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Dream Interpretation

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    © 08 Colin Melbourne

    What does my dream mean?

    Q: I dreamt my husband got two women pregnant, and they both had twins, and even the dog had twins. What in the world does this mean? Angela

    A: It means you shouldn’t eat prawns and chocolate ice cream, because they give you weird dreams.

    God’s children are led by the Spirit of God: The Holy Spirit in their hearts. Ro. 8:14. It always agrees with the written word of God in the Holy Bible. This is what we follow, not dream interpretations. The Devil deceives his children with dreams and false visions. Look at the poor Catholics led astray by “Mary” apparitions, idols, and demonic dreams.

    In the Old Covenant you will read of people given dreams from God, and of course He can do this under the New Covenant too (Ac. 2:17), but it is not the main way He leads His kids.

    Bibles to last a lifetime: If a dream is from God it will not contradict the Scriptures. Be sure you know them, and the crucial difference between the Covenants.

    If you are a Christian, and God gives you a dream, you will understand it without asking anybody. Here’s a good example from John Wesley, who received a powerful dream from the Lord.

    Each time I have had a dream from God, I knew it was from Him, and exactly what it meant. I instantly obeyed and was greatly blessed. All other dreams I just ignore, and you would be wise to do the same. Asking people to interpret your dreams is opening a door into the occult.

    Eyes of the heart

    Q: What does it mean to open “the eyes of your heart”? Lissa

    A: Isn’t it a wonderful expression? The Holy Spirit uses it in Eph. 1:18 in the NIV 1984; the KJV has the “eyes of your understanding”, and Tyndale 1534 has, “the eyes of your minds”. By this you can tell it means spiritual revelation from God; the opposite of the spiritual blindness Christ accused the Pharisees of in Mtt. 23 and Jn. 9:39-4.

    It ties in perfectly with 1 Co. 2:9-16. Read that passage now.

    Recall how you struggled to understand the Bible when you were a sinner, and what difference came once you were saved and Spirit-filled! It is the Spirit that gives life and revelation. Theologians only know the dead word in a Book, in contrast, Christians have the Living Word inside them. Oh Glory! Let’s go and share this good stuff.

    What is my purpose?

    Q: I’m a born again Christian. I love the Lord my God with all that I am. I truly accept Jesus in my life, and in my heart. Why can’t I find my purpose? Why is it so hard for me to understand what the Bible is saying. Why do I feel alone, when I know God is there? Johnien

    A: Your purpose is written clearly in Mtt. 28:18-20 and Mk. 16:15-18. To fulfil it you will need the power Christ offers you. Lk. 24:49 Ac. 1:4-5. When you get the power baptism there will be no stopping you.

    © 08 Colin Melbourne

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