, much like Hill-tribe people do today. This forms a pouch in front, which is used like a pocket to protect their precious things.

    The fisherman, John, rested his head upon the bosom of Christ.

    Tell me who received most pleasure from this? Was it John; feeling the warmth, and peace of acceptance; or was it God in the Flesh, on His way to Hell and Glory for the sinner in His arms?

    He came to His own, but they rejected Him, except for the handful who believed He was the Christ. He loved them, and they loved Him in return.

    It must’ve been years after John was born again, that he began to really comprehend what he’d been through. But by the time he wrote his letters in exile, he surely understood more than most, upon Whose breast he’d lain, and what this means for you and me.

    Life from God: Not Dead Religion

    In his youth he heard God’s heart beat, in maturity he tells us:

    That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;

    1 Jn. 1:1 KJV

    More than a man, more than a Carpenter: He is the Word of life.

    He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

    1 Jn. 5:12 KJV

    Have you got life, eternal life, the life of God in your heart? You will have it today when you repent and believe the Good News of Christ.

    A friend of mine who calls himself a Christian, is a deacon in his denominational ‘church’. He goes into ‘The Carpenter’s Arms’ every night. It’s a public house in his village; he’d be lost without his daily bellyful of beer.

    The truth is, he’s lost with it. He’s unsaved and still in his sins. He has religion, but he doesn’t have Christ. He has rituals and ‘holy routines’, but he doesn’t have life. You know people like that don’t you? Will you wake them up?

    When you’re in The Carpenters Arms you’ll only ever get drunk on His Spirit.

    And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

    Eph. 5:18 KJV

    What need do you have of anaesthetic alcohol or mood changing pills when you have peace with God, and joy unspeakable?

    Whoever is Thirsty, Let Him Come

    You backsliders who’ve been wallowing in the deceitful pleasures of sin after knowing Christ’s love: get right now.

    When you are in Jesus’ arms, you will have fellowship with God. Fellowship; friendship, on the same wavelength, in harmony, on the same level, doing the same thing. Togetherness.

    Fellowship with Jesus Christ: having the same mind, love, peace, and purpose: to please and honour God the Father.

    Fellowship in Christ’s mission: to bring people into the presence of God. Not from religious compulsion to earn credit, but through sincere compassion, reflecting God’s grace.

    Fellowship with Almighty God.

    Is there anything more lovely this side of Heaven?

    Nothing else comes close.

    John leaned on Christ’s breast, so intimate he could whisper a question, and hear the reply. God wants you there Beloved.

    Sinner! He’s calling you home: Repent and believe The Carpenter is God in the Flesh, who paid for your sins, that He lives and offers you full pardon and eternal life.

    Backslider! Slide back into the place you were made for. You’ll never have peace any other way.

    Come into The Carpenter’s Arms right now

    They are open wide, and waiting…

    © 04 Colin Melbourne

    Predestined to be a Calvinist?

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